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hohner是什么意思 hohner的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:32
  • 189

hohner是什么意思 hohner的中文翻译、读音、例句

'hohner'是一家德国的乐器制造公司。'hohner'没有中文翻译。读音为"hoh-ner"。例句:"I bought a hohner harmonica for my son's birthday." (我为我儿子的生日买了一把hohner口琴。)




例句:We also are guessing that they might only be able to be seen on some specific servers -- we know they're on Sisters of Elune and Ner'zhul. (我们同样猜测他们应当只会出现在某些特定的服务器---我们知道现在他们在艾露恩和耐奥祖出现过。)


例句:A resignation letter written in September by Matthew Hoh, America's senior civilian representative in Zabul province, was published. (美国驻查布尔省高级民事代表马修9月递交的一封辞职信被公开。)


例句:Afterward when David heard it, he said, "I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. " (大卫听见了、就说、流尼珥的儿子押尼珥的血、这罪在面前必永不归我、和我的国。)


例句:Saul's father Kish and Abner's father Ner were sons of Abiel. (翻译:扫罗的父亲基士,押尼珥的父亲尼珥,都是亚别的儿子。)


1. Afterward when David heard it, he said, "I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. " (翻译:大卫听见了、就说、流尼珥的儿子押尼珥的血、这罪在面前必永不归我、和我的国。)

2. Saul's father Kish and Abner's father Ner were sons of Abiel. (翻译:扫罗的父亲基士,押尼珥的父亲尼珥,都是亚别的儿子。)

3. Only the links listed in this blog are the official Derrick Hoh connecting sites. (翻译:唯有在本部落格找到的帐号连结才是何维健的官方联络网站。)

4. Ner'zhul cast a plague of undeath - which had originated from deep within the Frozen Throne, out into the arctic wasteland. (翻译:耐奥祖向寒冷的荒地释放了来自冰封王座深处的亡灵瘟疫。)

5. It's gonna be an exciting trip today. We will be able to see lots of beautiful places: Hoh Xil, Mountain Tanggula (more than 5000 meters high), Cuona Lake etc… (翻译:今天的旅程很值得期待:峰火山,可可西里,五千多米的唐古拉山,错那湖,念青唐古拉… )

6. Hoh Xil, where you are free to leave a footprint, may be left behind by the first human footprint. (翻译:可可西里,在那里你随意留下的一个脚印,可能是人类留下的第一个足迹。)

7. With so 'ner camera see you in the middle of the bottom of things. (翻译:用了这样一台摄像机,能够让你看透每一样事物)

8. Under Ner'zhul's surgical command, the orcs quickly rounded up the artifacts that they needed and fled back to the safety of Draenor. (翻译:在耐奥祖的精密指引下,兽人迅速找到了他们需要的神器并撤回了德拉诺。)

9. Has anyone of you said thanks to Babou for the dinner? (翻译:你是为巴布的晚餐而庆祝吗 Vous avez félicité Babou pour son dîner?)

10. Separate also 'ne foot fungus ointment and 'n washcloth with 'ner duck! (翻译:还可以得到一个足藓药贴和带滑稽鸭子的洗澡巾)

11. Just like Domino, the existence of Tibetan antelopes in the Hoh Xil is an integral part. (翻译:就好像多米诺一样,藏羚羊的存在就是可可西里不可缺少的一部分。)

12. Hoh Xil, where you are free to leave a footprint, may be left behind by the first human footprint. (翻译:可可西里,在那里你随意留下的一个脚印,可能是人类留下的第一个足迹。)

13. A resignation letter written in September by Matthew Hoh, America's senior civilian representative in Zabul province, was published. (翻译:美国驻查布尔省高级民事代表马修9月递交的一封辞职信被公开。)



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