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lightscape是什么意思 lightscape的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:48
  • 158

lightscape是什么意思 lightscape的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The lightscape of the city at night is simply breathtaking.


2. The photographer captured the amazing lightscape of the aurora borealis.


3. The lightscape changed dramatically as the sun set and the sky turned dark.





例句:Two, the cape was certainly as red as blood. (第二 红如鲜血的斗篷 Two, the cape was certainly as red as blood.)


例句:Please, turn off the lights. (拜托,关掉灯。Please, turn off the lights.)


例句:I want to know the reasons for you being in Cape Town. (Kiefer: 我想知道你为什么会中Cape城)


例句:We're not even supposed to have a presence in Cape Town. (翻译:我们甚至都不应该 出现在在Cape城 Richards:)


1. I want to know the reasons for you being in Cape Town. (翻译:Kiefer: 我想知道你为什么会中Cape城)

2. We're not even supposed to have a presence in Cape Town. (翻译:我们甚至都不应该 出现在在Cape城 Richards:)

3. ♪ Lights, camera, action, tonight gonna be a movie ♪ (翻译:# Lights, camera, action, tonight gonna be a movie #)

4. - Some tenants reported flickering lights. (翻译:some other tenants reported flickering lights.)

5. ♪ somebody hit the lights ♪ (翻译:『Somebody hit the lights』)

6. Then the lights went out again. (翻译:然后灯又灭了 Then the lights went out again.)

7. You know, with the cape and everything? (翻译:with the cape and everything?)

8. Two, the cape as red as blood. (翻译:第二 红如鲜血的斗篷 Two, the cape as red as blood.)

9. Between the stage lights And the threat (翻译:*Between the stage lights and the threat*)

10. I've always found it rather... stimulating. (翻译:-开灯 -我一直觉得这非常 - Lights.)

11. Tobin Frost has just waltzed his way into a U.S. Consulate in Cape Town, South Africa. (翻译:Tobin Frost刚刚大摇大摆 进入南美Cape城的美国领事馆)

12. Friday night and the lights are low (翻译:Friday night and the lights are low)

13. I even turned off the lights. (翻译:I even turned off the lights. 那你是摸黑进行?)

14. They put him in a cape, too? (翻译:他也被搞成超级英雄了? 我不管 Fuck! They put him in a cape, too?)

15. # You fled to Cape Fear when I aced you up in Zaire (翻译:# You fled to Cape Fear when I aced you up in Zaire)

1. 定义:Lightscape是一个由“Light”(光)和“landscape”(风景)组成的单词,指的是光影艺术或者光景表演。

2. 来源:Lightscape这个词汇源于英语社区,最早可追溯到20世纪90年代后期。该词汇在中国也有应用和流行。

3. 应用:Lightscape可以用来形容任何使用灯光或光源创造出的艺术作品或表演,如舞台灯光、建筑灯光、城市夜景等等。

4. 范畴:Lightscape的范畴非常广泛,既可以用于艺术领域,也可以应用于工业、商业、建筑等领域。在现代城市的夜景中,Lightscape已经成为城市建筑景观的重要元素。

5. 意义:Lightscape不仅仅是一种艺术创作或表演方式,更是一种文化和城市形象的象征。通过运用Lightscape创作出具有文化内涵和视觉冲击力的作品,可以提升城市的文化品位和形象。


1. The lightscape of the city is stunning at night.


2. The theater relied on lightscape to create the atmosphere for the play.


3. The lightscape installation on the building attracted many tourists to visit.


4. The artist used the technique of lightscape to create an immersive art experience.


5. The lightscape festival showcased a variety of light art works from different countries.


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