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overkill是什么意思 overkill的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:31
  • 260

overkill是什么意思 overkill的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The military operation was an overkill, causing needless destruction and loss of life. (军事行动过度杀伤,造成不必要的和生命损失。)

2. The company's marketing strategy was an overkill, spending too much money on unnecessary advertising. (公司的营销策略过度杀伤,花费了太多钱在不必要的广告上。)

3. The punishment for the minor crime was an overkill, resulting in a harsh sentence. (对于轻微罪行的惩罚过度杀伤,导致了严厉的判决。)




例句:The firepower that was utilized is a very clear definition of overkill. (使用这样大的火力 简直就是标准的过度杀戮)


例句:That is one way to put the "over" in overkill. (是的 们并不能确认 Dave Blake和Reid 你们过一下所有的旧案卷)


例句:Hyperbolic overkill is a way of taking exaggeration to the absolute ultimate limit, just for the fun of it. (巨无霸是一种把夸张伸展到绝对极限的表达方式就为了它的好玩儿。)


例句:So this was overkill, huh? (翻译:So this was overkill, huh?)


1. Hyperbolic overkill is a way of taking exaggeration to the absolute ultimate limit, just for the fun of it. (翻译:巨无霸是一种把夸张伸展到绝对极限的表达方式就为了它的好玩儿。)

2. So this was overkill, huh? (翻译:So this was overkill, huh?)

3. And the emotional torture of being left paralyzed is a kind of overkill, and that occurs when there's a personal connection between the offender and the victims. (翻译:瘫痪导致的精神折磨是一种过度杀戮 这属于罪犯和受害人有私交的情况)

4. And I know that might seem like overkill, but I guarantee regular surveillance will deter even the most determined criminal. (翻译:我知道这看起来有些夸张 但是有规律的防范能控制 哪怕是有预谋的犯罪)

5. Handcuffs seem like overkill, but I have to arrest you. (翻译:似乎有点小题大做,不得不 逮捕你。)

6. i was gonna give you mentor of the year, but, you know, it seemed like overkill. (翻译:我是要给你的导师 这一年,可是,你知道,这 似乎有点小题大做。)

7. Such security measures may be overkill. (翻译:如此安全措施可能是过分之举。)

8. Components could avoid the problem of overloaded names being cached by not using service locators at all, but that would be overkill. (翻译:组件可以通过根本不使用服务而避免重载缓存的名称的问题,但是这种方法又有点错杀一千的感觉。)

9. But keeping relaxed monetary conditions in place so far into 2010 was overkill, and there is now a price to be paid in inflation. (翻译:不过,宽松的货币条件一直延续到2010年,这种做法过头了,如今付出的代价就是通货膨胀。)

10. White denim jacket and jeans is overkill, but the fact he has the cojones to even touch white denim is a feat in itself. (翻译:白色牛仔夹克配白色牛仔裤杀伤力实在太大,不过他敢去尝试白色牛仔裤已经是勇气可嘉了。)

11. Hyperbolic overkill is a way of taking exaggeration to the absolute ultimate limit, just for the fun of it. This was a piece I did -- a brochure again -- "RMS Tyrannic: The Biggest Thing in All the World." (翻译:巨无霸是一种把夸张伸展到绝对极限的表达方式 就为了它的好玩儿。这幅画我画的,又是一个小册子 英国皇家邮轮泰霸尼克号,世上最大的玩意儿)

12. Because overkill is underrated my friend. (翻译:因为乱花渐欲迷人眼 伙计 Because overkill is underrated, my friend.)

13. But Europe risks overkill. (翻译:但欧洲的风险甚巨。)

14. Hyperbolic overkill is a way of taking exaggeration to the absolute ultimate limit, just for the fun of it. This was a piece I did -- a brochure again -- "RMS Tyrannic: The Biggest Thing in All the World." (翻译:巨无霸是一种把夸张伸展到绝对极限的表达方式 就为了它的好玩儿。这幅画我画的,又是一个小册子 英国皇家邮轮泰霸尼克号,世上最大的玩意儿 )

15. 1UP: What's an example of something in Overkill that you wouldn't have been able to include in an arcade House of the Dead? (翻译:问:有什么样的例子能够说明在《赶尽杀绝》中会有连街机版《死亡之屋》也涵盖不了的内容?)



1. 定义:Overkill意为过度或超出所需的水平或程度,常用于形容某事物或行为过于夸张或过分了结,常常带有负面的意义。

2. 用途:这个词可以用于形容不必要的消费、过度的武力或武器的使用、过度的言辞或行为等,也可以用于描述某些事情或行为的结果过于严重或过度。

3. 同义词:有些用例情况下可以使用过度、过分、太多等词汇来等效的表达overkill的含义。


1. The amount of money you spent on that meal was overkill - you could have just made it at home for a third of the price. (你在那顿饭上花的钱太多了——你完全可以自己在家做,只花原来的三分之一的价格。)

2. The use of a tank to defeat a single enemy soldier was overkill - a single bullet would have done the job. (用坦克击败一个敌军士兵是过度的——一颗就可以完成任务。)

3. The boss's reaction to the employee's minor mistake was overkill - he completely lost his temper and fired the employee on the spot. (老板对员工的小错误的反应过度了——他完全失去了耐心,并当场解雇了该员工。)

4. The cake was delicious, but the amount of frosting on it was overkill - it was too sweet and covered up the flavor of the cake itself. (蛋糕很好吃,但上面的糖霜用得太多了——太甜了,盖住了蛋糕本身的味道。)

5. The company's advertising campaign was overkill - they spent way too much money on billboards and TV commercials, but the product still didn't sell well. (公司的广告活动过度了——他们在广告牌和电视广告上花费了太多的钱,但产品仍然卖得不好。)

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