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royal revolt是什么意思 royal revolt的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-19 09:00:56
  • 189

royal revolt是什么意思 royal revolt的中文翻译、读音、例句

'royal revolt'的意思是“皇家叛乱”。 中文翻译为“皇家叛乱”,读音为[ˈrɔɪəl rɪˈvəult]。


1. The peasants staged a royal revolt, hoping to overthrow the oppressive king.


2. The royal revolt resulted in the downfall of the monarchy and the establishment of a new government.


1. 词释

"Royal revolt" 可以解释为 "皇家叛乱",通常指王室内部的反叛或叛乱行为。这种行为可能是由王室成员或王位继承者发动的,旨在推翻现有的王室体制。

2. 历史背景

在历史上, royal revolt 发生的频率较高,尤其是在欧洲中世纪和近代时期。例如,英国历史上发生了许多 royal revolts,其中最著名的可能是 1688 年的 "格洛斯特公爵叛乱"。

3. 影响

Royal revolt 的后果通常是不可的,可能导致王室地位的衰落,或者造成更大的动荡。同时,它也可能是一种重要的历史事件,对于国家体制的形成和发展具有重要的影响。


1. The royal revolt led to the downfall of the monarchy and the establishment of a new democratic government in the country. (这次皇室叛乱导致了王室的覆灭和新的的建立。)

2. Many historians believe that the royal revolt in England in the 17th century played a key role in the development of modern democracy.(许多历史学家认为17世纪英国的皇家叛乱在现代的发展中起着关键作用。)

3. The king's nephew was the mastermind behind the royal revolt, which aimed to remove the king from power and seize the throne.(国王的侄子是这起皇家叛乱的主谋,目的是推翻国王的统治,夺取王位。)

4. The royal revolt was quickly suppressed by the king's loyal army, and many of the rebels were executed or exiled.(皇家叛乱很快被国王的忠实下去,许多叛乱者被处决或流放。)

5. The royal revolt triggered a series of civil wars and political upheavals in the country, which lasted for several decades.(皇家叛乱引发了一系列内战和动荡,持续了几十年之久。)

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