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bribe是什么意思 bribe的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-29 08:06:53
  • 218

bribe是什么意思 bribe的中文翻译、读音、例句

英 [braɪb] 美 [braɪb]



1. The company was accused of bribing local officials to secure the contract.


2. He was found guilty of accepting a bribe from a local businessman.


3. It's illegal to offer a bribe to a government official.





例句:Yet the officer in charge would not simply give her the permit for want of a bribe. (偏偏那位官员不愿给予此项许可 假如老太不向他行贿。)


例句:In the words of Simis, it continues because of "the eternal, ineradicable bribe". (西米斯认为,它之所以无法根除,主要原因是存在着“根深蒂固的贿赂行为”。)


例句:What about that guy you had to bribe for that award or whatever? (你为了得奖不得不贿赂的那个家伙又怎样呢?)


例句:The murderer tried to bribe the judge into convicting him of being unguilty. (翻译:犯妄图贿赂法官宣判他无罪。)


bribe一般作为名词、动词使用,如在offer a bribe(行贿)、offering bribe([法] 行贿)等常见短语中出现较多。

offer a bribe行贿
offering bribe[法] 行贿


1. What about that guy you had to bribe for that award or whatever? (翻译:你为了得奖不得不贿赂的那个家伙又怎样呢?)

2. The murderer tried to bribe the judge into convicting him of being unguilty. (翻译:犯妄图贿赂法官宣判他无罪。)

3. They bribe the cheaper generic opponents. (翻译:他们贿赂便宜的仿制药对手。)

4. If you wanna bribe the jury. (翻译:If you wanna bribe the jury.)

5. He managed to bribe a doctor to declare him unfit for military service. (翻译:他贿赂了一位医生 为他开不适合服役的证明)

6. Did the attorney, Will Gardner, ever offer you a bribe, Your Honor? (翻译:那Will Gardner律师有向你行贿吗?)

7. Tribal militiamen in the Terai might accept a more modest bribe. (翻译:Terai的部族也许会接受一个更适当的条件。)

8. She had been offered a $50 000 bribe to drop the charges. (翻译:有人用5万元贿赂她,要她撤回控告。)

9. The girl's happy with 300,000. He pays for the service and the bribe. (翻译:女孩有三十万就满意了 她还要给别人服务费和贿赂费)

10. but I didn't have enough money to pay a bribe or fine anymore. (翻译:但是我已没有足够的钱 来贿赂或是交罚金了。)

11. Keung asked Yu for $50 million... to bribe officials (翻译:陆金强跟永瑜要了五千万现金 准备行贿官员)

12. The judge was impeached for taking a bribe. (翻译:这个法官被检举接受贿赂。)

13. After I paid the fine and bribe, my family was released in one month. (翻译:在我交了罚金和贿赂用的钱后, 我的家人一个月后被释放了, )

14. - I'm sure he tried to bribe him. (翻译:他绝对是想勒索他 你能证明吗? He tried to bribe you.)

15. Put yourself in the position of the kidnapper wanting to bribe the officer. (翻译:把你放在 那个想贿赂警官的绑匪的位置上 )

1. 解释:Bribe是指以金钱或其他有价值的东西来诱使某人做某事或放弃某事的行为。通常是为了获得个人或团体的私人利益而采取的不正当手段。

2. 同义词:corrupt、buy off、grease someone's palm、pay off

3. 用途:Bribe通常被用于描述贪、行贿、收买等负面行为,也可用于描述平时生活中的小贿赂或小恶习。

4. 相关短语:bribe someone with、bribe money、bribe the way、bribe and corruption、face bribery charges


1. He was accused of taking bribes from a construction company. 他被指控从一家建筑公司收取贿赂。

2. The politician denied accusations of bribery and corruption. 这位家否认受贿指控。

3. She bribed her way into the exclusive club. 她用贿赂的方式进入了独家俱乐部。

4. The police officer was suspended pending an investigation into allegations of bribery. 面对有关受贿的指控,这名警官被暂停职务等待调查。

5. The businessman was caught trying to bribe a government official. 这名商人被抓到企图贿赂官员。

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