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farger是什么意思 farger的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:38
  • 168

farger是什么意思 farger的中文翻译、读音、例句




Norwegian: Barna elsker å leke med fargerike ballonger.

English: The children love to play with colorful balloons.

Norwegian: Kunstneren bruker ulike farger for å skape et vakkert maleri.

English: The artist uses different colors to create a beautiful painting.




例句:Colonel Jager, under the United Nations military code of criminal justice, you are under arrest. (Jäger上校 根据军事法规,你被逮捕了)


例句:All my troubles seemed so far away, ([歌词]All my troubles seemed so far away,)


例句:Children from the ger districts cool off in the polluted Tuul River. (蒙古包区的孩子们正在已被染的图尔河中纳凉。)


1. Children from the ger districts cool off in the polluted Tuul River. (翻译:蒙古包区的孩子们正在已被染的图尔河中纳凉。)

2. Blue ultramarine is coming from far, far away: (翻译:青蓝色是从很远很远的地方运过来的: 阿富汗 Blue ultramarine is coming from far, far away:)

3. ♪ Oh, these feet carry me far ♪ (翻译:- Oh, these feet carry me far -)

4. Where prey gathers, predators are never far behind. (翻译:predators are never far behind.)

5. But the thing is, when you think back, was it worth his taking it that far? (翻译:But the thing is, when you think back, was it worth his taking it that far?)

6. ♪ Someone else moved in from far away... (翻译:♪ Someone else moved in from far away...)

7. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (翻译:很久很久以前 在一个遥远的银河系... . A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...)

8. It's me on the cheerleading squad, adored by every varsity male as far as the eye can see. (翻译:adored by every varsity male as far as the eye can see.)

9. We live so far up the hill. (翻译:We live so far up the hill.)

10. If you want to be safe, move far, far away from here. (翻译:你要想平安无事 还是走得越远越好 If you want to be safe, move far, far away from here.)

11. I was blessed with a talent that could get me real far (翻译:Iwasblessedwithatalent that could get me real far)

12. SOV will cancel his Non-Aggression pact with GER under certain conditions (翻译:苏联在某种条件下将取消与德国的互不侵犯条约)

13. You've got yourself in a real jam, son. (翻译:son. Far better come clean.)

14. He only wanted to take this so far. (翻译:He only wanted to take this so far.)

15. If this world makes you crazy ♪ (翻译:♪Lonely boy far from home♪)

'farger' 是挪威语中的一个单词,意思是"颜色"。它是一个名词,并且常常和具体的颜色单词一起使用,例如"rød farge"(红色),"blå farge"(蓝色)等等。



1. fargepalett - 调色板

2. fargelegge - 彩色的

3. fargeblind - 色盲

4. fargeprøve - 色板样品

5. fargekart - 颜色卡

6. fargevalg - 颜色选择

7. fargenyanser - 不同颜色的变化


1. ha øye for farger - 对颜色有眼光

2. se verden i farger - 看到世界的多彩之处

3. male med farger - 用颜料涂画

4. følelsesmessige farger - 情感色彩

5. klare farger - 鲜明的颜色

6. pastellfarger - 柔和的颜色

7. varme farger - 温暖的颜色



1. Fargene i maleriet fikk publi til å føle seg glade. The colors in the painting made the audience feel happy.

2. Hun valgte en rød farge for den nye bilen sin. She chose a red color for her new car.

3. Han er fargeblind, så han har problemer med å se forskjell på grønt og rødt. He's color blind, so he has trouble telling the difference between green and red.

4. Jeg liker pastellfarger fordi de er myke og behagelige å se på. I like pastel colors because they are soft and pleasant to look at.

5. Fargeprøven viste at tapeten ville passe godt til resten av rommet. The color sample showed that the wallpaper would match well with the rest of the room.

6. Kunstneren brukte varme farger for å skape en lys og innbydende atmosfære. The artist used warm colors to create a bright and inviting atmosphere.

7. Fargekartet hadde et stort utvalg av forskjellige nyanser av oransje. The color chart had a wide range of different shades of orange.

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