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tequila是什么意思 tequila的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-28 05:28:42
  • 298

tequila是什么意思 tequila的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I'll have a shot of tequila, please.(我要来一杯龙舌兰酒。)

2. Tequila is a popular spirit in Mexico.(龙舌兰酒是墨西哥流行的烈酒。)

3. He ordered a margarita, a tail made with tequila.(他点了一杯玛格丽特,这是一种用龙舌兰酒制作的鸡尾酒。)




例句:By the way, did you guys notice any sediment in that tequila? (顺便说下 你们注意到龙舌兰酒里有东西了吗?)


例句:Cream hits them like tequila. (奶油把它们都放倒了 就像龙舌兰酒 {\3cH202020}Cream hits them like tequila.)


例句:Plenty of tequila to make up for the cake. (我喝了好多龙舌兰酒才把腻味解了 Plenty of tequila to make up for the cake.)


例句:Clay served the best tequila on this side of the Mexican border, we all loved him. (翻译:科尔比有可能是最好的 龙舌兰酒墨西哥北部的。)


tequila一般作为名词使用,如在tequila cream([网络] 龙舌兰酒奶油)、tequila plant(【植物】墨西哥龙舌兰)、tequila slammer(= slammer (2))等常见短语中出现较多。

tequila cream[网络] 龙舌兰酒奶油
tequila plant【植物】墨西哥龙舌兰
tequila slammer= slammer (2)
tequila sunrise龙舌兰日出(用龙舌兰酒和橙汁、石榴汁调制而成的鸡尾酒)
tequila sunrises龙舌兰日出(一种石榴色的墨西哥鸡尾酒)


1. Plenty of tequila to make up for the cake. (翻译:我喝了好多龙舌兰酒才把腻味解了 Plenty of tequila to make up for the cake.)

2. Clay served the best tequila on this side of the Mexican border, we all loved him. (翻译:科尔比有可能是最好的 龙舌兰酒墨西哥北部的。)

3. I made tequila bullets, but I guess I put too much gunpowder in. (翻译:你是怎么使这枪有这么强的火力的? 我做了一颗龙舌兰酒 想我放了太多了)

4. Mezcal refers to all kinds of spirits made from the agave plant, including Tequila. But Tequila can only be made from a specific agave -- the blue agave. (翻译:其实这是错误的,龙舌兰酒的种类很多,但不是每一种都能称作特基拉。)

5. I went to picnic with a friend... some tequila, a spectacle of fireworks, is easy to get confused. (翻译:我当时和朋友们野餐 几杯龙舌兰再加上烟火表演 很容易就犯浑)

6. In fact, we shared ourfirst bottle of tequila right here at this very spot. (翻译:我们在这个特别的 地方第一次分享了龙舌兰酒)

7. Thin films of diamond were produced by heating 80%-proof tequila blanco in a pressure vessel. (翻译:在一个压力容器中加热酒精含量为80%的龙舌兰酒从而产生钻石薄膜。)

8. Tequila is made from the agave cactus. One will find that one can commune with the plant kingdom in blessing the tequila. (翻译:龙舌兰酒由龙舌兰属仙人掌制成。你将发现你可以在祝福龙舌兰酒时与植物王国交谈。)

9. The tequila crisis. (翻译:龙舌兰酒危机. )

10. It just happens to be my favorite and I order it with a tequila and lime in every dive I go to in this country. (翻译:...每次我到这个国家来 都要点这道菜,外加龙舌兰酒加酸橙)

11. You girls started in on the tequila... and it all went downhill from there. (翻译:你们几个都开始喝龙舌兰 然后场面就失控了)

12. The band's playing, there's guacamole in the air, tequila on my tongue. (翻译:乐队在演奏,空气中飘散着鳄梨的气味 龙舌兰酒在我的舌尖跳跃。)

13. Tequila is my lady! My lady! (翻译:龙舌兰酒 我的最爱 来吧 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Tequila is my lady!)

14. Tequila was first distilled as a drink called pulque by Spanish conquistadors. (翻译:龙舌兰最早被西班牙征服者提炼出并作为一种酒类饮料。)

15. But you can tame her with tequila and compliments. - Yeah. - So... (翻译:但是灌她两杯龙舌兰酒,说说好话 她就服帖了)



词义: 'tequila' 是一种源自墨西哥的酒精饮料,采用蓝色龙舌兰(Agave tequilana)的心脏部分制成,其酒精含量通常为38%-40%。



1. shot of tequila : 一杯龙舌兰酒

2. tequila sunrise : 龙舌兰日出(一种以龙舌兰酒、橙汁和葡萄柚汁为主要成分的鸡尾酒)

3. tequila blanco : 白龙舌兰(未在酒桶中陈化的龙舌兰酒)

4. tequila reposado : 陈年龙舌兰(在橡木桶中陈化至少两个月但不超过一年的龙舌兰酒)

5. tequila añejo : 极陈年龙舌兰(在橡木桶中陈化至少一年但不超过三年的龙舌兰酒)

6. margarita on the rocks with salt : 加盐冰块玛格丽特(一种以龙舌兰酒、柠檬汁和三倍加力的橙味糖浆为主要成分的鸡尾酒)

7. tequila worm : 龙舌兰酒虫(在一些传统的龙舌兰酒中,会加入蓝色龙舌兰蛹)


发音拼写: /təˈkiːlə/


1. He ordered a shot of tequila and downed it in one gulp. 他点了一杯龙舌兰酒,一口就灌了下去。

2. The bartender mixed a tequila sunrise for the customer. 酒吧招待给顾客调了一杯龙舌兰日出。

3. Tequila blanco is usually used for margaritas. 白龙舌兰通常用于制作玛格丽特。

4. Tequila reposado has a smoother taste than tequila blanco. 陈年龙舌兰的口感比白龙舌兰更为柔和。

5. The tequila añejo is expensive but well worth the price. 极陈年龙舌兰价格昂贵,但物有所值。

6. She likes to add salt to the rim of her glass when she orders a margarita on the rocks with salt. 她点加盐冰块玛格丽特时,喜欢在杯口沿撒上盐。

7. The tequila worm is a cultural tradition in Mexico but is not actually included in most tequila bottles. 龙舌兰酒虫是墨西哥的一种文化传统,但实际上并没有包含在大多数龙舌兰酒瓶中。

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