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fruity是什么意思 fruity的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:52
  • 206

fruity是什么意思 fruity的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. This wine has a fruity aroma with hints of blackcurrants and cherries.(这种葡萄酒有着浓郁的果味,带有黑加仑和樱桃的香气。)

2. The smoothie is very refreshing and has a nice fruity flavor.(这款冰沙非常清爽,口感有一种美好的果味。)

3. The shampoo has a fruity scent that reminds me of my childhood.(这款洗发水有一种果味的气息,让我想起了童年。)




例句:Middle notes: Lotus, Jasmine, Cyclamen, Fruity notes. (中:莲花,茉莉,仙客来,果香。)


例句:Study on Extracting Natural Antiseptic from the Mycelia and Fruity-bodies of Phallales (从鬼笔菌丝体和子实体中提取天然防腐物质研究)


例句:It offers an intense aroma with strong green pepper, fruity like cherry and marasca. (散发出浓郁香气,蕴含强烈的绿胡椒与欧洲酸樱桃的混合香气。)


例句:When you were a kid, you didn't act all fruity like now. (翻译:当你是一个孩子时, 你不行动全部圆润现下喜欢。)


fruity一般作为形容词使用,如在fruity odour([网络] 水果香味;水果味)等常见短语中出现较多。

fruity odour[网络] 水果香味;水果味


1. It offers an intense aroma with strong green pepper, fruity like cherry and marasca. (翻译:散发出浓郁香气,蕴含强烈的绿胡椒与欧洲酸樱桃的混合香气。)

2. When you were a kid, you didn't act all fruity like now. (翻译:当你是一个孩子时, 你不行动全部圆润现下喜欢。)

3. Twenty dollars on pump number 15 and a sour fruity twist. (翻译:15号加油机给我加20块钱的汽油,再拿一根水果棒糖)

4. Fruity punches and apples. (翻译:混合果汁和苹果汁 Fruity punches and apples.)

5. This wine has a deep purple dress and a fruity nose surrounded by and very special almond aroma given by the coal soil for Wuhai. (翻译:酒体呈深紫色,有水果的芬芳,还有一种因乌海特有的煤矿地质而赋予这款酒独特的味道。)

6. Barsac is maybe a little bit less liquorous and more fruity than Sauternes. (翻译:巴尔萨克比索甸更带有一点烈酒味,也更富有水果味。)

7. River breeze Red Lambrusco is a soft and fruity sweet wine. (翻译:此酒酒色深红,是一款口感绵滑,果香四溢的葡萄甜酒。)

8. The fruity notes flow over a blend of amber, vanilla, myrrh and rare balms. (翻译:水果调协调琥珀,香草,没药和香脂。)

9. A nice fruity daiquiri that exploits the rich treacly taste of a good dark rum. (翻译:一杯上等的水果黛克瑞,要用丰富的甜味好的深色朗姆酒。)

10. Now all I want´s $20 on pump number 15 and a sour fruity twist. (翻译:现在我想要的是在15号加油机加20块钱汽油 和一根水果棒糖)

11. A refreshing soap-free cleansing gel with a fruity peach fragrance that lathers to leave your skin feeling clean and fresh. (翻译:清新的果香,无皂配方的沐浴露,涂上身体后会有甜美的桃子香气,让你的肌肤感觉清新怡人。)

12. Luminous, brilliant, straw yellow. Intense, fruity, aromatic, with scents of wisteria. Extremely pleasant, with a lightly nutty finish. (翻译:明亮的麦秆,香气强烈,有果香和紫藤花香,怡人,余味有少许干果味。)

13. Slightly fruity, yet bold, with just the right hint of destiny. (翻译:带点水果芳香 妙 Slightly fruity, yet bold, 正是命运的正确提示 with just the right hint of destiny.)

14. The wine presents a deep attractive red, possessing of a strong Cabernet Sauvignon fruity flavour, mixed with some pepper taste. (翻译:该款酒色泽深红诱人,有很强烈的赤霞珠果香以及少许辛辣的味道。)

15. Many of them have split open, drawing him to their intoxicating fruity odor. (翻译:好多已经烂熟得咧开了口子, 飘出醉人的水果香气。)




1. 词释

“Fruity”这个单词用来形容香味或口感类似水果的物质,常用于形容食物和饮料。在英语中,还有一些常用的搭配词,例如“fruity aroma”(水果香气)、“fruity flavor”(水果口味)等。

2. 用法示例

(1)My favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry because it's so fruity and refreshing.(我的最爱冰淇淋口味是草莓,因为它有一种水果般的清新口感。)

(2)The wine has a ounced fruity taste with hints of peach and pear.(这款葡萄酒有明显的水果味,带有桃子和梨子的味道。)

(3)The salad was packed with all kinds of fruity goodness, like strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi.(沙拉里有各种各样的水果,像草莓、蓝莓和奇异果一样多。)

(4)The shampoo smells really fruity, like a ripe tropical fruit.(这款洗发水味道非常水果,像一种熟透的热带水果。)

(5)I love to start my day with a fruity smoothie that's packed with vitamins and antioxidants.(我喜欢用水果做成充满维生素和抗氧化剂的平滑饮料,开始我的一天。)

3. 缩写词含义



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