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efficacy是什么意思 efficacy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:27
  • 182

efficacy是什么意思 efficacy的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The efficacy of the new drug is still being tested.


2. The company claims the efficacy of its product is unmatched in the market.


3. The government is conducting research to determine the efficacy of the proposed policy.


efficacy通常被翻译为"功效 、效验"的意思,在英美地区还有"功效"的意思,在线发音:['efikәsi],efficacy常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到30个与efficacy相关的句子。



例句:Objective: to explore the clinical efficacy of Gelomyrtol on respiratory diseases. (目的探讨吉诺通治疗呼吸道疾病的疗效。)


例句:Efficacy of oxygen atomizing inhalation of ventolin and mucosolvan in the treatment of bronchiolitis (氧驱动雾化吸入沙丁胺醇和沐舒坦治疗毛细支气管炎疗效观察)


例句:Objective To observe the efficacy of ultraviolet ray on furuncle and phyma. (目的观察紫外线重叠照射法治疗肿的疗效。)


例句:Objective:To explore the efficacy and safty of insuline administration to newborns with hyperglycemia. (翻译:目的:探讨胰岛素治疗新生儿高血糖的疗效和安全性。)


efficacy一般作为名词使用,如在economic efficacy([法]经济效益)、efficacy belief(效能信念)、efficacy expectation(效能预期)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic efficacy[法]经济效益
efficacy belief效能信念
efficacy expectation效能预期
external efficacy外在效能;外部效能
internal efficacy内在效能;内部效能
lose efficacy失效
luminaire efficacy灯具发光效率
luminous efficacy光效能;发光功效
new efficacy新增效益


1. Objective To observe the efficacy of ultraviolet ray on furuncle and phyma. (翻译:目的观察紫外线重叠照射法治疗肿的疗效。)

2. Objective:To explore the efficacy and safty of insuline administration to newborns with hyperglycemia. (翻译:目的:探讨胰岛素治疗新生儿高血糖的疗效和安全性。)

3. Objective: To study the clinical efficacy and safety of foscarnet sodium. (翻译:目的:探讨膦甲酸钠的临床疗效及毒副作用。)

4. Urethritis rises drug efficacy is pretty good. (翻译:尿道炎初起时服药疗效就不错。)

5. Clinical efficacy of epristeride in the treatment of eld benign prostatic hyperplasia (翻译:爱普列特治疗老年良性前列腺增生症疗效观察)

6. Objective: to explore the efficacy of vitrectomy on vitreous hemorrhage. (翻译:目的:观察玻璃体切割术治疗玻璃体积血的效果。)

7. Influence of nonessential region on protective efficacy of recombinant Fowlpox viruses (翻译:鸡痘病毒复制非必需区的选择对重组鸡痘病毒免疫效力的影响)

8. Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of smectite in treatment of infant diarrhea. (翻译:目的:观察思密达治疗婴幼儿腹泻的临床疗效。)

9. The clinical efficacy of fenestration and drainage operation to jawbone dentigerous cystin (翻译:开窗引流术治疗替牙期颌骨含牙囊肿的疗效观察)

10. Clinical efficacy of cefodizime in treatment of urinary tract infections (翻译:头孢地嗪治疗泌尿系统感染随机双盲的临床观察)

11. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of amlodipine on renal hypertension. (翻译:目的:观察氨氯地平治疗肾性高血压的疗效和安全性。)

12. Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of neurostan in the treatment of depression. (翻译:目的:评价乐忧坦治疗抑郁症的临床疗效与安全性。)

13. Study on efficacy of moxifloxacin in the treatment of AECB and its antimicrobial activity in vitro (翻译:莫西沙星治疗慢性支气管炎急性加重的临床疗效及体外抗菌活性的研究)

14. Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle. (翻译:近来的医学研究证实了更健康的生活方式的功效。)

15. Clinical efficacy of ecabet sodium and famotidine in treatment of gastric ulcer (翻译:依卡倍特钠联合法莫替丁治疗胃溃疡疗效观察)



1. 词释:Efficacy是指某种事物或行为的有效性或功效,或者某种药物或治疗方法的疗效。


- The efficacy of this new drug for treating cancer is still under investigation.

- The efficacy of this advertising campaign is questionable, as sales have not increased.

2. 用途范围:Efficacy常用于描述药物、医疗、教育、治疗、营销等领域,描述某种方法或产品的治疗、学习或销售的效能。


- The efficacy of online learning has been debated among educators for years.

- The efficacy of this acne treatment has been proven in clinical trials.

3. 相关词汇:Efficacy常与效果(effectiveness)、安全性(safety)、副作用(side effects)、疾病(disease)等词汇联系使用。


- The efficacy of this vaccine is high, but we need to consider its safety as well.

- We need to weigh the efficacy of this medication against the potential side effects.

4. 常见缩写词:Efficacy的缩写词有EFC、EFF、EFT等,通常出现在科学研究、医学期刊、药品审批等场合中。


- The EFC of this new drug was found to be much higher than that of the traditional treatment.

- The EFF of this vaccine was proven in a large-scale clinical trial.

5. 拓展例句:除了药物和治疗方法,Efficacy还可以用于描述其他产品、服务或行为的效果,如广告、教育、营销等。


- The efficacy of this new marketing strategy needs to be measured by its impact on sales.

- The efficacy of this new teaching method will be evaluated at the end of the semester.

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