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neg是什么意思 neg的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-24 20:54:30
  • 297

neg是什么意思 neg的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The answer was neg ative. (答案是否定的。)

2. He always has a neg ative attitude towards everything. (他对一切都持否定的态度。)

3. The experiment yielded a neg ative result. (实验结果为负面的。)

4. She couldn't neg otiate a better deal. (她无法谈判出更好的协议。)

5. He was not neg lected in his upbringing. (他在成长过程中没有被忽视。)




例句:Draft must be marked as being drawn under this credit and bear its number; The amounts are to be endorsed on the reverse hereof by NEG. (汇票必须标记为正在制定本证项下,并承担其数,金额将在此后的NEG。)


例句:Need two large-bore IVs, six units O-neg. (我需要两支大口径输液器 六单位O型阴性血)


例句:O neg and fresh frozen on the way? (负o型血和新鲜冷冻血浆到了吗? )


例句:O neg and fresh frozen plasma's here! (翻译:负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆送来了! )


neg一般作为名词使用,如在neg placement(否定配置)、neg us(n. 尼格斯酒;埃塞俄比亚皇帝的尊称)、neg.(abbr. negation;negative;negatively)等常见短语中出现较多。

neg placement否定配置
neg usn. 尼格斯酒;埃塞俄比亚皇帝的尊称
neg.abbr. negation;negative;negatively
reg.neg.abbr. regulatory negotiations 执行规章制度的谈判


1. O neg and fresh frozen on the way? (翻译:负o型血和新鲜冷冻血浆到了吗? )

2. O neg and fresh frozen plasma's here! (翻译:负O型血和新鲜冷冻血浆送来了! )

3. Somebody call the blood bank, make sure they've got plenty of O-neg on deck. (翻译:给血库打个电话 确保库存里有足够的O型血)

4. We need that o neg now! (翻译:我们现在就需要负o型血。)

5. Modern Chinese, the adverb "qian wan" is mainly used in neg-imperative sentences to strengthen the imperative mood. (翻译:现代汉语副词“千万”主要用于否定祈使句中,起加强祈使语气的作用。)

6. I did ask and the guy said he was neg and only ever played safe but hadnt been tested in over a year. (翻译:我问过他,他说他没有感染并且从来只进行安全的性行为,但他已经有一年多没有检测了。)

7. draw trauma labs, uh, type and cross her and get as much o-neg as possible. (翻译:进行外伤检测 查血配型 尽量多拿些O型阴型血)

8. If you have been tested, and your result is NEG at 3 months, you do NOT have HIV, despite any "symptoms" you are sure you have. (翻译:如果你检查完了,3个月的检查结果是阴性的,那么你没有被感染,尽管许多“症状”然你觉得你感染了。)




1. Negative - 表示否定、负面或缺陷的意思,常见于医学、科学、商业等领域。一些常见的表达方式包括:

- He received a negative response to his proposal. (他的提议遭到了否定的回答。)

- The experiment had a negative outcome. (实验结果不如预期。)

- The company's financial report showed a negative trend. (公司的财务报告显示出了负面的趋势。)

2. Negotiation - 表示协商、谈判、商议的意思,通常应用于商业、、法律等场合。一些常见的表达方式包括:

- We need to schedule a negotiation with the client to finalize the contract. (我们需要与客户安排一次谈判来敲定合同。)

- The two parties are currently in negotiation over the terms of the agreement. (两方目前正在就协议条款进行商讨。)

- The union and management have been engaged in difficult negotiations for weeks now. (工会和管理层已经进行了几周的艰难谈判。)

3. Negligence - 表示疏忽、忽略、失职的意思,经常用于法律和医疗领域。一些常见的表达方式包括:

- The doctor was accused of medical negligence in his treatment of the patient. (医生因为对病人的治疗疏忽被指控。)

- The company was found guilty of negligence after a worker was injured on the job. (公司因一名工人在工作中受伤而被判违反了职责。)

- The lawyer argued that the plaintiff had an obligation to prevent the accident and was therefore guilty of contributory negligence. (律师认为原告有防止事故的义务,因此应该负有从责任。)

4. Negation - 表示否认、否定、拒绝的意思,可用于语言学和逻辑学领域。一些常见的表达方式包括:

- The negation of the statement caused confusion among the audience. (这个命题的否定让观众感到困惑。)

- The philosopher argued that negation was an important tool in critical thinking. (哲学家认为否定是批判性思维中重要的工具。)

- The teacher explained that the word "not" was a common cue for negation in English sentences. (老师解释说在英语句子中,“not”是一个常见的否定信号。)


1. The COVID test came back negative, so you can come in to work today. (这次新冠测试结果为阴性,所以你今天可以来上班了。)

2. The company's sales figures have been consistently negative for the past year. (公司的销售数字过去一年一直表现为负数。)

3. The parties are scheduled to begin negotiation on the terms of the settlement next week. (各方将于下周开始关于和解条款的谈判。)

4. The nurse's negligence in administering the medication caused the patient's condition to worsen. (护士药物给药的失职使得病人的情况恶化。)

5. The negation of the hypothesis led the scientists to revise their research design. (对假说的否定使得科学家修改了他们的研究设计。)

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