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insured是什么意思 insured的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:44
  • 286

insured是什么意思 insured的中文翻译、读音、例句

insured的中文翻译是“被保险人”,读音为 [ɪnˈʃʊrd]。


1. As the insured, you have the right to claim compensation if the loss occurs during the policy period.(作为被保险人,如果在保险期间发生了损失,您有权要求赔偿。)

2. The company provides comprehensive insurance coverage for its insured employees.(该公司为其被保险雇员提供全面的保险覆盖。)

3. Before signing the insurance policy, make sure you have read and understood all the terms and conditions to avoid any misunderstandings with the insurer.(在签署保险单之前,确保您已经阅读并理解了所有条款和条件,以避免与保险人产生任何误解。)




例句:The cars are completely insured during the rental, and it gives drivers what they need, and what do they need? (在租赁期间, 车子获得全保, 和司机们的最大利益。那是什么呢? )


例句:Your money is insured by the government. You won't lose a dime. (你们的钱买了保险 你们不会损失任何一毛)


例句:I was precious cargo that couldn't be insured because of inherent vice. (我是贵重货物 不能投保险 因为我有固有缺陷)


例句:under the mip programme , the hkmc is the insurer and the insured party is the bank not the mortgage borrower. (翻译:在按揭保险计划现有的安排下,按揭证券公司是承保人,受保人则是银行而非借款人。)


insured一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在the insured(n. 被保险人\nadj. 被保险的\nv. “insure”的过去式和过去分词\n[网络] 受保人;投保人;被保险人投保人)、fully insured(全保)、goods insured([经] 保了险的商品(货物))等常见短语中出现较多。

the insuredn. 被保险人\nadj. 被保险的\nv. “insure”的过去式和过去分词\n[网络] 受保人;投保人;被保险人投保人
fully insured全保
goods insured[经] 保了险的商品(货物)
insured account已保险账户
insured additional额外被保险人
insured against[网络] 投保
insured amount[经] 保险金险, 投保金额
insured bank被保险银行
insured banks[经] 在联邦存款保险公司投保的银行


1. I was precious cargo that couldn't be insured because of inherent vice. (翻译:我是贵重货物 不能投保险 因为我有固有缺陷)

2. under the mip programme , the hkmc is the insurer and the insured party is the bank not the mortgage borrower. (翻译:在按揭保险计划现有的安排下,按揭证券公司是承保人,受保人则是银行而非借款人。)

3. If the insured are the dependents , please also write the name and ID number of the insured. (翻译:投保转入者是眷属时,并应填写被保险人本人的姓名及国民身分证统一编号。)

4. How much was it insured for? (翻译:How much was it insured for?)

5. Well, you did steal a painting insured by my employer for several million dollars. (翻译:你确实偷了我的客户投保的画 人家投了七百万美元呢)

6. And you need to be insured. (翻译:你得买保险 And you need to be insured.)

7. The proposed rule would apply to large and small insured nonmember [[Page 67534]] banks. (翻译:拟议的规则将适用于非党投保大小[67534页]银行。)

8. His life was insured for $2,500. It's payable to you. (翻译:他的人身保险金是2500美元 这将会支付给你)

9. But see, if you're insured, you don't have to worry about these things. (翻译:但是你看,如果你投保, 你不必担心这些事情。)

10. The Planet was pitifully under-insured. Rebuilding makes no economic sense. (翻译:《星球日报》并未完全保险 重建完全不符经济效益)

11. In the case of several beneficiaries, the insured or the insurant may determine the order and shares of the benefit among them. (翻译:受益人为数人的,被保险人或者投保人可以确定受益顺序和受益份额;)

12. In changing the beneficiaries , the insurant shall get the consent of the insured. (翻译:保险人收到变更受益人的书面通知后,应当在保险单上批注。)

13. Mrs. Donnely, I'm fully insured and bonded. I promise you. (翻译:邓娜莉夫人, 我保证绝对买了保险,还有担保)

14. ACE reimburses the insured's loss under policy term. (翻译:ACE依保单承保责任补偿被保险人之损失。)

15. Their genuineness was, so far as possible, insured by confiding them to the recollection of a limited portion of the community. (翻译:正是由于它们被托付于社会中少数人的记忆力,习惯的真实性才能尽可能地得到保证。)



词义:'insured' 是“被保险人”的意思。指购买保险保障的人。

词性:'insured' 是一个形容词,可以用来形容具有保险保障的人或物。

词组搭配:'insured' 可以与其他词组合成许多常用短语,例如 “insured party”(被保险方)、“insured event”(保险事故)等。


1. The insured must report the loss in writing to the insurance company within 7 days.(被保险人必须在7天内向保险公司书面报告损失。)

2. The insured value of the property was estimated at $500,000.(该物业的保险价值估计为50万美元。)

3. If the insured person dies, the beneficiaries will receive the payout.(如果被保险人死亡,受益人将获得赔款。)

4. The insurance company will only compensate the insured for the damage caused by an insured event.(保险公司只会对保险事故造成的损失进行赔偿。)

5. The insured is responsible for paying the insurance premium on time.(被保险人要及时支付保险费。)

发音拼写:'insured' 的发音为 /ɪnˈʃʊəd/ ,其中弱读音为 /ɪnˈʃɔːrd/。


1. The insurance policy covers the insured for loss or damage caused by fire.(该保险单涵盖了被保险人因火灾造成的损失或损坏。)

2. The insured event occurred during the policy period.(保险事故发生在保单期间。)

3. The insured needs to provide proof of ownership for the stolen items.(被保险人需要提供被盗物品的所有权证明。)

4. The insurance company refused to pay the claim because the insured failed to disclose a pre-existing condition.(保险公司拒绝支付赔款,因为被保险人没有披露先前的病情。)

5. The insured is allowed to cancel the policy at any time with a written notice.(被保险人可以随时以书面通知取消保单。)

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