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basto是什么意思 basto的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:18
  • 155

basto是什么意思 basto的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:bà sī tuō


1. 他的行为太basto了。

Translation: His behavior is too despicable, I can't tolerate it.

2. 这个人做事太basto了,对朋友都不忠诚。

Translation: This person is too shameless, he is not loyal to his friends.




例句:It has bas-reliefs on four sides to accompany the models and obviously imitates the form of Rent Collection Yard. (四面有浮雕及景物模型。《农奴愤》的创作显然借鉴了《收租院》的创作经验。)


例句:Co-gasifying coal and natural gas is a new process bas Ed on methane steam reforming and coal gasification. (煤与天然气共气化是基于天然气蒸汽转化和煤气化工艺耦合的一种新工艺。)


例句:In addition, Biand Mn-bearing jamesonite bas also been identified. (此外,还鉴定出含铋脆硫锑铅矿和含锰脆硫锑铅矿。)


例句:Down with morbidity Since life is splendid. (翻译:反对生病的心态 因为生命很壮丽 A bas le morbide car la vie est splendide)


basto一般作为名词使用,如在Mondim de Basto([地名] 蒙丁-迪巴什图 ( 葡 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Mondim de Basto[地名] 蒙丁-迪巴什图 ( 葡 )


1. In addition, Biand Mn-bearing jamesonite bas also been identified. (翻译:此外,还鉴定出含铋脆硫锑铅矿和含锰脆硫锑铅矿。)

2. Down with morbidity Since life is splendid. (翻译:反对生病的心态 因为生命很壮丽 A bas le morbide car la vie est splendide)

3. Typically, a gateway becomes necessary when a SCADA or BAS does not have a driver developed for Lontalk. (翻译:当SCADA或楼宇自动化系统没有Lontalk的驱动时,网关就是必不可少的。)

4. But it's not. It's just a grin. Look. (翻译:请看 假如把源头推向下方 Regardez, si on pousse comme issu vers le bas...)

5. The institute is one of the basic medico-biological institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). (翻译:该所是保加利亚科学院的基础医学-生物学研究所之一。)

6. Ca fait une demi-heure dans la rue en bas... (翻译:Ça fait une demi -heure dans la rue en bas...)

7. This is the kind of kite that has a wooden mask at the top of the frame—it's a mask of a human head—and you can clearly see it bas a tattoo and also a set of teeth. (翻译:这种风筝在框架的顶部有一个木制的面具——它是一个人头面具——你可以清楚地看到它有一个纹身和一副牙齿。)

8. In the second chapter, absorption of Quinclorac and metabolism BAS514H in 4 kinds of soils was studied. (翻译:第二章采用批量平衡法研究了二氯喹啉酸及其代谢体BAS514 H在4种土壤中的吸附行为。)

9. His lawyer, Bas Martens, also described him as being a meter wide and a meter deep. (翻译:他的律师,巴斯马登斯形容他的肩宽是一米长,身前到身后也是一米长。)

10. Kil aue a is a shield volcano, or a low, gently sloping volcano built almost entirely from bas attic lav a flows. (翻译:基拉韦厄是一个盾状火山,或低下的,轻轻的倾斜的火山建造几乎都是从玄武岩熔岩流出。)

11. The bas-reliefs of the Bayon Temple vividly depict the scenes of Chinese merchants trading with the locals in Cambodia. (翻译:巴戎寺的壁画上雕刻有古代中国商人同柬埔寨往来的生动情景。)

12. Organic chemistry guides us to see life in molecular level and had been became an essential bas- ic course in agricultural universities. (翻译:有机化学引领我们在分子水平上洞察生命,它已成为了高等农业院校开设的一门重要基础课程。)

13. The characteristic geotectonic framework of many depression-faulted bas - ins, made the hydrocarbon distributed as belts. (翻译:断陷盆地特有的构造格架,使油气按带分布。)

14. No matta ur a devil or an angel, ull always bas beautiful as an angel! (翻译:不管你是恶魔或是天使,你永远都会跟天使一样的美!)

15. There could be no doubt that these signs were meaningful to their creators, like these 25,000-year-old bas-relief sculptures from La Roque de Venasque in France. (翻译:这些符号对它们的创造者来说 无疑是有意义的, 比如这个有着25,000年历史的 发现于法国拉洛克德韦纳斯克的浅浮雕。)


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