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churches是什么意思 churches的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:40
  • 289

churches是什么意思 churches的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The churches in Europe are very beautiful.


2. I like to visit churches when I travel to new places.


3. Many people go to churches on Sundays to worship.


1. 词汇含义:churches是church的复数形式,表示“教堂”、“教会”。它可以指教各个教派的教堂,也可以是其他的神殿。


- The church was built in the 12th century and is one of the oldest churches in the region.(这座教堂建于12世纪,是该地区最古老的教堂之一。)

- There are many different churches in the city, including Catholic, Baptist, and Methodist churches.(这座城市有许多不同的教堂,包括教、浸礼宗和卫理公会教堂。)

- The Hindu temple was just as impressive as the Christian churches we saw on our trip.(这座印度教寺庙与我们旅行中看到的教教堂一样令人印象深刻。)

2. 历史和文化:churches是欧洲历史和文化中一个重要的元素,其中许多教堂都是数百年甚至数千年的古迹,代表着当地的文化和历史遗产。许多教堂也是艺术和建筑的杰作。


- The churches in Florence are famous for their art and architecture, and attract millions of tourists every year.(佛罗伦萨的教堂以其艺术和建筑闻名,每年吸引数百万游客。)

- The ruined churches in the old town are a reminder of the destruction caused by the war.(老城区的毁坏教堂是对战争造成的提醒。)

- The churches of Spain are known for their distinctive style and decoration, which reflects the country's rich cultural heritage.(西班牙的教堂以其独特的风格和装饰而著名,反映了该国丰富的文化遗产。)

3. 信仰:churches是信仰和仪式的地方,对于许多人来说,教堂代表着神圣和纯洁。


- They go to church every Sunday to pray and worship.(他们每个星期日去教堂祈祷和敬拜。)

- The preacher gave a moving sermon about the power of forgiveness in the church service.(牧师在教堂仪式上发表了一篇关于宽恕力量的感人布道。)

- She found comfort and solace in the church during a difficult time in her life.(她在人生的艰难时期在教堂里找到了安慰与慰藉。)

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