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motorist是什么意思 motorist的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:30
  • 207

motorist是什么意思 motorist的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The motorist was fined for reckless driving.


2. The motorist pulled over to the side of the road to check his map.


3. The police officer stopped the motorist for speeding.





例句:While road testing the car, a mechanic injures another motorist and is sued for $50,000. (技师在试车的时候伤了另一名驾驶员,起诉赔赏为五万美元。)


例句:It just wants to get past you, so it's often the motorist is not paying attention. (来往的车辆只想着超过你, 的人往往不够小心。)


例句:Weller was once a stranded motorist himself. Driving in an Illinois blizzard when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift. (韦勒自己曾经也是一个无助驾驶员,在他16岁的时候驾驶在伊利诺斯州的暴风雪中,陷入了雪堆。)


例句:"No responsible motorist would drink and drive," Glaister said in the statement. (翻译:格莱斯特在声明中说:“酒后驾车是不负责任的表现。” )


motorist一般作为名词使用,如在Sunday motorist([网络] 星期日驾车人士)、uninsured motorist coverage(未保险驾驶人保险)、Uninsured motorist insurance([网络] 驾车人的保险)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sunday motorist[网络] 星期日驾车人士
uninsured motorist coverage未保险驾驶人保险
Uninsured motorist insurance[网络] 驾车人的保险


1. Weller was once a stranded motorist himself. Driving in an Illinois blizzard when he was 16, he got stuck in a snowdrift. (翻译:韦勒自己曾经也是一个无助驾驶员,在他16岁的时候驾驶在伊利诺斯州的暴风雪中,陷入了雪堆。)

2. "No responsible motorist would drink and drive," Glaister said in the statement. (翻译:格莱斯特在声明中说:“酒后驾车是不负责任的表现。” )

3. Some people stop to help a stranded motorist and get taken out by a speeding semi. (翻译:而停下来帮助遇难者的人 却因超速驾驶而被逮捕)

4. Their excellent gas mileage and even their improved interior design notwithstanding, today's compact cars simply fail to provide the feel a traditional motorist yearns for. (翻译:尽管它们出色的油耗和改进的内部设计,今天的紧凑型汽车根本不能提供传统汽车驾驶者渴望的感觉。)

5. Gao Xiaosong, a judge on the television contest "China's Got Talent, " is the highest profile motorist to be punished under the new law. (翻译:在新法实施后受到惩罚的者中,电视综艺节目《中国达人秀》评委高晓松是知名度最高的。)

6. The Lundberg average closely approximates the $2. 052-a-gallon daily average compiled by motorist group AAA, as of Sunday. (翻译:截至周日,伦德伯格调查的均价非常接近于由美国汽车协会得出的每日均价2.052美元每加仑。)

7. We have a serious situation in town, and it's very important that every motorist listening to my voice stops their vehicle now. (翻译:现在镇上出现危急情况 事关重大 听到我声音的司机 请马上停车)

8. "Motorists must be disciplined. They must not cross into other people's lanes, " said motorist Eko Juli. (翻译:驾车者伊柯•朱力说:“所有的驾车者都应该遵守交通规则,不可随意串并车道。”)

9. This gives the motorist an incredible sense of situational awareness and the ability to detect the range and direction of a speed camera. (翻译:这是一个给司机一个难以置信的感觉的情景意识和能力的方向检测范围和一台测速相机。)

10. Until then, I'm here to talk about the beating of an unarmed motorist, Rodney King. (翻译:不然我只接受关于无武装驾驶人 罗德尼金遭痛殴的访问)

11. A jumbo jet releases as much CO2 into the atmosphere in one cross-Atlantic flight as the average British motorist does in an entire year. (翻译:一部巨无霸机在飞越大西洋的航程中排放到大气中的二气化碳,相当于平均每名英国车辆驾驶一整年制造的量。)

12. The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence. (翻译:让那个的人停下来,要求看他的执照。)

13. Motorist Robert Gould is lucky to be alive after a startled cow leapt over a three-foot fence and landed on his car. (翻译:RobertGould能活下来绝对是幸运。一头奶牛从三英尺高的栅栏越过直接砸在了他的车上。)

but we don't provide... motorist information to the general public. (翻译

15. If you say the biker with the helmet because she's more likely to survive, then aren't you penalizing the responsible motorist? (翻译:如果说撞那个戴着头盔的人因为她的存活率更高, 你难道不是在惩罚那个更负责任的骑摩托车者吗? )





词组搭配:motorist club(驾驶俱乐部),motorist insurance(汽车保险),motorist service(汽车维修)等。

短语:be a motorist(成为一名驾驶员),motorist behavior(驾车行为)。

发音拼写:/ˈmoʊ.tər.ɪst/ 。


1. As a responsible motorist, you should always wear your seat belt. 作为一名负责的驾驶员,你应该始终系好安全带。

2. The motorist was fined for speeding on the highway. 那名驾车者因在高速公路上超速被罚款。

3. The motorist stopped at the gas station to fill up the tank. 那名驾车者在加油站停下来给油箱加油。

4. The motorist lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree. 那名驾车者失去了对车辆的控制,撞进了一棵树。

5. The police officer stopped the motorist for running a red light. 因那名驾车者闯红灯而将其拦下。

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