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starcraft是什么意思 starcraft的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-21 14:47:12
  • 226

starcraft是什么意思 starcraft的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:xīng jì zhēng bà


1. 他们在玩《星际争霸》。

Translation: They are playing StarCraft.

2. 《星际争霸》是一款非常经典的游戏。

Translation: StarCraft is a very classic game.

starcraft的中文解释是"占星学、星际争霸",在日常中也代表"星海争霸"的意思,读音为['stɑ:krɑ:ft. -kræft],starcraft在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到35个与starcraft相关的句子。



例句:Overall, 'turtling' is a bit harder in StarCraft II since every race has new ways to keep them mobile. (在SC2中龟缩战术更难了——因为每个种族都有新办法来赶你。)


例句:Now the WC3 and StarCraft players are taking some sort of" oath." (现在WC3和星海争霸运动员正在轮流一些种“誓约”。)


例句:My brother used to play Starcraft a lot. (我弟弟以前经常玩《星际争霸》。)


例句:Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has previously labeled the Starcraft franchise as one of the company's seven "pillars of opportunity. " (翻译:动视暴雪的首席执行官BobbyKotick日前将《星际争霸》的销售誉为公司七大“商机支柱”之一。)


1. My brother used to play Starcraft a lot. (翻译:我弟弟以前经常玩《星际争霸》。)

2. Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick has previously labeled the Starcraft franchise as one of the company's seven "pillars of opportunity. " (翻译:动视暴雪的首席执行官BobbyKotick日前将《星际争霸》的销售誉为公司七大“商机支柱”之一。)

3. In Starcraft, pro-players like Bisu, Nada, and Savior had strong Micro and a good sense of time management. (翻译:在星际争霸当中,职业竞技选手如Bisu,Nada以及Savior都有很强的微操能力和良好时间意识。)

4. Blizzard tried to negotiate with OGN and MBC, the two broadcasters of StarCraft in Korea, - negotiations went nowhere. (翻译:暴雪试图与ogn和MBC -两家韩国的星际争霸电视台-进行的谈判没有取得任何进展。)

5. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty's singleplayer campaign will consist of 28 non-linear missions. (翻译:星际争霸2:自由之翼的单人战役包含28个主线任务。)

6. StarCraft II is set to build upon the ground set by its predecessor and raise the play -- as well as the demand -- to another level. (翻译:星际争霸2将会延续前作的构架,并且——正如玩家们要求的那样——将对抗性提升到一个新的高度。)

7. Sounds like you are going to make StarCraft Street Fighter. . . which you could definitely count on me downloading. (翻译:听起来你想制作星际街霸……你可以放心,我肯定会下载你的地图。)

8. Blizzard tried to negotiate with OGN and MBC, the two broadcasters of StarCraft in Korea, - negotiations went nowhere. (翻译:暴雪试图与OGN和MBC-两家韩国的星际争霸电视台-进行的谈判没有取得任何进展。)

9. It is hard for me to say whether I will do modding for Starcraft 2 at this point. (翻译:所以基于这一点,很难说我是否会为星际2创造模型。)

10. The long-awaited StarCraft II may end up with the community the size of the kinder-garden sandpit. (翻译:期待已久的《星际争霸2》可能最终只能获得一个幼儿花园的沙坑那么大的玩家群体。)

11. In China, Dota is to the people there what Starcraft is to Korea. (翻译:Dota 在中国的意义就像《星海争霸》对韩国一样)

12. StarCraft has the best macro style of any RTS ever made. (翻译:星际争霸较其他RTS游戏有着最好的宏机制。)

13. So what makes StarCraft so great? (翻译:那么到底是什么让星际争霸这么伟大呢? )

14. I noticed that when I played the original StarCraft again last summer, there was a big emphasis in the cut-scenes on the cigars. (翻译:我注意到去年夏天我再次玩SC1时,注意到了一大段对于雪茄剪片的强调。)



词组搭配:Starcraft II(Starcraft的续作)




1. Starcraft is a classic real-time strategy game that has been loved by many gamers for over 20 years.(《星际争霸》是一款经典的即时战略游戏,已经被众多玩家喜爱了20多年。)

2. I spent the whole weekend playing Starcraft with my friends.(我和朋友们把整个周末都花在了《星际争霸》上。)

3. Starcraft is known for its complex gameplay and high skill ceiling.(《星际争霸》以其复杂的游戏玩法和高水平技能而闻名。)

4. The Korean esports scene was greatly influenced by Starcraft, with many professional players and teams emerging from the game.(韩国电子竞技圈受到了《星际争霸》的极大影响,许多职业选手和战队都是从这款游戏中崛起的。)

5. Despite being an old game, Starcraft still has a dedicated fanbase and active online community.(尽管是一款老游戏,但《星际争霸》仍然拥有忠实的粉丝群体和活跃的在线社区。)

6. Some players have turned their passion for Starcraft into a career, becoming professional gamers or esports commentators.(一些玩家把他们对《星际争霸》的热爱转化为了职业,成为了职业选手或电子竞技解说员。)

7. Blizzard Entertainment has announced that they will be remastering the original Starcraft game, with updated graphics and new features.(暴雪娱乐公司已经宣布他们将重新制作原版《星际争霸》游戏,并更新图形和加入新特色。)

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