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mercedes是什么意思 mercedes的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:39
  • 227

mercedes是什么意思 mercedes的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:méi sài dé sī


1. 他买了一辆梅赛德斯车。

Translation: He bought a Mercedes car.

2. 她的梅赛德斯车非常漂亮。

Translation: Her Mercedes car is very beautiful.




例句:I offered him 30,000 dinars for that Mercedes. (I offered him 30,000 dinars for that Mercedes. 我想给他三万第纳尔买那辆梅赛德斯)


例句:All units, be on alert for a black Mercedes SUV, possible carjacking suspect. (各单位注意寻找一辆 黑色的奔驰休旅车 该车为被盗车辆,装有GPS)


例句:Yeah, I got a cousin over in Hoboken, runs a Mercedes dealership. (琌 иΤHoboken 琌゜梗═ó瞆坝)


例句:Well, it says here they were found in a brand new Mercedes. (翻译:哎哟 这里写的 他们死在一辆全新的玛莎拉蒂里)


mercedes一般作为名词使用,如在Las Mercedes([地名] 拉斯梅塞德斯 ( 哥伦、委 ))、mercedes benz([网络] 奔驰;宾士;梅赛德斯奔驰)、Mercedes Norte([地名] 北梅塞德斯 ( 哥斯 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Las Mercedes[地名] 拉斯梅塞德斯 ( 哥伦、委 )
mercedes benz[网络] 奔驰;宾士;梅赛德斯奔驰
Mercedes Norte[地名] 北梅塞德斯 ( 哥斯 )
Puerto Mercedes[地名] 梅塞德斯港 ( 哥伦 )
Santa Mercedes[地名] 圣梅塞德斯 ( 巴西 )
Villa Mercedes[地名] 梅塞德斯镇 ( 阿根 )


1. Yeah, I got a cousin over in Hoboken, runs a Mercedes dealership. (翻译:琌 иΤHoboken 琌゜梗═ó瞆坝)

2. Well, it says here they were found in a brand new Mercedes. (翻译:哎哟 这里写的 他们死在一辆全新的玛莎拉蒂里)

3. The only car he knows anything about is the Mercedes. (翻译:反正那辆MG 一定是被阿佐绪逼迫才买的)

4. Do you need your Mercedes-Benz? (翻译:你需要你的梅赛德斯-奔驰吗? )

5. I watched a couple of cops put a clamp on a green Mercedes. (翻译:我看到几个给一辆绿色奔驰车加上丹佛锁扣。)

6. He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes. (翻译:他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新奔驰。)

7. Mercedes rolls to a stop. Driver opens the door, falls out dead. (翻译:奔驰车停了下来 司机打门 摔在地上死了)

8. It is the very language that is used in the research and development departments of Mercedes. (翻译:这门唯一用来 研究梅赛德斯发展部门的语言)

9. Internal Affairs called. Found something in the Mercedes. (翻译:刚才国内事务部打电话来说找到那辆奔驰车的线索了)

10. A Mercedes carries a certain cachet. (翻译:奔驰汽车久负盛名。)

11. Especially developed for the Mercedes Benz ACTROS vehicles. (翻译:特为梅赛德斯·奔驰actros车专用。)

12. The senator's friends told him his Mercedes was bad politics, so he got a Citroen instead, and I got the Mercedes, which I'll sell for a pretty penny. (翻译:议员的朋友告诉他 奔驰的政策不好 所以他买了雪铁龙 我还是选择了奔驰 这给我省下了一笔钱)

13. This tea will bring silver and gold as well as Mercedes and Rolls Royces! (翻译:饮了这杯茶 买屋买田又买地 坐完了“宾士”就坐在“老鼠老鼠”)

14. Back to the drawing board with that, please, Mercedes. (翻译:梅赛德斯,回你们的设计室好好反思下这个问题吧 Back to the drawing board with that, please, Mercedes.)

15. You owed me 200 for the Mercedes, plus this 500, it makes 700. (翻译:你还欠我200块的奔驰的钱 加上这500,一共700块)

'mercedes' 是一个人名或商标,指的是一家德国汽车制造商,该公司生产高档轿车、卡车、总线和豪华轿车等,总部位于斯图加特。根据上下文不同,可以翻译为“梅赛德斯”、“奔驰”等。




- Mercedes-Benz:奔驰汽车。

- Mercedes-AMG:梅赛德斯-AMG,奔驰旗下的高性能赛车部门。

- Mercedes-Maybach:梅赛德斯-迈,奔驰旗下豪华轿车品牌。

- Mercedes EQ:梅赛德斯EQ,奔驰旗下的电动汽车品牌。

- Mercedes Trophy:奔驰高尔夫球赛。




1. Mercedes-Benz is one of the most famous luxury car brands in the world.


2. The new Mercedes S-Class is said to be the most technically advanced car on the market today.


3. The Mercedes-AMG GT is a sports car that combines performance and luxury.

梅赛德斯-AMG GT是一款将性能和豪华成功地融合在一起的跑车。

4. Mercedes-Maybach S-Class is the ultimate expression of modern luxury and performance.


5. The Mercedes EQC is a sleek and stylish electric SUV that offers impressive performance and range.


6. Mercedes-Benz has been a pioneer in automotive safety for over a century.


7. The Mercedes Trophy is one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world.


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