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convection是什么意思 convection的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:53
  • 179

convection是什么意思 convection的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The heat is transferred by convection from the hot suce to the air.


2. Thunderstorms are caused by the convection of heat and moisture in the atmosphere.


3. Convection ovens work by circulating hot air to cook food more evenly.


convection在中文中有"对流 、运流"的意思,还经常被翻译为热对流,单词读音音标为[kәn'vekʃәn],convection在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到94个与convection相关的例句。



例句:Correction to "A case study of relationship between substorm expansion and global plasma convection" (对“亚暴扩充与全球等离子体对流之间关系的个例研究”的修正)


例句:Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in Annual Space of Rotating Plug for The CEFR Fast Reactor (对中国实验快堆旋塞环形空间自然对流的数值模拟)


例句:Relationship between the Vertical Velocity Skewness and Kurtosis Observed during Sea-Breeze Convection (海风对流期间观测到的垂直速度偏斜度与峭度间的关系)


例句:The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen… (翻译:在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。)


convection一般作为名词使用,如在dry convection(干对流)、dynamical convection(动力对流)、dynamic convection(动态对流)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry convection干对流
dynamical convection动力对流
dynamic convection动态对流
equilibrate convection平衡对流
electric convection[电] 电的对流
fluid convection流体对流
force convection强近对流
forced convection[化] 强制对流
free convection[化] 自由对流


1. Relationship between the Vertical Velocity Skewness and Kurtosis Observed during Sea-Breeze Convection (翻译:海风对流期间观测到的垂直速度偏斜度与峭度间的关系)

2. The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen… (翻译:在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。)

3. Finally, the relation of the front and convection as well as the role of convective latent heating on the Meiyu frontogenesis was discussed. (翻译:最后探讨梅雨锋与对流之关系,及对流潜热释放在梅雨锋生过程所扮演之角色。)

4. Another possibility is that the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that move the plates. (翻译:另一种可能是下沉的板块冷却了邻近的地幔,并产生对流,使板块移动。)

5. Be able to understand the factors including diffusion, convection , and reaction in environmental pollutants. (翻译:解染物在环境扩散,传输及反应之各项因子。)

6. It would be odd if the rising convection currents kept exact pace with them. (翻译:如果上升的对流与它们保持保持完全一致,那就奇怪了。)

7. The compactness of the deposit is obviously increased through the inhibition to agar gels to the convection and diffusion of the solution. (翻译:本发明利用琼脂凝胶对溶液中的对流和扩散的抑制作用使沉积物的致密度得到了明显提高。)

8. A case study of relationship between substorm expansion and global plasma convection (翻译:亚暴扩张与等离子体对流之间关系的个例研究)

9. So it is urgent to improve the convection parameterization in the AGCM. (翻译:因此,改进大气模式的云参数化方案是未来工作重点之一。)

10. On the seemingly incompatible parcel and globally-integrated views of the energetics of triggered atmospheric deep convection over land (翻译:触发陆地上空大气深对流能量学的和外场不一致气块全球-综合观点)

11. It is found that the main cause of tubes bursting is the flame in the burner washing down watercooled wall and the uneven distributed flue-temperature over the convection superheater. (翻译:认为炉内火焰冲刷水冷壁及对流过热器烟温分布不均是造成爆管的主要原因。)

12. The observatory said the relatively strong localized convection led to the formation of the waterspout. (翻译:天文台表示,是相对强烈的地区性对流活动,导致了此次水龙卷的形成。)

13. In this computation, the heat convection, the heat conduction between the strip and the roller as well as the friction heat was considered. (翻译:此计算中考虑了对流换热、过程中与带钢之间的热传导以及摩擦热。)

14. Strategically located, Central Square Office enjoys close proximity to important business venues such as Suntec City Convection Centre, Raffles Place and Shenton Way. (翻译:优越的地理位置,中环广场办公楼享有接近珊顿道和重要的商业场所,如新达城对流中心,莱佛士坊。)

15. That's a Viking 48-inch dual fuel range... with a convection oven. (翻译:这是一个海盗48寸双燃料范围. 用对流烘箱。)

convection是一个名词,表示通过流体或气体传递热量的过程。该词可以用于描述自然界中发生的热对流现象,也可以用于指工程领域中的热传递,比如对流式热交换器。常见的用法包括:convection oven(对流烤箱)、convection current(对流气流)、convection heater(对流加热器)等。

一些常见的词组搭配包括:convection heat(对流热)、convection zone(对流区)、convection cell(对流细胞)、convection coefficient(对流系数)等。

与convection相关的短语包括:heat convection(热对流)、natural convection(自然对流)、forced convection(强制对流)等。


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