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microfridge是什么意思 microfridge的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 16:54:05
  • 154

microfridge是什么意思 microfridge的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The microfridge in my dorm room is so convenient for keeping my snacks and drinks fresh.


2. The hotel room comes equipped with a microfridge, so you can store your leftovers from dinner and heat them up later.





例句:The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds. (脉冲通常以微秒计。)


例句:Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete! (-repeater implanting sequence complete! 如您所愿 先生 我还准备了 As you wish, sir.)


1. In this dissertation, only the piezoelectric bimorph micro-actuator and valveless piezoelectric micro pump are introduced. (翻译:本文的研究重点是压电双晶梁微驱动器和无阀压电微泵。)

2. Uh, this is the last cup of the discontinued Boysenberry Blast that was in the fridge. (翻译:看这里 这是冰箱里 Hello. Uh, this is the last cup 最后一盒停产的 of the discontinued Boysenberry Blast)

3. Dear fridge, may I cool down my melons? (翻译:... 亲爱的冰箱,我可以把西瓜冰镇起来吗?)

4. this is going right on the fridge. (翻译:{\fn宋体\fs22\shad2\4aH50\3cHFF8000\4cHFF8000}这必须得上冰箱 this is going right on the fridge.)

5. I opened the fridge and rummaged around. (翻译:我打开了冰箱到处翻。)

6. The counselors have a secret stash in the fridge across the hall. (翻译:走廊对面的冰箱里 是议员秘密贮藏啤酒的地方)

7. The fridge is full of fungus and the trash is filled with ramen wrappers. (翻译:冰箱里也脏得要命 总是吃些没有营养的速食)

8. Uh, let me just put this stuff in the fridge. (翻译:Uh, let me just put this stuff in the fridge.)

9. I think the medical fridge is kind of crossing the prepper line. (翻译:我觉得搞个医用冰箱 I think the medical fridge)

10. Did you put him in the fridge? (翻译:Did you put him in the fridge? 你把他放在冰箱里?)

11. Yeah, on trees, but then they fall, and they rot, like salad in the fridge. (翻译:对,在树上的是绿色的,但它们掉下来后就会腐烂 就像冰箱里的沙拉)

12. Sweetheart, would you look in the fridge and get that bundt cake? (翻译:甜心,你帮我看看冰箱里的蛋糕,拿点出来好吗?)

13. Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency. (翻译:定期给冰箱除霜能取得最大效率。)

14. Boysenberry Blast in the back of the fridge and it is past due as well. (翻译:So, I found another 发现另一种炸碎的杂交野莓 boysenberry blast in the back of the fridge 而且也过期了 and it is past due as well.)

15. There's milk and eggs in the fridge, if you want breakfast. (翻译:有蛋河牛奶在冰箱里 如果你们想吃早餐的话)

1. 定义:microfridge是“微型冰箱”的缩写,是一种结合了小型冰箱和微波炉的电器。

2. 功能:micofridge可以同时提供冷藏和加热的功能,适合小型公寓、学生宿舍等空间有限的房间使用。此外,microfridge还具有节能、多功能等特点。

3. 使用:使用microffridge需要注意的问题包括清洁、使用方法等。为了保持电器的寿命,需要定期清洁内部和外部;同时,使用微波炉功能时应该根据食品的不同来调整功率和时间。


1. The microfridge is perfect for small spaces like dorm rooms and apartments. (这个微型冰箱适合小空间,如学生宿舍和公寓。)

2. The microfridge is energy-efficient and can save you money on your electricity bill. (这个微小冰箱节能,可以帮你省电费。)

3. The microfridge is equipped with both a fridge and a microwave, it a versatile appliance. (这个微型冰箱既有冰箱功能,又有微波炉功能,是一款多功能电器。)

4. I use my microfridge to store my drinks and heat up my meals. (我使用微型冰箱来储存饮料和加热饭菜。)

5. Don't forget to clean your microfridge regularly to keep it in good condition. (不要忘记定期清洁微型冰箱,以保持它的良好状态。)

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