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aspirations是什么意思 aspirations的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:21
  • 288

aspirations是什么意思 aspirations的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. My aspirations include becoming a successful writer and owning my own business.(我的抱负包括成为一名成功的作家并拥有自己的企业。)

2. She has high aspirations for her future career in medicine.(她对自己未来在医学领域的职业抱有高度的期望。)

3. The program aims to help young people achieve their aspirations and reach their full potential.(该计划旨在帮助年轻人实现他们的抱负,发挥他们的全部潜力。)




例句:In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, even an impoverished community was able to use these tools to voice its aspirations. (在坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆,即使是一个非常贫穷 的集体也可以使用这样的工具 来让他人听见他们的期望。)


aspirations一般作为名词使用,如在vacuum aspirations(【医学】真空抽吸术(人工流产法))等常见短语中出现较多。

vacuum aspirations【医学】真空抽吸术(人工流产法)


1. Because architecture grows out of human needs and aspirations, it clearly communicates cultural values. (翻译:因为建筑源于人类的需求和愿望,所以它清楚地传达了文化价值。)

2. -Aspirations, to create a happy, new, strong Yugoslavia. (翻译:实现.. 实现... 一个快乐,新兴,强盛的南斯拉夫)

3. And they leave with the conviction, the ability and the efficacy to realize our most basic aspirations for health care. (翻译:他们带着决心离开, 能力和效率 来实现我们对卫生保健的最基本愿望。)

4. "Designers understand people's motives, aspirations and needs," Cottam said. (翻译:“设计师了解人的动机,愿望和需求,”科塔姆说。)

5. They have to subvert tradition that once silenced them in order to give voice to new aspirations. (翻译:她们得颠覆那些一度使她们沉默的传统 只为了能把新的抱负公诸于世。)

6. Well, it's based on avoidance, not aspirations. (翻译:它们总是被动地躲避, 而不是主动出击。)

7. And this is what we wanted him to capture -- what it means to have setbacks and then aspirations. (翻译:这就是我们想让他展示的, 虽有缺点,但是之后充满热情。)

8. And this is what we wanted him to capture -- what it means to have setbacks and then aspirations. (翻译:这就是我们想让他展示的, 虽有缺点,但是之后充满热情。)

9. Now, the measure of a society is not only what it does, but the quality of its aspirations. (翻译:现今,对社会的衡量已经不仅如此, 还包括它有什么美好的渴望。)

10. I didn't realize you had political aspirations. (翻译。)

11. The most significant plotline lost in the attitude shift was the one concerning Felicity's own academic aspirations. (翻译:有关费莉希蒂自己在学术上的追求是在态度转变上丢失的最重大的情节线。)

12. A row with the Buganda region over aspirations of self-government boiled over in mid-September. (翻译:九月中旬,乌干达爆发了一场与有着强烈自治愿望的布干达地区有关的。)

13. The words used in these declarations, he says, are often very similar and seem to support unarguable aspirations. (翻译:他指出,这些口号中使用的字眼常常很类似,而且似乎都在支持不用多说的理想目标。)

14. To cultivate magnanimity, study the lives of the great. To cultivate determination, weigh your ideals and aspirations. (翻译:多读历史的名人故事可以养量多想自己的心怀抱可以养志。)

15. And sometimes we settle for the world as it is, even when it doesn't reflect our values and aspirations. (翻译:有的时侯我们满足于现实世界, 即使它没有反映我们的价值观和愿望。)


1. 词源和词组搭配:aspiration源自拉丁语aspirare,意为“渴望,呼吸”,常与be filled with aspirations、have high aspirations等搭配使用。这些词组表示一个人充满了和追求,希望实现他们的理想。

2. 词义和同义词:Aspirations是指渴望、抱负、期望等事物,与hope, ambition, goal等词意相近。它通常用作单数名词,表示一个人或团体的共同目标和追求。

3. 使用场景和语境:这个单词常用于职场和教育领域,特别是在探讨个人职业规划和梦想方面。在教育领域中,老师可以通过鼓励学生实现他们的抱负,激励他们努力学习,提高他们学习成绩和职业竞争力。

4. 激励和启示:讲解aspirations可以激励学生努力追求自己的梦想和抱负,同时也启发他们认识到自己的职业目标和发展方向,为未来的发展做好准备。


1. My aspiration is to become a doctor and help people in need. (我的抱负是成为一名医生,帮助有需要的人。)

2. She has high aspirations for her future career and is determined to achieve success. (她对未来职业有很高的期望,决心取得成功。)

3. We need to encourage our students to have aspirations and strive for their dreams. (我们需要鼓励学生有抱负,为实现梦想而努力。)

4. The company's aspirations for growth are reflected in its ambitious plans for expansion. (公司为增长所设立的抱负体现在其雄心勃勃的扩张计划中。)

5. The realization of our aspirations requires hard work, dedication and perseverance. (实现我们的抱负需要辛勤努力、奉献和毅力。)

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