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explicit是什么意思 explicit的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-16 09:21:24
  • 164

explicit是什么意思 explicit的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The rules and regulations are explicit and must be followed strictly. (规章制度很明确,必须严格遵守。)

2. He was explicit in his instructions, leaving no room for confusion. (他的指示非常清晰明确,不留任何疑惑。)

3. The movie included explicit scenes of violence and . (电影中包含暴力和的明确场景。)

4. She was very explicit about her feelings towards him. (她对他的感情非常明确。)

5. The contract contained explicit details about payment and delivery. (合同中包含了支付和交货的明确细节。)




例句:Encrypted WebSocket Connections and Explicit Proxy servers. (加密的WebSocket连接与显式的服务器。)


例句:The BPC does not provide explicit schema support. (BPC并不提供显式模式支持。)


例句:The parameters of canonical polynomials can be obtained by using explicit formulae. (利用显式可以计算得到规范多项式的参数。)


例句:Sexually explicit scenes in movies and books were taboo under the old regime. (翻译:电影和书籍中露骨的场景在旧体制下是禁忌的。)


explicit一般作为形容词使用,如在explicit in(明确表示,不隐讳)、explicit about(对…态度鲜明,对…明确表示)、explicit attribute([计] 显式属性)等常见短语中出现较多。

explicit in明确表示,不隐讳
explicit about对…态度鲜明,对…明确表示
explicit attribute[计] 显式属性
explicit binding[计] 显式结合
explicit contract显性契约
explicit conversion[计] 显式变换
explicit costs[经] 直接以货币支付的成本
explicit culture显示文化
explicit data[网络] 外部数据


1. The parameters of canonical polynomials can be obtained by using explicit formulae. (翻译:利用显式可以计算得到规范多项式的参数。)

2. Sexually explicit scenes in movies and books were taboo under the old regime. (翻译:电影和书籍中露骨的场景在旧体制下是禁忌的。)

3. The electrostatic summation must be evaluated for an explicit set of ion position. (翻译:静电能的加和必须根据离子的具置来计算。)

4. Mau was, in fact, gathering explicit data using his entire body. (翻译:实际上,毛是在 用他整个身体 在收集详细的数据。)

5. You can avoid problems with misnamed variables by using explicit declaration. (翻译:通过使用显式声明可以避免由拼错变量名引起的问题。)

6. This accident was caused by a wire strung in his garden, with the explicit intent of bringing him down. (翻译:拴在他花园里的一条电线 引发了这次事故 很显然 有人想让他堕马)

7. "Send back your answer as soon as you can, "with the explicit financial settlement. (翻译:请尽快回信并务必说明 对财务安排同意与否等等)

8. He was most explicit that you, and only you, would read its contents. (翻译:他特别指明了只有你 只有你一个人能看其中的内容)

9. But, in a perfect world, there would also be explicit clawback mechanisms for deferred forms pay. (翻译:不过,在完美的情况下,对于以延期形式支付的薪酬而言,也会有一些明确的回补机制。)

10. Not the explicit ideology of the film - which we hear at the end Stalin saying: (翻译:不是影片公开宣扬的意识形态 不是我们最后听到说)

11. When these LMIs are feasible, explicit expressions of robust controller and guaranteed cost controllers are obtained respectively. (翻译:并在这些条件可解时,分别给出了鲁棒控制器和保性能控制器的表达式。)

12. The explicit values remain as NaNs. (翻译:显式的值仍然保留为 NaN。)

13. Despite these advantages, implicit conclusions may not always be more effective than explicit conclusions. (翻译:尽管有这些优势,隐性结论并不总是比显性结论更有效。)

14. The sensitivity of displacement with respect to design variables was compared to the approximate explicit form given by Mohr integration. (翻译:将响应面方法计算的位移对设计变量的敏度与莫尔积分方法的近似显式进行了对比。)

15. Yamauchi said, "There is no explicit communication between the behavior agents." (翻译:山内说:“行为之间并没有明确的信息交流。” )

1. 词义和用法解释:


2. 语言学途径:

在语言学中,explicit通常指明确地表达出来的语言信息。在语言学习中,explicit instruction是教师或教材向学生明确地传授语言知识的过程,包括语法、拼写、发音等。


- The teacher gave explicit instructions on how to complete the assignment.

- The textbook includes explicit grammar rules and examples.

- The student needed more explicit feedback to understand their mistakes.

3. 艺术途径:

在艺术和媒体中,explicit通常指含有性、暴力、亵渎等内容,需要才能理解和接受。例如,explicit content,explicit language,explicit lyrics等。


- The movie was rated R for explicit ual content and violence.

- The song has explicit lyrics and is not suitable for children.

- The television show was censored for its explicit language and graphic violence.

4. 法律途径:

在法律中,explicit通常指具有法律效力的书面协议、条款或规定。例如,explicit contract,explicit agreement,explicit regulation等。


- The explicit contract clearly stated the terms and conditions of the agreement.

- The company followed the explicit regulations regarding employee safety.

- The explicit agreement between the two parties was binding and enforceable.

5. 缩写词:



- The exp instructions were straightforward and easy to follow.

- The exp regulations were enforced strictly by the government.

- The exp lyrics in the song were controversial and drew criticism.

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