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reboot是什么意思 reboot的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-01 11:12:37
  • 2178

reboot是什么意思 reboot的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Please reboot the computer to apply the updates. (请重新启动电脑以应用更新。)

2. If you're having problems with the software, try rebooting the system. (如果你遇到软件问题,请尝试重启系统。)

reboot的中文解释是"重新引导 、计重新启动",还经常被翻译为已重新启动,发音音标为[ri:'bu:t],reboot在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到46个与reboot相关的例句。



例句:And I will try and give you a sense of what the ultimate reboot looks like. (同时尝试展示给你们看终极的复苏会是怎样的。)


例句:Kali Yuga is the last of four Yugas - upon its conclusion, the world will 'reboot' into a new Satya Yuga (Golden Age). (卡利年代是四个年代中最后一个年代——是终结,世界会“重新启动”进入一个新的黄金时期。)


例句:Now reboot and check the result. (现在重新启动并检查结果。)


例句:That's the third time I've had to reboot this thing. (翻译:破电脑... ... 这是我第三次重启了)


reboot一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Hard reboot([网络] 硬重启;冷启动;重新开机)、local reboot(本地重启动)等常见短语中出现较多。

Hard reboot[网络] 硬重启;冷启动;重新开机
local reboot本地重启动


1. Now reboot and check the result. (翻译:现在重新启动并检查结果。)

2. That's the third time I've had to reboot this thing. (翻译:破电脑... ... 这是我第三次重启了)

3. With Boot Camp, if you want to switch between the Mac OS and Windows, you have to reboot the Mac. (翻译:使用BootCamp时,如果你想在Mac和Windows系统之间切换,就必须重启机器。)

4. What's the point of getting up in the morning if you're not gonna reboot the world right, okay, easy (翻译:试想一下 你一觉醒来发现世界都... 你说的没错)

5. Bear in mind that this monetary reboot is a stopgap: as the abundance spreads, the need for such forms of wealth will decrease. (翻译:用心记住,这只是一个临时货币启动应急措施:随着丰饶的不断扩散,对于财富的追求会下降。)

6. Minutes are lost waiting for a reboot. (翻译:等待一次计算机重启浪费了好几分钟的时间。)

7. And yet, a surprising idea won the hearts and minds: we would reboot the country, and that Second Republic would have no army. (翻译:然而,一个令人惊讶的想法 得到了大家的支持: 我们要让国家重新繁荣起来, 而且第二共和国将不会有。)

8. Every now and then, the universe becomes unstable and has to defragment itself and reboot. (翻译:还会时不时的不稳定一下 必须整理碎片 然后重启)

9. That's where the ability to engineer microbes, the ability to engineer tissues, and the ability to engineer robots begin to lead to a reboot. (翻译:便是微生物工程 组织工程 机器人工程 所导向的复苏。)

10. So, let's just think about, we got a problem here, we need to reboot. (翻译:我们需要重新启动 那我们到底需要做什么呢 )

11. That your brain would shut down, but it would reboot again and you'd forget all your RAM. (翻译:你的大脑会停止工作,然后又重启 你会忘了你记忆缓存里的所有东西)

12. Why is it important to reboot? What does the red represent? (翻译:重整旗鼓为什么那么重要?红色代表什么? )

13. If you decide to edit the config file, you may be surprised to see that the security rules in it aren't applied, even after a reboot. (翻译:如果您编辑配置文件,可能会吃惊地发现即使在重新引导之后其中的安全规则也没有生效。)

14. One artist has written CTRL + ALT + DELETE, as if to reboot decades of Israeli-Palestinian mistrust and bloodshed. (翻译:一名艺术家则写了CTRL+ALT+DELETE,似乎是要重新引发以色列和巴勒斯坦之间长达数十年的不信任和。)

15. At this point, will call a special driver, at the next reboot the computer process, directly target the virus file cleared. (翻译:此时,将调用特殊的驱动程序,在下次重启电脑的过程中,直接将目标病毒文件清除掉。)



1. 词性及含义:


2. 用法:


a) 重新启动计算机系统;

b) 重新启动电子设备;

c) 重新开始某项工作或任务。


3. 应用:




1. I tried to fix my computer, but it didn't work, so I had to reboot it. (我试图修理电脑,但没成功,所以我得重新启动它。)

2. If your phone freezes, you can reboot it by holding down the power on. (如果你的手机死机了,你可以按住电源按钮重新启动它。)

3. After lunch, let's reboot our work and start fresh. (午饭后,让我们重新开始工作,并重新开始。)

4. The company decided to reboot the franchise with a new director and cast. (公司决定以新导演和演员重新启动特许经营权。)

5. Sometimes we need to reboot our lives and start over. (有时候我们需要重新开始我们的生活并重新开始。)

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