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evergreen是什么意思 evergreen的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:35
  • 173

evergreen是什么意思 evergreen的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Pine trees are evergreen, which means they don't lose their leaves in the winter. (松树是常青的,意味着它们在冬季不落叶。)

2. The company's evergreen strategy of focusing on customer satisfaction has led to its success. (公司一直专注于顾客满意度的策略是其成功的原因。)




例句:They have them all year round, they're from the evergreen family, like pine trees. (这使得一年四季, 这是相同的 家庭松树。)


例句:But by 1745, an early Georgian parlour is decorated with only a garland and a few sprigs of evergreen. (而到了1745年,早期乔治时代的前厅仅用花环和一些常青树枝装饰。)


例句:Evergreen subshrubs or climbing lianas, epiphytic, less frequently epipetric or terrestrial, not rhizomatous. (不,常绿亚灌木或攀援藤本植物,附生的,较不经常陆生的岩生或。)


例句:An evergreen tree in the Capitol's rotunda. (翻译:——州议会大厦圆形大厅里的一棵常青树。)


evergreen一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在evergreen beech([网络] 常绿榉木)、evergreen beeches([网络] 常绿榉木\n(evergreen beech 的复数))、evergreen bittersweet([网络] 常绿苦甜)等常见短语中出现较多。

evergreen beech[网络] 常绿榉木
evergreen beeches[网络] 常绿榉木\n(evergreen beech 的复数)
evergreen bittersweet[网络] 常绿苦甜
evergreen bittersweets[网络] 常绿苦甜\n(evergreen bittersweet 的复数)
evergreen blueberries[网络] 常绿蓝莓\n(evergreen blueberry 的复数)
evergreen blueberry[网络] 常绿蓝莓
evergreen cherries[网络] 常绿樱桃\n(evergreen cherry 的复数)
evergreen cherry[网络] 常绿樱桃
evergreen community常绿群落


1. Evergreen subshrubs or climbing lianas, epiphytic, less frequently epipetric or terrestrial, not rhizomatous. (翻译:不,常绿亚灌木或攀援藤本植物,附生的,较不经常陆生的岩生或。)

2. An evergreen tree in the Capitol's rotunda. (翻译:——州议会大厦圆形大厅里的一棵常青树。)

3. Ilex Cornuta is evergreen Holly plant, found in most parts of southern China. (翻译:枸骨为冬青科常绿植物,分布在中国南方大部分地区。)

4. As part of the traditional ceremony an evergreen bough was nailed to the stage and a 'noggin of ale' was drunk. (翻译:作为传统封顶仪式的一部分,台上摆放有常青树枝。与会嘉宾也共饮了一小杯啤酒。)

5. Malvaceae Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub. (翻译:是锦葵科黄槿属常绿灌木。)

6. Woody climbers or scandent shrubs, sometimes subject, rarely erect, deciduous or evergreen. (翻译:木质藤本或攀缘灌木,有时近直立,很少竖立,落叶或常绿。)

7. The person with busy job can select the plant with stronger vitality, like evergreen or saxifrage. (翻译:工作繁忙的人可选择生命力较强的植物,如万年青或虎耳草。)

8. Evergreen fund: A fund that reinvests its profits in order to ensure the availability of capital for future investments. (翻译:万年青基金。将基金经营利润再投资于本基金,以确保未来的投资项目投入的资本需要。)

9. Shrubs, small trees, rarely subshrubs or perennial herbs, evergreen, monoecious or rarely dioecious. (翻译:灌木,小乔木,很少亚灌木或多年生草本,常绿,雌雄同株或很少雌雄异株的。)

10. Shrubs or trees, sometimes climbers or epiphytes, evergreen, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, unarmed. (翻译:灌木或乔木,有时攀援藤本或附生植物,常绿,两性的或雄花两性花同株,无刺。)

11. Which fictional family lives at 742 Evergreen Terrace? (翻译:【电视 男声】 哪个虚构的家庭住在长荣街742好?)

12. We never saidour lovewas evergreen, or as unchangingas the sea -but pleasepromise me, that sometimes, you will thinkof me! (翻译:我只希望馨月能够偶尔记起我,那便足够了!)

13. evergreen Asiatic trees now grown through the tropics: breadfruit; jackfruit . (翻译:现在在热带地区生长的长青亚洲树;面包果树;木菠萝树。)

14. Evergreen is a different concept. (翻译:常青连锁酒店是个不同的概念 Evergreen is a different concept.)

15. In fact, goalkeepers are still performing at the heightest level such as the evergreen Gianluca Pagliuca. (翻译:其实守门员更可以保持好的状态,比如常青树帕柳卡。)



词义: 'evergreen' 指的是常绿植物,这些植物一年四季都保持着绿色的叶子。


词组搭配:evergreen tree(常绿树)

短语:evergreen forest(常绿林)



1. Evergreen trees such as pines and firs are popular choices for Christmas trees.

2. The evergreen forest is home to many animals and plants that cannot survive in other habitats.

3. The garden was filled with evergreen shrubs and bushes.

4. The landscape was dominated by evergreen trees and rolling hills.

5. The park was surrounded by a dense evergreen forest.

6. The evergreen foliage remained lush and green even during the winter.

7. The gardeners planted evergreens to provide year-round color and interest.


1. 像松树和冷杉这样的常绿树是圣诞树的受欢迎的选择。

2. 常绿林是许多不能在其他栖息地生存的动植物的家园。

3. 花园里种满了常绿灌木和灌木丛。

4. 风景被常绿树和连绵起伏的山丘所统治。

5. 公园被茂密的常绿林环绕。

6. 即使在冬季,常绿叶仍然繁盛绿色。

7. 园丁们种植常绿植物,以提供全年色彩和趣味。

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