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desmond是什么意思 desmond的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:36
  • 182

desmond是什么意思 desmond的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Desmond is a trustworthy and reliable friend.


2. Desmond Tutu is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.





例句:I'll tell you what, Desmond. (这样好了,德斯蒙 你若无法把裴斯送过去...)


例句:But, listen, that's not important. What is important, Desmond, is what I'm about to say to you. (但听着,那并不重要 重要的是,德斯蒙...)


例句:Plain crazy when it came to that one subject, her celluloid self... the great Norma Desmond. (她已经完全 失去理智了 伟大的诺玛·德斯蒙德)


例句:Hello, Desmond. You're not looking well. The old cricket thing. (翻译:一戴斯蒙,你气色不太好 一肩膀的旧伤,没什么)





1. Plain crazy when it came to that one subject, her celluloid self... the great Norma Desmond. (翻译:她已经完全 失去理智了 伟大的诺玛·德斯蒙德)

2. Hello, Desmond. You're not looking well. The old cricket thing. (翻译:一戴斯蒙,你气色不太好 一肩膀的旧伤,没什么)

3. Life, which can be strangely merciful... had taken pity on Norma Desmond. (翻译:生活 有的时候也会显得很慈悲 它也开始同情诺玛·德斯蒙德了)

4. Something happened during the flight and now Desmond's in their sick bay. (翻译:飞行时出了点状况... 德斯蒙现在在医务舱里)

5. She took Desmond St so she could be in Bank St. (翻译:她走过了Desmond街 所以她应该在Bank街.)

6. Desmond Doss carried 75 wounded men to safety on Hacksaw Ridage. (翻译:德斯蒙德·多斯把 75 名伤员带至安全地带于钢锯岭战役中)

7. Adrian Desmond and James Moore published a highly regarded biography of Darwin in 1991. (翻译:艾德里安·德斯蒙德和詹姆斯·摩尔在1991年出版了一部备受推崇的达尔文传记。)

8. - Desmond, I didn't invite you to get here to interview me. (翻译:是的 我并没有邀请你来对我做什么该死的采访)

9. And that is for you to sit on the sideline while I convince Sam and Martin to go after Desmond. (翻译:你应该乖乖待在一边 让我说服Sam跟Martin去追捕Desmond)

10. Desmond, my name is Daniel Faraday. (翻译:德斯蒙,我是丹尼尔费罗德 昨天你出发前我们见过面)

11. It might kill him. We've got Desmond to lunch. I forgot. (翻译:那会要他的命,我都忘了 我们邀请戴斯蒙来吃午餐)

12. One more thing, Desmond. If the numbers don't convince me (翻译:还有一件事,德斯蒙 如果这些数据无法说服我)

13. Desmond's never gone boar hunting and the boar never come close to the beach. (翻译:德斯蒙从未射杀过野猪 而且野猪也从来不靠近海滩)

14. Sir Desmond Glazebrook is outside. (翻译:戴斯蒙・格雷布克爵士来了 Yes? Sir Desmond Glazebrook is outside.)

15. I love you, Mary, but I love Desmond more. (翻译:我爱你 Mary 但是我更爱Desmond)

1. 发音:'desmond'单词的发音为/dɛzmənd/,其中音节强调在第一音节上,读音轻松自然。

- Desmond's name is ounced "Dez-mund" in English.


- People who speak English as a second language may struggle to ounce the name Desmond correctly.


2. 意义:'desmond'这个单词是一个人名,源自法语Desmond,意为“来自山顶的人”。

- Desmond Tutu is a South African Anglican cleric and theologian who became an anti-apartheid and human rights activist.

(Desmond Tutu是南非的一位圣公会神职人员和神学家,他成为了一名反种族隔离和活动家。)

- In the TV show "Lost", Desmond Hume is a character who crashes on the island with the other survivors.

(在电视剧《迷失》中,Desmond Hume是一个与其他幸存者一起坠毁在岛上的角色。)

3. 缩写:可以将'desmond'缩写为'DS',表示不同的含义。

- In the video game "Nintendo DS", DS stands for "dual screen".


- The abbreviation "DS" can also refer to "direct selling", a method of marketing products directly to consumers.


4. 文化影响:'desmond'这个单词还在某些文化中得到了广泛传播和使用。

- "Desmond", a song by The Beatles, was named after a real person and reached #6 on the UK charts in 1968.


- In Ireland, the phrase "pull a Desmond" is used to refer to leaving a social gathering without saying goodbye to anyone.

(在爱尔兰,短语“pull a Desmond”被用来指离开社交聚会时没有向任何人告别。)


1. Desmond Miles is the main protagonist of the Assassin's Creed series of video games.

(Desmond Miles是Assassin's Creed系列电子游戏的主角。)

2. Have you heard the song "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" by The Beatles? It features a character named Desmond.


3. The abbreviation "DS" is often used in the direct selling industry to refer to a certain type of compensation plan.


4. I can never remember how to spell "Desmond"; I always have to look it up.


5. When Desmond left the party without saying goodbye, his friends were confused and a little hurt.


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