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trivia是什么意思 trivia的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:25
  • 166

trivia是什么意思 trivia的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She is always asking trivial questions.


2. Don't waste your time on trivia.


3. Trivia nights are popular in many bars and pubs.





例句:Okay, then, Heart-Attack Henry, let's get to your real trivia question. (好了 有心脏病的亨利 现在是真正的琐事问答)


例句:Interesting bit of trivia actually. I've never won a match at Wimbledon with my family in attendance. (不过是件有趣的小事而已, 家人参加的时候, 我从没在温布敦赢过一场比赛)


例句:They are different people that have this thing connecting them, and I did not know if that is trivia or knowledge or inadvertent expertise, but I did wonder, is there maybe a cooler way to do this? (他们是不同的人但有着凌晨四点连接了他们, 我不知道这是一个难题或是个知识 或是疏忽,但是我不禁想知道, 有没有更酷的方式去做这些? )


例句:You're just like a foreign hag... caring only for trivia. (翻译:你跟洋鬼婆一样 什么轻重都不懂 整天玩这些洋玩艺)


trivia一般作为名词使用,如在Ficus trivia(n. 楔叶榕)、trivia quiz([网络] 小测)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ficus trivian. 楔叶榕
trivia quiz[网络] 小测


1. They are different people that have this thing connecting them, and I did not know if that is trivia or knowledge or inadvertent expertise, but I did wonder, is there maybe a cooler way to do this? (翻译:他们是不同的人但有着凌晨四点连接了他们, 我不知道这是一个难题或是个知识 或是疏忽,但是我不禁想知道, 有没有更酷的方式去做这些? )

2. You're just like a foreign hag... caring only for trivia. (翻译:你跟洋鬼婆一样 什么轻重都不懂 整天玩这些洋玩艺)

3. Because I could play Richard Castle trivia with you all day. (翻译:我可以跟你玩一整天理查德・卡塞尔周边冷知识)

4. He remembered every detail of every book he read and was able to recall facts and trivia on a multitude of subjects. (翻译:他记得他读的每本书的每一个细节并能够记得众多不同学科的知识细节。)

5. It's an accretion of moments that add up to where we are now, where trivia becomes news. (翻译:是各种时刻不断累加,构成了现在我们所处的时代, 琐事都变成了新闻。)

6. Explanations of history and trivia are all over the place but are written like a story and easy to read. (翻译:关于历史和其它小故事的讲解随处可见,以讲故事的方式写出来,便于阅读。)

7. That's enough cable to strangle most of California, but by all means feel free to add in your own cable trivia down in the comments. (翻译:加利福尼亚州使用的大部分电缆就是这些了,如果你想增加更多的,阅读的注释部分。)

8. And tonight you answered every question in trivia. (翻译:而今晚你又答出了答题竞赛的所有题目 And tonight you answered every question in trivia.)

9. Another trivia list! (翻译:另一张琐事清单而已。)

10. Be the first caller to answer a monthly trivia question about the group you want to see. (翻译:即刻呼入回答关于你想看乐队的 每月趣事逸闻问题)

11. Here's a bit of trivia for you: What was Veterans Day originally called? (翻译:有个小问题要考考你:老兵纪念日最初叫什么?)

12. It's called Strip Trivia. We made it up. It's a Band Camp tradition. (翻译:这是问答游戏,我们发明的 也是仪队营的传统)

13. Ladies and gentlemen, Trivia Night is going to start in 15 minutes. (翻译:女士们先生们 十五分钟后晚上的节目就要开始了)

14. I'm the sports trivia king, I'm the super sports fan, you know? (翻译:我是运动花边王子 是超级体育迷,知道吗?)

15. Trivia He started acting when his mother sent him to acting camp due to his tendency to break out in song in public places. (翻译:妈发现了他在公共场合歌唱的天赋,所以送他去参加了一个演戏的露营俱乐部,他就从那个时候开始了演艺生涯。)



1. 词的意思: Trivia是指那些琐碎的、无足轻重的、看似不重要的事物,通常被用于指代小道消息、小常识、琐闻等。

2. 词性:名词。复数形式为"trivias"。

3. 常用场景:Trivia常用于游戏、电视节目等场合,例如:各种Quiz、Trivia游戏,以及一些综艺节目的问答环节。同时,Trivia也可以用于描述生活中的琐事、闲谈、随意的交谈等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括"trivia game"(问答游戏)、"trivia night"(知识竞赛夜)、"sports trivia"(体育知识)等。

5. 相关短语:相关短语包括"trivia buff"(对小常识有着极度热爱的人)、"trivia challenge"(小常识挑战)、"trivia question"(小常识问题)等。

6. 发音拼写:Trivia发音为/trɪvɪə/ 。拼写时,T和r的发音较清晰,i和a的发音较短,v和i的拼音为/vɪ/,o的发音可以省略。

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