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above the moon是什么意思 above the moon的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-28 03:58:54
  • 233

above the moon是什么意思 above the moon的中文翻译、读音、例句

above the moon的中文翻译是“月亮之上”,读音为“əˈbʌv ði muːn”。


1. The soared above the moon, entering deep space.


2. From our vantage point above the moon, we could see Earth in all its glory.


3. The astronaut took a photo of the Earth above the moon, capturing the beauty of our planet from a unique perspective.


1. 词性:'above the moon'是一个短语,不是单个单词或缩写词。

2. 含义:这个短语的含义是指超越月球,比喻某件事情的极点或高度。

3. 用法:'above the moon'通常用于口语和文学作品中,比如小说、诗歌等。

4. 搭配:这个短语常与其他的形容词和副词一起使用,比如high above the moon、far above the moon等。

5. 意义:'above the moon'有时也会引申出其他的意义,比如某个人或事物在某方面的超越或成就。


1. The eagle soared high above the moon, as if reaching for the stars. (鹰展翅高飞,如同要触碰星光一般超越了月球。)

2. Her dreams and aspirations were far above the moon, and she strived to achieve them every day. (她的梦想和抱负超越了月球,而她每一天都在努力实现它们。)

3. The spacecraft flew above the moon, capturing images and data that would help scientists understand more about our universe. (宇宙飞船在月球上方飞行,获取了有助于科学家更好理解宇宙的图像和数据。)

4. His intelligence and creativity were above the moon, and he went on to become one of the greatest inventors of his time. (他的聪明才智和创造力超越了月球,最终成为了他那个时代最伟大的发明家之一。)

5. The singer's voice was so beautiful, it seemed to soar above the moon and touch the hearts of everyone listening. (歌手的声音如此美妙动人,仿佛能飞越月球,触动每一个听众的心灵。)

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