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barked是什么意思 barked的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:40
  • 331

barked是什么意思 barked的中文翻译、读音、例句


英文原句:The dog barked at the postman.





例句:'Woof! Woof!' he barked. (“汪!汪!”它叫着。)


例句:The dogs barked and whined as the men buckled on their leashes. (当那些人扣紧皮带的时候,警犬在吠叫、哀鸣。)


例句:And this man came to the door and kind of barked something in Korean. (随后一个男人走出来,对着贤淑嚷了几句韩文。)


例句:If it's true that if the dog did not know the visitor well the dog would have barked, if it's a good guide dog. (翻译:如果他是真的,如果狗不认识访客,狗就会叫,如果是个好的导向狗。)


1. And this man came to the door and kind of barked something in Korean. (翻译:随后一个男人走出来,对着贤淑嚷了几句韩文。)

2. If it's true that if the dog did not know the visitor well the dog would have barked, if it's a good guide dog. (翻译:如果他是真的,如果狗不认识访客,狗就会叫,如果是个好的导向狗。)

3. "I want no such compliments," Hook barked petulantly. (翻译:“我不要这样的恭维。”胡克暴躁地咆哮着。)

4. Mother talks as well as, feeling look like being barked time to the sand by the sweetmeat , very troublesome. (翻译:妈妈边讲,边觉得像吃甜食时咬到沙子一样,非常别扭。)

5. And this man came to the door and kind of barked something in Korean. (翻译:随后一个男人走出来,对着贤淑嚷了几句韩文。我就翻译:“他说了啥?” )

6. He barked as if he were a real watchdog: Bow, wow, wow! (翻译:他就像一只真正的看门狗一样叫着:汪,汪,汪! )

7. He pulled to the side of the road, and Trooper McWilliams rushed over with his flashlight. "You've got to keep moving! " the officer barked. (翻译:他把车停在了一边,骑警姆斯带着他的闪光灯冲过来大叫到:“你一直在行驶!”)

8. I used to live in the suburbs, but the dogs always barked at night when they came around. (翻译:我以前住在郊外,但是... 夜里他们靠近,狗就乱吠)

9. He barked questions at her. (翻译:他厉声质问她。)

10. Then she climbed down from the fence and walked up to it, while Toto ran around the pole and barked. (翻译:于是她从短墙上爬下来,走到她那里去,这时候托托在竹竿的四周跑着,吠着。)

11. That dog has barked from that balcony since I was a kid. (翻译:这只狗从我小时候就在那里叫 这里什么都不会变)

12. She barked out an order. (翻译:她厉声宣布命令。)

13. He barked his knuckles on the doorjamb. (翻译:他碰在门侧柱上擦破了指关节处的皮。)

14. Vicious as they are, they would have barked if... (翻译:- 那些狗那么凶,他们应该吠叫如果... ...)

15. Thin-barked, fire-sensitive small trees filled in the gaps, and our forests became dense, with trees so layered and close together that they were touching each other. (翻译:是那些树皮很薄,容易着火的小树, 我们的森林变得浓密, 层层叠叠,距离很近, 互相紧挨着。)


'barked'这个单词是 'bark' 的过去式和过去分词形式。 'bark' 的基本意思是指狗发出的叫声,经常用来形容其他动物发出的叫声。从以下三个方面来解释 'barked' :

1. 定义

'barked' 表示狗发出的叫声,通常是咆哮、吼叫和咬牙切齿的声音。除了形容狗的叫声之外,'barked' 还可以用于描述其他动物发出的咆哮、吠叫或嘶鸣声。

2. 用法

'barked' 作为过去式和过去分词是及物动词 'bark' 的形式之一,可以用于现在完成时和过去完成时等时态。常见搭配包括:barked at(对某物或某人叫),barked out(大声叫喊)以及barked up the wrong tree(采用错误的方法或方法寻找答案)等。


- The dog barked at the mailman as he walked by.(狗叫着郵差走过)

- The lion barked loudly in the zoo last night.(昨晚动物园里的狮子大声咆哮)

- He barked out orders to his subordinates.(他大声叫喊着对下属下达指令)

- The neighbor’s dog barked all night.(邻居家的狗整晚都在叫)

- The police officer realized that he had barked up the wrong tree with his investigation.(意识到他在调查中采用了错误的方法)

3. 引申义

'barked' 还可以用作动词的引申义,例如,表示强烈地咳嗽,表示抱怨或责备的语气等。


- She barked out a cough and her throat felt raw.(她强忍着咳嗽,喉咙感觉很痛)

- He barked at his colleague for not finishing the report.(他因同事没有完成报告而责备对方)

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