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roas是什么意思 roas的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:08
  • 269

roas是什么意思 roas的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The company constantly monitors the roas to ensure that they are getting the most out of their advertising budget. (公司不断监测广告支出回报率,以确保他们在广告预算上获得最大效益。)

2. By improving our targeting and messaging, we were able to increase our roas by 25%. (通过改进我们的定位和信息传递,我们成功将广告支出回报率提高了25%。)




例句:Separate multiple options, such as remount and ro, with commas. (用逗号分隔多个选项,比如 remount 和 ro。)


例句:We haven't seen you lately, but I'm so busy and Ro 's pregnant so we haven't seen anyone. (我们近来没有见到你, 但是我如此忙碌,而且 Ro 是怀孕的, 因此我们没有见到任何人。)


1. With the new mutation... we are predicting an R-nought of no less than four. (翻译:随着新的突变 我们RO平均数不会小于4)

2. JiangJeng, Ro YongJing, et al are also doing the same thing. (翻译:中国的姜健、罗永进等人就在做同样的事情。)

3. The casting process and reverse osmosis (RO) properties of Titanium cellulose acetate (TiCA) membrane have been studied. (翻译:本文对钛醋酸纤维素反渗透膜制膜工艺和膜性能进行了研。)

4. This topic used the ro desalination processing craft to desalt the water in order to solve the drinkable water in the west. (翻译:为解决西部地区的饮用水问题,本课题采用反渗透淡化装置进行脱盐。)

5. And as compared with CA RO membrane, the TiCA ROmembrane could be used at higher working temperature. (翻译:与醋酸纤维素膜相比较,钛醋酸纤维素膜可在较高温度下使用,具有一定的耐热性。)

6. Ro pointed it out to me, but if she saw it, that means other people did. (翻译:Rosalie告诉我的 她能看出来,其它人也能)

7. Abstract : The Structure and features of the heat-treatment production line with the allcase atmosphere controlled furnace made by CHUGAI RO CO. LTD. are introduced. (翻译:摘要 : 介绍了日本中外炉工业株式会社产的热处理多用炉生产线的结构与特点。)

8. Information from your lobby attendant, Mr... (翻译:从大堂服务员先生的信息.. 隆美尔或RO)

9. The blood on the "ke", "mu", and "ro" keys came from his pinky when Mr. Kurokawa typed "JUN" with his index finger, but no one presses keys on the very left side with their right pinky. (翻译:KE,MU,RO上面的血迹是黑川先生用右手食指 按下JUN这三键时被小指上的血迹所沾到的 但应该没人会用右手小指去按左边的按键才对吧)

10. The leadership gap is being filled by a new generation, including Philipp Ro (翻译:的领导断层注入了包括菲利普•罗斯勒一辈的新生代。)

11. You know I love you, don't you, Ro? (翻译:那是麻烦。你知道我爱你,你不不吗, Ro?)

12. One of the starff, wearing a strange hat, told us not ro worry about it. (翻译:一个带着奇特帽子的店员告诉我们不用担心。)

13. But the real goal of this work isn't tiny maps. Rothemund says that in the future, tiny DNA shapes could serve as scaffolds for quickly building nanostructures made of metals or other materials. (翻译:但Ro themund的目的不是做微型地图,Ro themund说,将来在使用金属或其他材料构造纳米结构时,微小的DNA结构可以作为支架使用。)

14. K-Ro, born Oliver Robidoux, 5/78. (翻译:克罗, 生于78年5月,真名为奥里弗罗比多斯 上过康普顿的卢金格高中)

15. That's not all. He asked Ro to marry him. She had the presence of mind to say no. (翻译:不只这样,他还向罗莎莉求婚 还好她还清醒,拒绝了他)




1. 定义和用途

ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) 是一种用于衡量广告活动效果的指标。它计算广告投资带来的销售收入,指导企业在广告方面的决策,以实现更好的ROI。ROAS通常是通过将广告支出除以广告营收计算得出。

2. 意义和重要性


3. ROAS的计算方法

ROAS的计算公式为 ROAS = 广告营收 / 广告支出。例如,如果广告活动产生了100,000元的销售,广告支出为20,000元,则ROAS为5(即100,000/20,000)。

4. ROAS在实际应用中的例子


- 英文:Our latest Facebook ad campaign had an ROAS of 4.5, which was significantly higher than our previous campaign.


- 英文:After yzing our ROAS data, we decided to allocate more budget to our Google Ads campaign.


- 英文:The overall ROAS for our email marketing campaign was 3, but we found that the ROAS was much higher for our repeat customers.


- 英文:Our company has set a target ROAS of 7 for our upcoming social media advertising campaign.


- 英文:By using ROAS as a key performance indicator, we were able to identify and eliminate inefficient ad campaigns, which saved us a significant amount of advertising budget.


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