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contention是什么意思 contention的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:51
  • 242

contention是什么意思 contention的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: [kənˈtenʃən]


1. There is a lot of contention about how to solve the problem.


2. The team is in contention for the championship.


3. The policy became the subject of much political contention.


4. There is no contention that she is the best candidate for the job.





例句:Trinidad and Tobago are in contention, but so are Great Britain. (特立尼达和多巴哥队正在奋力追赶 英国队也是一样)


例句:They stood there with an air of defiance, or at least of contention. (两个人都带着挑战,至少是争论的神气,气虎虎地站在那里。)


例句:Neither Marxism nor Buddhism would dispute that contention, except for the changing concept of what to think of as habitable. (无论是主义还是佛教都会驳斥那种论点,除非什么是“适宜居住”概念发生变化。)


例句:Upon exegesis, the jury will conclude that there is no cogency in this contention. (翻译:在注释上,陪审团将会得出了在这个争论中没有任何说服力的结论。)


contention一般作为名词使用,如在in contention([网络] 争夺)、fact in contention([法] 系争事实, 争议中的事实)、file contention([计] 文件争用)等常见短语中出现较多。

in contention[网络] 争夺
fact in contention[法] 系争事实, 争议中的事实
file contention[计] 文件争用
increased contention争用增加
memory contention[计] 存储争夺; 存储冲突
object in contention[法] 系争物
point of contention[网络] 争执点;紧张关系
resource contention资源冲突;资源竞争


1. Neither Marxism nor Buddhism would dispute that contention, except for the changing concept of what to think of as habitable. (翻译:无论是主义还是佛教都会驳斥那种论点,除非什么是“适宜居住”概念发生变化。)

2. Upon exegesis, the jury will conclude that there is no cogency in this contention. (翻译:在注释上,陪审团将会得出了在这个争论中没有任何说服力的结论。)

3. Your Honor, it is our contention that my client's prosecution was racist. (翻译:法官大人 我们认为对我当事人的起诉基于种族歧视)

4. At this point, there are only two tables in contention and only one question left. (翻译:这时 有只二张桌在角逐 而只一个问题被留下)

5. For it was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains, and on this subject he would talk endlessly. (翻译:他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人,一谈到这个题目他就滔滔不绝说个没完。)

6. Well, it's always been my contention that The Hungarian Rhapsody... is not their national anthem. (翻译:我一直都认为匈牙利狂想曲 不是他们的国歌)

7. And it is my contention that the manner in which we educate our leaders is fundamental to progress on this continent. (翻译:我的论点是, 我们教育培养领袖型人才的模式是 这个进步的基础。)

8. Perhaps one of the reasons Titus Andronicus has sparked such contention rests on its resistance to easy categorization. (翻译:也许原因之一泰特斯安德洛尼克斯引发这种争论在于抵制容易分类。)

9. There was much contention about the prototype of west-south Qadam basin because of its complex geology background. (翻译:柴西南盆地原型的研究由于其复杂的地质背景存在众多争论。)

10. One area of contention is the availability of nursery care. (翻译:争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。)

11. On this, there arose an earnest contention between the two young princes, each of them affirming himself to be the elder. (翻译:负责行刑者来到囚室,问谁是长子。两位年轻王子马上激烈争辩起来,都说自己是兄长。)

12. That was the point of contention between Munei and me, and it was the main reason why I had to eliminate him. (翻译:这既是我与宗井的差异 也是我必须除掉他的最大原因)

13. It has long been my contention... that Joe Welch is the son of Joseph Stalin. (翻译:我很长时间都在推论... 那就是乔韦尔奇是 约瑟夫的儿子)

14. Contention between rival camps at a political convention is often acrimonious. (翻译:在性会议中,敌对阵营这间的辩论时常是尖刻而激烈的。)

15. He helped settle an ascendency contention on Alderaan; (翻译:他帮助平息了奥德朗的继承风波; )



词组搭配:be in contention (有争议的);contention over/for (争夺/争议);settle a contention (解决争议);in dispute or contention (争议中)




1. The contention between the two political parties has been intense in recent years.


2. The contention over the company's direction led to the resignation of several board members.


3. The team was in contention for the championship until the very end.


4. The contention that vaccines are harmful has been widely debunked by medical professionals.


5. The contentious debate lasted for hours, with each side refusing to back down.


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