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80g是什么意思 80g的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-24 21:04:40
  • 191

80g是什么意思 80g的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:♪ Avec mon regime vegetarien ♪ (§ EC周一政权végétarien §)


80g一般作为名词使用,如在G and G(abbr. the Good and the Great 名门望族;上层决策人物;社会贤达名流;有权有势的人物[参较 good])、g/g([电] 地对地)、Hymu 80(海穆80软磁合金)等常见短语中出现较多。

G and Gabbr. the Good and the Great 名门望族;上层决策人物;社会贤达名流;有权有势的人物[参较 good]
g/g[电] 地对地
Hymu 80海穆80软磁合金
pentral 80四硝季戊四醇
polysorbate 80[化] 吐温80; 聚山梨酯80\n[医] 聚山梨醇酯八十
port 80埠80
tween 80[医] 吐温八零, 聚山梨醇酯八十
G[计] 千兆, 吉, 图形, 网格, 接地\n[化] 鸟苷
G & Aabbr. Greed and Avarice贪婪和贪得无厌


1. I called it a 4G campaign, the G's representing the Icelandic words. (翻译:我把它称为4G竞选, G代表了一些冰岛词汇。)

2. My test model came with 3 GB of memory and a huge 500 GB hard disk. (翻译:我测试的型号配备3G内存和庞大的500G硬盘。)

3. It's been here for 80 years 80 years (翻译:整个这个店舖有八十年了 八十年呀 八十年)

4. Until the mid-80s, economic power was divvied up between Britain, France, Germany, Japan and America, otherwise known as the G5 . (翻译:直到20世纪80年代中期,英国,法国,德国,日本和美国是世界主要的经济强国,这些国家也被称作G5。)

5. High-fat foods: 200g avocado, 30g almonds, 20g hazelnuts, 10g flaxseed, 3g Brazil nuts. (翻译:高脂肪食品:牛油果200克,杏仁30克,榛子20克,亚麻籽10克,巴西坚果3克。)

6. A single C instead of a G. (翻译:把G错输成了C A single C instead of a G.)

7. 4G, 5G, I haVe a Iot of money. (翻译:4G 5G 我有钱 4G,5G, I have a lot of money.)

8. 80 minutes... .. to determine the next 80 years of your lives. (翻译:80分钟... ...决定你未来80年的命运)

9. It can carry 80 smart bombs. (翻译:它能携带80枚制导 It can carry 80 smart bombs.)

10. The first G-men worked under staggering disadvantages. (翻译:[G号特工: 最初的G号特工在非常不利的情况下工作)

11. The codecs used for transmitting audio are G.711 and G.723. (翻译:用于传输音频的编码是G . 711和G . 723。)

12. This computer has a1. 5-gigahertz Via processor, 512 megabytes of memory and an 80-gigabytehard drive. (翻译:这台电脑使用1.5G的威盛处理器,512M内存和一块80G硬盘。)

13. Ah, large "E", small "g", large "P", and "G" (翻译:啊 一个大写的E 一个小写的g 大写的P和G)

14. We got to get total control, all parental rights. (翻译:And his little protégé)

15. The new Zunes come in a larger, 80GB model and a compact 4-8 GB version, both of which are available in black, red, green and pink colors. (翻译:新款Zune现在有较大容量的80G版本和4-8G的简约版两种,每个型号都有黑、红、绿和粉四种颜色可供选择。)

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