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eds是什么意思 eds的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:07
  • 127

eds是什么意思 eds的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. She graduated with a degree in eds and now works as a teacher.


2. The conference was attended by many eds experts from around the world.





例句:Do not sign up to become totally IBM, totally EDS, totally Accenture or totally anyone. (不要完全依赖IBM、EDS、埃森哲或者其他哪家大公司。)


例句:And yes, we'll take a hit in the op-eds, but until this is over (是的 我们会在报纸专栏受到些攻击 但是在这结束之前)


例句:The property and microcosmic performance of the magnetic exfoliated graphite samples are characterized by SEM, EDS and hysteresis loop. (采用SEM、EDS能谱和磁滞回线研究了样品的微观形貌与性能。)


例句:And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz. (翻译:在他被捕之前,他了他的祖父母,他的母亲及在圣他克鲁兹分校的五位女生。)


eds一般作为名词使用,如在eds.(abbr. editions;editors)等常见短语中出现较多。

eds.abbr. editions;editors


1. The property and microcosmic performance of the magnetic exfoliated graphite samples are characterized by SEM, EDS and hysteresis loop. (翻译:采用SEM、EDS能谱和磁滞回线研究了样品的微观形貌与性能。)

2. And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz. (翻译:在他被捕之前,他了他的祖父母,他的母亲及在圣他克鲁兹分校的五位女生。)

3. And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz. (翻译:在他被捕之前,他了他的祖父母, 他的母亲及在圣他克鲁兹分校的五位女生。)

4. You personally carried 250 co-eds off of Cocoa Beach, and still had strength to fight off the National Guard! (翻译:你曾在可可海滩 掳获250个女学生 仍有余力攻击国家警卫队)

5. Drunk co-eds will attest that they are able to walk around in the dead of winter in only a t-shirt or a skirt, provided they keep drinking. (翻译:喝醉的女大学生证明了如果她们一直喝酒的话,她们可以在隆冬时节只穿着T恤或裙子四处走动。)

6. I teach CEOs and presidents, and boards of directors and EDs. (翻译:包括公司总裁和董事长, 董事会成员和执行董事; )

7. Gocek, Fatma Muge, and Shiva Balaghi, eds. Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East. New York: Columbia University Press, (翻译:合编。《中东地区的性别重建》。纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,1994。)

8. Or a series of op-eds for and against a big idea that don't tell you where the writers worked. (翻译:或者是对某个观点提出 一连串支持或反对的观点, 也不会告诉你其作者在哪里工作。)

9. Microstructure, phase composition and microhardness of the coatings before and after tempering experiments were examined by SEM, EDS and Vicker microhardness tester. (翻译:利用扫描电镜、能谱仪和显微硬度计对激光熔覆涂层回火前后的组织、成分、硬度进行了对比分析和测试。)

10. Berger, Suzanne, and Ron Dore, eds. National Diversity and Global Capitalism. Introduction, Chap . 1, 2, 5, 11, 14, and 15. (翻译:《国家多样性和全球的资本主义》,苏珊。伯杰,罗讷德。多尔主编,简介,第1,2,5,11,14和15章。)

11. You know what, this routine may go over great with the co-eds, but I'm here on business. (翻译:知道吗,这些套路对女学生很有用,是为了公事而来)

12. Luo Gang and Liu Xiangyu, eds . The Theory of Post-Colonialism. Beijing: China Social Science Press, 1999. (翻译:罗钢刘象愚主编:《后殖义文化理论》。北京:中国社会科学出版社,1999年。)

13. The defective cast blades blanks of K6 alloy are examined by means of optical, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spetrum (EDS). (翻译:应用金相显微镜和扫描电镜以及X射线能谱分析了K6合金铸造叶片的质量问题。)

14. his speeches and op-eds still read as if they were written by a committee. (翻译:他的演讲和专栏文章读起来似乎是由一个委员会起草的。)

15. Our co-eds must be losing interest in the Third World. (翻译:我们的co一eds想必正对第三世界 失去兴趣)



1. 'eds'作为缩写词,通常指的是编辑(Editors)。

- 例句1:The 'eds' of the academic journal are responsible for selecting and publishing articles.

- 例句2:The book was edited by several 'eds' to ensure its accuracy and clarity.

- 例句3:The 'eds' of the newspaper decided to cut the article due to space constraints.

2. 'eds'也可以作为形容词,表示已编辑过的(Edited)。

- 例句1:The 'eds' version of the mcript is now ready for publication.

- 例句2:The 'eds' copy of the report had all the errors corrected.

- 例句3:I sent my essay to my teacher for review, and she returned an 'eds' version with comments.

3. 'eds'还可以作为缩写词,指的是学位(Education Specialist)。

- 例句1:After completing his master's degree, he decided to pursue an 'eds' in educational leadership.

- 例句2:The university offers a variety of 'eds' programs for educators.

- 例句3:She earned her 'eds' and became a school counselor.


1. The 'eds' of the magazine have selected the best articles for this month's issue.(杂志的编辑们挑选了本月最好的文章。)

2. The 'eds' version of the book is much clearer and easier to understand.(这本书的编辑版更加清晰易懂。)

3. He received his 'eds' in special education and now works as a teacher.(他获得了特殊教育学位,现在担任教师。)

4. The 'eds' of the online encyclopedia keep it up-to-date with the latest information.(在线百科全书的编辑们将其与最新信息保持同步。)

5. The 'eds' copy of the mcript had all the typos corrected.(这份手稿的编辑副本纠正了所有的错别字。)

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