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oguma是什么意思 oguma的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-24 10:06:25
  • 175

oguma是什么意思 oguma的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 大熊树是日本的一种树种,一般生长在山区和森林中。

2. 鸟梅是一种花卉,花色鲜艳,非常美丽。




例句:Just introduce yourself as Gum from now on. (Just introduce yourself as Gum from now on.)


例句:You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (Simpson. 你是O·J·辛普森 You are O. J.)


例句:Just... you-you don't want your kids to grow up with-with no parents. (过来 O·J 求求你 Come on, o. J. , please.)


例句:♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, boom, boom, boom ♪ (翻译:# O哦, o哦, o哦, boom, boom, boom #)


oguma一般作为名词使用,如在Oguma([地名] 奥古马 ( 尼日利 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Oguma[地名] 奥古马 ( 尼日利 )


1. Just... you-you don't want your kids to grow up with-with no parents. (翻译:过来 O·J 求求你 Come on, o. J. , please.)

2. ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, boom, boom, boom ♪ (翻译:# O哦, o哦, o哦, boom, boom, boom #)

3. Kit consists of: First &second check, Tailpiece O-ring, Adapter O-ring and Body O-ring. (翻译:组件包括:第一和第二止回阀,尾管O形环,适配器O形环和阀体O形环。)

4. Did I ask for the gum commercial? (翻译:Did I ask for the gum commercial?)

5. The structure and character of guar gum and progress in studies on amendatory guar gum were discussed in this article. (翻译:论述了瓜尔胶结构和性质以及改性瓜尔胶的研究进展,为瓜尔胶进一步开发研究提供参考。)

6. Purified water, fructose, natural bubblegum flavor, citric acid, xanthan gum, carrageenan gum. (翻译:纯净水, 果糖, 天然风味泡泡糖, 柠檬酸, 黄原胶, 卡拉胶口香糖。)

7. One more look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh (翻译:One more look and I forget everything, o -o -o)

8. - O.J. Simpson is in the car. (翻译:-O·J·辛普森就在车里 -杰森 - O.)

9. I'm his friend, Robert Kardashian. (翻译:不行 先生 No, sir. O·J在等我呢 o.)

10. - You have gum in your hair. (翻译:- You have gum in your hair.)

11. Oh, that gum wore out already? (翻译:Oh, that gum wore out already?)

12. The crew was expecting O.J. on the 18th. (翻译:船员在等O·J十八号过去 The crew was expecting O. J.)

13. Where are all the pictures of O.J. (翻译:还有O·J和他白人兄弟 Where are all the pictures of O.)

14. O.J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat (翻译:O·J·辛普森正坐在车后座 O. J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat)

15. Even if the chewing gum is swallowed, the gum base of the gliadin and glutenin can be digested, thus not harming the health. (翻译:它即使被咽下用麦胶蛋白和麦谷蛋白做的胶基也能被消化掉,不致于危害健康。)


1. 单词定义:Oguma可以指一个人名、一个公司名或一个品牌名。在不同的领域中可能有不同的含义和用法。

2. 公司品牌:Oguma是一家日本的化妆品品牌,在世界各地销售其产品。其标志为一只鹿,以及标语“自然气息的化妆品”。


- Have you tried the Oguma face cream? I heard it's really good for dry skin.

- The new Oguma lipstick collection is so pretty, I want to buy them all!

3. 缩写词:在医学和科学研究领域,OGUMA可以是Obese Gene Upregulated in Metabolism and Adipogenesis的缩写,意思是在代谢和脂肪生成中上调的肥胖基因。


- The OGUMA gene has been shown to be related to obesity in some studies.

- Researchers are studying the effects of the OGUMA gene on metabolism.

4. 人名:Oguma是一个依据日本姓氏命名的人名,有时也可以作为名字使用。


- Mr. Oguma is a famous writer in Japan.

- Oguma is a common surname in certain regions of Japan.

5. 地名:Oguma也可能指日本的一个地名,例如大分县中部的一个城市。


- Oguma is a small town in Oita prefecture.

- Have you ever been to Oguma? It's a beautiful place.

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