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renoir是什么意思 renoir的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:30
  • 263

renoir是什么意思 renoir的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Renoir是20世纪最伟大的画家之一。

Renoir is one of the greatest painters of the 20th century.

2. 我们可以在博物馆里看到Renoir的许多作品。

We can see many works of Renoir in the museum.




例句:I used to think of Degas, Renoir... the surrealists. (首先想到的就是德加 雷诺 这些超现实主义者)


例句:Renoir used to say that if a film were to be re-edited with other takes, it would still be the same film. (雷诺阿曾经说如果一个电影换掉了几个镜头,那么这个电影将仍旧是原来那个电影。)


例句:Truffaut, Godard, Charbol, Rivette... and Renoir, Jean Roach, Rohmer are here. (Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rivette, Renoir, Jean Rouch, 还有Rohmer都在这儿)


例句:The Impressionist Renoir is quoted as saying "no is black." (翻译:印象派画家雷诺阿曾言“没有阴影是黑色的。” )


renoir一般作为名词使用,如在jean renoir([网络] 尚雷诺;让·雷诺阿;雷诺亚)、Pierre Auguste Renoir([网络] 雷诺瓦;雷诺阿;雷诺亚)等常见短语中出现较多。

jean renoir[网络] 尚雷诺;让·雷诺阿;雷诺亚
Pierre Auguste Renoir[网络] 雷诺瓦;雷诺阿;雷诺亚


1. Truffaut, Godard, Charbol, Rivette... and Renoir, Jean Roach, Rohmer are here. (翻译:Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rivette, Renoir, Jean Rouch, 还有Rohmer都在这儿)

2. The Impressionist Renoir is quoted as saying "no is black." (翻译:印象派画家雷诺阿曾言“没有阴影是黑色的。” )

3. Gauguin, Cezanne, Matisse, Renoir... and the chairman of the board... (翻译:高更 塞尚 马蒂斯 雷诺阿 还有武林盟主...)

4. Cezanne, Signac, Pissarro, Gauguin, Renoir, Monet. (翻译:塞尚、席涅克、毕沙罗 高更、雷诺阿、莫奈)

5. The Vittoriano Complex exhibition will present 130 works on loan from museums across the world that Renoir painted after his trip, during the last 40 years of his life. (翻译:本次展览共有130件来自世界各地博物馆借贷的雷诺阿在此次旅行之后的绘画,时间延续到他一生的最后40年。)

6. Looks like a picture by Renoir. almost the same light. (翻译:看起来就像雷诺阿的一幅画,几乎是同一种色调)

7. Many include paintings by famous artists, like French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and American artist John Singer Sargent. (翻译:许多著名艺术家如包括法国艺术家皮埃尔-奥古斯特雷诺阿和美国艺术家约翰歌手Sargent,绘画。)

8. The famous French impressionist painter Pierre - Auguste Renoir 's painting "Nude" in Rome, Italy in a news conference to display. (翻译:法国著名印象派画家皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿的油画《》在意大利罗马的一个新闻发布会上展示。)

9. The antiquarian tried to palm the painting off as a real Renoir. (翻译:古董商试图用那幅画冒充雷诺阿的原作出售。)

10. Notable among the many he encountered were Mallarme, Manet, Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, and Zola. (翻译:其中较为著名的人物有马拉梅,马奈,莫奈,德加,毕沙罗,雷诺阿,西斯莱和左拉。)

11. Recall the courtly relationship between a German officer and his French prisoners in Jean Renoir's La grande illusion. (翻译:我们还能回忆起法国导演让·雷诺阿在《大幻象》一片中德官与法国囚犯之间保持着一种彬彬有礼的关系。)

12. It has to be edited... with a touch of fresco, a touch of Renoir... a pinch of cinema verite... (翻译:还需要编辑一下 加点壁画效果、印象派感觉 要写实一些...)

13. Monet was himself a central figure in the development of the Impressionist movement, along with Degas, Renoir and Cezanne. (翻译:莫奈是印象派运动的中心人物,还有德加、雷诺阿和塞尚。)



词义:Renoir是一个法国姓氏,在艺术领域指法国印象派画家Pierre-Auguste Renoir。






1. My favorite artist is Renoir, and I have many prints of his paintings in my home.(我最喜欢的艺术家是Renoir,我家里有很多他的画作品的印刷品。)

2. The Renoir exhibit at the museum was incredible; his use of color and light is breathtaking.(博物馆里的Renoir展览太不可思议了;他对色彩和光线的运用让人惊叹。)

3. Many people consider Renoir to be one of the greatest painters of all time.(许多人认为Renoir是有史以来最伟大的画家之一。)

4. I can't believe I got to see an original Renoir painting at the art museum;这对我来说是一生难得的经历。)

5. The art dealer was able to sell the Renoir painting for a record-breaking price at auction.(艺术商成功在拍卖中以创纪录的价格售出了Renoir的画作品。)

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