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morn是什么意思 morn的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:08
  • 237

morn是什么意思 morn的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. I usually go for a run in the morn before work. 我通常在上班前早晨去跑步。

2. The birds were singing in the morn. 鸟儿在清晨唱歌。




例句:I had decided to come back with you when you found out about your morn. (其实你一跟我说要回去 我就想好了要跟你一块走)


例句:There we can enjoy ourselves and be happy from morn till night. (在那里我们可以从早到晚都享受自己,总是很快乐。)


例句:♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪ (一切开始的宁静清晨 遥想 ♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪)

4.早晨 、上午

例句:Idiot. Why can't you just text me like every other morn? (翻译:这. 为什么你不能像其妈一样 传个简讯就好?)


morn一般作为名词使用,如在Early Morn([网络] 早起赞美歌)、even and morn(朝夕,整天)、mid morn([网络] 早上好)等常见短语中出现较多。

Early Morn[网络] 早起赞美歌
even and morn朝夕,整天
mid morn[网络] 早上好
morn.n. 早晨;上午\n[网络] 明天;黎明;莫恩
September Morn[网络] 九月之晨;九月的早晨;九月晨光
even nor morn朝夕,整天


1. ♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪ (翻译:一切开始的宁静清晨 遥想 ♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪)

2. Idiot. Why can't you just text me like every other morn? (翻译:这. 为什么你不能像其妈一样 传个简讯就好?)

3. What brings you out this frosty morn? (翻译:大冷天的早上你怎么来了? What brings you out this frosty morn?)

4. Now take this letter early in the morn and see you deliver it to my lord and father. (翻译:现在把这封信在一大早 送去给我的父亲大人)

5. I didn't quite catch his surname—was it Morn-M-O-R-N? (翻译:我没听清楚他姓什么——是 Morn——M-O-R-N 吗? )

6. Every morn the sun rose upon fresh corpses, with harpies drawn in blood on the bricks beside them. (翻译:每个早晨太阳都从新鲜尸体之上升起,而旁边则有鹰身女妖们用他们的鲜写的砖墙。)

7. The dusky night rides down the sky and ushers in the morn-henry fielding; the twilight glow of the sky; a boat on a twilit river. (翻译:朦胧的夜晚从天空中降临前驱就在东方——亨利·菲尔丁;天空朦胧的光亮;朦胧的河流上的小船。)

8. Many of you morn the animals in the gulf, but fail to see the total destruction your food animals deal with daily. (翻译:你们很多人为墨西哥湾的动物们悲痛,却看不到日常里你们的食用动物所遭受的全部毁灭。)

9. My morn must want you to be my dictator (翻译:我想,阿妈把这个送给你 是不是想你日后当母老虎,镇着我?)

10. My morn died when I was in junior high. (翻译:是啊,所以这样的,这成为 那曾经发生在我身上最好的事情。)

11. So Paris, on his wedding morn, will come to find his bride is dead and ripe for burial in the great vault where Capulets do lie. (翻译:所以帕里斯,在他结婚的早晨 他的新娘会是一具死亡已久的死尸 凯普莱特家人将在大拱顶撒谎)

12. Mistress Roger Prynne... by order of the Governor of Masachusetts Bay Colony, you are ordered to appear before the magistrates at eight tomorrow morn! (翻译:罗杰·白兰因太太 受马塞诸塞海湾殖民地总督之命 明天上午八点)

13. One morn, a young man leading a goat lost his way due to the thick mist. (翻译:清晨,一个牵着山羊的青年因为大雾迷了路。)

14. One namely cold later drinking. The Ji Yu morn Lun mushrooms piece of stone, again mercilessly failed next work! (翻译:一声冷喝之后。姬宇晨抡起石块,再次狠狠的砸了下去!)

15. When you wake up in the morn, set a goal that today you must be better than yesterday. Do it daily, grow better! (翻译:早上醒来时,给自己定个目标:今天一定要比昨天好!每天坚持,一定会大有收获!)



1. 定义: 'morn'是'morning'的缩写词,意为早上或上午。

2. 用法: 'morn'通常用于诗歌、文学作品或口语交流中。在正式的书面语中,一般不会使用'morn'。

3. 同义词: morning, forenoon, a.m.

4. 例句:

- Good morn, everyone! 早上好,大家!

- I wake up in the morn to the sound of birds singing. 我每天早上被鸟儿的歌声叫醒。

- The dew on the grass glistened in the morn sunlight. 晨光下,草地上的露珠闪闪发光。

- She prefers to exercise in the morn before work. 她喜欢在上班前的早上锻炼身体。

- The morning mist hung low over the fields at morn. 晨雾笼罩在田野之上。

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