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slides是什么意思 slides的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-12 19:06:36
  • 237

slides是什么意思 slides的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Please prepare the slides for the presentation tomorrow.(请为明天的演示准备幻灯片。)

2. The children had fun playing on the slides at the park.(孩子们在公园里玩滑梯很开心。)

3. She put on her slides and walked to the pool.(她穿上拖鞋走向游泳池。)

4. The skier enjoyed the thrill of speeding down the slides.(滑雪者享受着从滑道上飞驰的刺激感。)




例句:The gravestone follows, slides down over me; (墓碑跟在后面,滑下来倒在我身上; )


例句:If you want to apply the transition to all slides, select multiple slides in the Filmstrip and specify the required transition effect. (如果你要将转场应用至所有幻灯片,请在电影带中选择多张幻灯片并指定需要的转场效果。)


例句:There are no slides, so you'll just have to be content with me. (没有幻灯片,只要你们对我本人感到满意就好。)


例句:A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls. (翻译:沟槽:机器上的槽状部分,运动部件可在其中滑动或滚动。)


slides一般作为名词使用,如在hair slides(na. 发夹)、lantern slides([电影] 幻灯片)、microscope slides(显微镜载片;显微镜载物片)等常见短语中出现较多。

hair slidesna. 发夹
lantern slides[电影] 幻灯片
microscope slides显微镜载片;显微镜载物片
mud slides[网络] 土石流
power slides[网络] 电动滑梯
slides down滑下,往下滑;塌陷;下滑音
slides out悄悄滑出(slides是slide的第三人称单数)
Time slides by时光荏苒
toboggan slides[网络] 雪橇滑道


1. There are no slides, so you'll just have to be content with me. (翻译:没有幻灯片,只要你们对我本人感到满意就好。)

2. A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls. (翻译:沟槽:机器上的槽状部分,运动部件可在其中滑动或滚动。)

3. There are no slides, so you'll just have to be content with me. (翻译:没有幻灯片,只要你们对我本人感到满意就好。)

4. It creeps and leaps, it glides and slides. (翻译:它会爬行、会跳跃; 它会滑动、会滑行。)

5. This kind of plane slides over 2000 meters when landing (翻译:这种飞机降落时的滑行距应该会超过2000米)

6. The viewfinder thing with the circular slides? (翻译:就是那种用圆形幻灯片的 望远镜一样的东西?)

7. The price of the pork slides. (翻译:猪肉的价格下跌了。)

8. At exactly 112 minutes and 19 seconds, the gravity starts to shift and slides us out of the room. (翻译:恰好在112分19秒时 At exactly 112 minutes and 19 seconds, 重力开始转向 我们滑出舱外 the gravity starts to shift and slides us out of the room.)

9. I mentioned the interesting facts, referred to the excellent slides, and then finished by saying "We'd all like to thank Miss Bligh for blowing out her slides." (翻译:我提到了有趣的事件,提到了精彩的幻灯片,最后结尾:“我们都要感谢布莱向我们展示了她的幻灯片。” )

10. All the slides are laid out for you. (翻译:文员已经给你准备好了幻灯片 The yeoman will have all the slides laid out for you. 你只需...)

11. Mayda slides her fingers in... all the way up to her... (翻译:梅达把她的手指... 一直伸进她的婚戒里)

12. I swear he had three slides and just used them over and over. (翻译:我发誓他有三张幻灯片 只是重复使用它们 I swear he had three slides and just used them over and over.)

13. And slice me, dice me, spread me on your slides. (翻译:解剖我,肢解我, 把我涂抹在你的玻片上 )

14. The injury is actually the swelling of the sheath within which the cord slides. (翻译:这 中伤痛实际上是跟腱鞘肿大。)

15. The specimens were mounted on slides. (翻译:标本安放在载片上。)





词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有make slides(制作幻灯片)、water slides(水上乐园的滑水道)等。

短语:常用的短语有slides down(滑下)、slides into(滑进)等。



1. He made some slides to present his research findings.(他制作了几张幻灯片来展示他的研究成果。)

2. The water slides at the amut park are very popular with children.(游乐园的水上滑道深受孩子们的喜爱。)

3. The skateboarder did some amazing slides on the ramp.(滑板运动员在斜坡上做了一些惊人的滑动。)

4. The snow slides down the mountain and forms a beautiful landscape.(雪从山上滑下来,形成了美丽的景观。)

5. She slides into the booth and takes a seat.(她滑进包间并坐下来。)

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