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threes是什么意思 threes的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-19 08:22:42
  • 244

threes是什么意思 threes的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Let's play threes. 我们来玩三个一组。

2. The teacher divided the students into threes for a group project.老师将学生分成三个一组进行小组项目。

3. The price of the new car is threes times more expensive than the old one.这辆新车的价格是旧车的三倍。




例句:Soon the cat wanted the fat once again. "All good things in threes, " she said to the mouse. "Again I have to be godmother. " (很快猫再一次想那块肥肉了。“好事不过三,”她对老鼠说。“我这回又要当教母了。”)


例句:Everything is coming in threes these days, even halves. (现在,所有的东西都是三个三个的来 但是还是一半)


例句:At the English Corner, a great number of students stand around the foreign teachers, or just stand in twos and threes, talking and laughing. (在英语角里,很多学生或是围着外教又或是三两成群地有说有笑地聊着,他们全都是说英语的。)


例句:Aboard the train, heads poked from the windows in twos and threes, enjoying the easy camaraderie of a long journey that's just begun. (翻译:在火车上,一个车窗会伸出两三个头来,他们在共享长途旅行中轻松交上朋友的快乐,尽管旅途还刚刚开始。)


threes一般作为名词使用,如在in threes(每三个)、number threes([网络] 数三)、rising threes([网络] 上升三分)等常见短语中出现较多。

in threes每三个
number threes[网络] 数三
rising threes[网络] 上升三分
Threes and eightsinterj. [民用电台频带告别用语]祝你走运
twos and threesn. 三三两两


1. At the English Corner, a great number of students stand around the foreign teachers, or just stand in twos and threes, talking and laughing. (翻译:在英语角里,很多学生或是围着外教又或是三两成群地有说有笑地聊着,他们全都是说英语的。)

2. Aboard the train, heads poked from the windows in twos and threes, enjoying the easy camaraderie of a long journey that's just begun. (翻译:在火车上,一个车窗会伸出两三个头来,他们在共享长途旅行中轻松交上朋友的快乐,尽管旅途还刚刚开始。)

3. Elephants travel in herds of twenty and tigers in twos or threes... (翻译:你能看见几十只大象 还有三两成群的老虎...)

4. For example, it is commonly said that luck, good or bad, comes in threes; if an accident happens, two more of the same kind may be expected soon afterwards. (翻译:例如,人们常说,好运和坏运气都是三位一体的;如果发生一起事故,不久之后可能会发生两起同样的事故。)

5. By 2013, Mrs Von der Leyen wants to treble the number of available nursery places to 750,000, covering one-third of Germany's under-threes. (翻译:到2013年,von der Leyen女士想把托儿所的数量翻三倍,达到75万所,覆盖德国三岁以下孩子的三分之一。)

6. Become an elder brother, we grasp smelly threes to fly (翻译:we grasp smelly threes to fly)

7. Reminds me of another set of threes that my dad tried to get across to us. (翻译:这也让我想起我父亲试图传达给我们的另外三个原则:)

8. Two six-by-fours, three four-by-threes. (翻译:两块六英尺长四英尺宽的 三块是四英尺长三英尺宽的 Two six -by -fours, three four)

9. When darkness creeps across the bay of Santa Ana and sets over the town of Sao Tome, the girls appear in twos or threes, or alone. (翻译:当夜色开始笼罩圣安娜海湾和圣多美镇的时候,女孩们开始三个一群、两个一伙或是单独出现。)

10. People in the group, you know, the musicians and The I-Threes... every day, as it would get closer to this day of the concert people was feeling hesitant about doing it. (翻译:集团成员, 音乐家和I -三三两两... ...)

11. People arrived in twos and threes. (翻译:人们三三两两地到了。)

12. “India has missed its big window of opportunity by not giving priority to mothers and the under-threes, ” says Victor Aguayo, chief of Unicef’s nutrition programme in India. (翻译:印度没把孕妇与三岁以下的婴幼儿放在首位考虑,这已经是个严重的错误。)

13. What was it with riddles, and why do they always come in threes? (翻译:谜语是什么, 为什么总是三则?我在心里嘀咕。)

14. Eck says we're wired to organize messy reality into threes. (翻译:厄克说我们正致力于从散乱的事实总结出“成三”规律。)

15. Notes are usually grouped in twos and threes and the first note of such a group is normally accented. (翻译:音符通常分为两组和三组,每组的第一个音符通常加重。)



threes 是一个名词,表示数量为三的事物,常用于棋类游戏中。另外,threes 还可以表示三人一组的状态或者三次重复行为的意思。作为名词,它没有其他词性变化,也没有特别固定的词组搭配。



1. In this game, players take turns sliding numbered tiles into place on a grid in order to combine multiples of threes.


2. When playing this particular card game, the goal is to collect sets of threes.


3. They were playing a game of threes, and I could hear them counting out their turns.


4. It's kind of like a pattern, but you have to do it in threes.


5. The dancers moved in perfect threes, following the cography with precision.


6. The melody was based on a simple pattern of threes, which repeated throughout the song.


7. She counted to threes to calm herself down, taking deep breaths in between each number.


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