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jiffy是什么意思 jiffy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:05
  • 158

jiffy是什么意思 jiffy的中文翻译、读音、例句


- I'll be back in a jiffy. (我马上就回来。)

- Mix the ingredients together and your cake will be ready in a jiffy. (将材料混合在一起,你的蛋糕就会很快烤好。)

- He fixed my bike in a jiffy. (他很快修好了我的自行车。)




例句:Once we get there, I'll have your ride fixed up in a jiffy. (我们只要到了那里, 我会 很快修好你们的车.)


例句:Just when they were about to prepare for the surgical, a man came up and said he could get the money out in a jiffy. (他们正要准备手术,一名男子上前来说他能马上就取出硬币。)


例句:I'll get you out in a jiffy. (我将马上把你弄出来。)


例句:We just need a little practice and we'll get it in a jiffy.. (翻译:现在只是跳舞而已 稍微练习一下 就可以了)


jiffy一般作为名词使用,如在in a jiffy(马上,立刻)、Jiffy bag(n. (邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封)、Jiffy bags(n. (邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a jiffy马上,立刻
Jiffy bagn. (邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封
Jiffy bagsn. (邮寄图书用的)有衬垫物夹层的大信封
jiffy lube捷飞络(公司名)
Jiffy pot(泥炭和木桨制的)苗钵(播入后可穿钵壁生长)
jiffy stand停车架
jiffy tools全套专用工具
wait a jiffy等一等,请稍等一会儿


1. I'll get you out in a jiffy. (翻译:我将马上把你弄出来。)

2. We just need a little practice and we'll get it in a jiffy.. (翻译:现在只是跳舞而已 稍微练习一下 就可以了)

3. But in a jiffy if there's another accident and in consideration my injury is serious (翻译:但是转眼之间 在我的伤势变得这么严重的时候 再多一次意外的话)

4. It was that sort of scrubby, huge Jiffy bag on reception. (翻译:这是那种穷酸的, 巨大的捷飞包放在前台。)

5. Grandma: Now now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, I will have it off in a jiffy. Do you know where your father keeps his chisels ? (翻译:凯特:哦,好了,我说没什么大惊小怪的,我现在马上把它给弄掉。知道你父亲把凿子放在哪儿了吗?)

6. If you had, like, a jiffy baggy.. (翻译:如果你有的话,像是包书用的封套之类的...)

7. We will be out of your bouncy hair in a jiffy. (翻译:我希望大家不要在谈论这个问题... 你们不用为这事负责 这是我俩之间的事)

8. I've never even changed a diaper with my hands and she did it in a jiffy with her feet! (翻译:我从来也没有亲手为孩子换过一片尿布,而她却迅速地用脚换好了!)

9. Uh-huh. We'll be there in a jiffy. There's not that much traffic here. Check out the map. We're looking for the Vasa district. (翻译:不错。我们马上就要到了。这里的交通流量不那么大。看一下地图。我们要找凡莎区。)

10. We had a little hepatitis scare in the kitchen, but we'll have it cleaned up in a jiffy. (翻译:我们厨房里有一点肝炎隐患 但是我们马上就会清理干净)

11. Don't worry. Pray to God. He'll give it to you in a jiffy. (翻译:别担心,向上帝祈祷吧 他马上就会来帮你的)

12. You put one foot here and one foot there, and you'll be up in a jiffy. (翻译:把一只脚放这里,另一只放这里 你就能上去了)

13. It doesn't surprise me that in this climate, many of our institutions for the provision of health care start to look a heck of a lot like Jiffy Lube. (翻译:在这种风气下, 许多机构 为寻求医疗服务, 开始大批搜寻润滑油的行为, 一点儿也不使我惊讶。)

14. Alors, we fix you in a jiffy. (翻译:那么 我们来帮你瞬间修复 Alors, we fix you in a jiffy.)

15. He had us rob this Jiffy Lube while he pulled this big heist downtown. (翻译:他让我们捷飞络公司 而他自已去打劫市区的一所大公司)




1. 词性和定义:'jiffy'是一个名词,表示短暂的时间或极短的时间段。

2. 语境和使用:'jiffy'通常用于口语或非正式场合,表示某事很快就会发生或完成。在商业或科技领域,'jiffy'也被用于表示计算机或机器人快速执行任务的速度。

3. 发音和拼写:'jiffy'的发音为/'dʒɪfi/,拼写为j-i-f-f-y。

4. 词源和历史:'jiffy'这个词最早出现在18世纪早期的英语中,有可能来源于拉丁语中的“jiffies”,意为“即刻”。

5. 常见搭配和例句:

- in a jiffy - 马上、立刻

- I'll be back in a jiffy. 我马上就回来。

- She finished the job in a jiffy. 她很快就完成了这项工作。

- in two jiffies - 很快地

- The computer program solved the problem in two jiffies. 计算机程序很快地解决了这个问题。

- a jiffy bag - 保密信封、快递信封

- I'll send you the documents in a jiffy bag. 我会用快递信封把文件寄给你。

- jiffy lube - 快速换油店

- I need to take my car to the jiffy lube before my road trip. 我需要在公路旅行前把车送到快速换油店去。

- jiffy pop - 快速炸玉米花

- We watched a movie and made some jiffy pop. 我们看电影边做快速炸玉米花边吃。

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