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jiggle是什么意思 jiggle的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:06
  • 293

jiggle是什么意思 jiggle的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She jiggled the handle of the door, but it wouldn't open.(她轻轻摇晃门把手,但门没开。)

2. The car ride was py, causing everything inside to jiggle around.(车子行驶颠簸,导致车内所有物品都在不停地晃动。)

3. He nervously jiggled his leg up and down while waiting for his interview.(他紧张地抖动着腿,等待着面试。)




例句:Oh, the toilet's broken so, if you wanna flush it, you gotta jiggle the, the bar and if that, that doesn't work, you gotta lift the ball inside. (所以你冲水时要摇这根棍子 没用的话就把浮球往上抬 - 没问题)


例句:Carry the cup carefully and don't jiggle it, or you'll spill the tea. (小心端那个杯子,别摇晃它,不然你会把茶洒出来。)


例句:This kind of "I broke things, so now I will jiggle things randomly until they unbreak" is not acceptable. (这种“我把事搞砸了,就随意地调整直到事情又工作”的方式是不可接受的。)


例句:Just have to jiggle the handle on the toilet if it runs. (翻译:门把手要是不好用就来回晃晃 Just have to jiggle the handle on the toilet if it runs.)


jiggle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在jiggle bar([机] 摇手柄)、jiggle mode([网络] 抖动效果)、jiggle physics([网络] 摇摆物理学)等常见短语中出现较多。

jiggle bar[机] 摇手柄
jiggle mode[网络] 抖动效果
jiggle physics[网络] 摇摆物理学


1. This kind of "I broke things, so now I will jiggle things randomly until they unbreak" is not acceptable. (翻译:这种“我把事搞砸了,就随意地调整直到事情又工作”的方式是不可接受的。)

2. Just have to jiggle the handle on the toilet if it runs. (翻译:门把手要是不好用就来回晃晃 Just have to jiggle the handle on the toilet if it runs.)

3. Carry the cup carefully and don't jiggle it, or you'll spill the coffee. (翻译:把杯子小心端好,别摇晃,否则会把咖啡溅出来的。)

4. When ready, bake at 400 degrees on a cookie tray for 10 to 12 minutes or until the center does not jiggle. (翻译:准备好后放在餐盘里,在400度下烘焙10到12分钟或至中心部分不晃动。)

5. For a second, you can see Thatcher's hat jiggle a few inches and then be still again. (翻译:这是你可以看见的帽子动了一下,后来又不动了。)

6. When the weight begins to jiggle, turn the heat down low and cook for about 45minutes. (翻译:当保险小鼎开始叫了,将火调小,慢煮45分钟。)

7. Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle. (翻译:“山丘”把整个数据库形象地表示为大果冻似的的小山, 有点摇晃。)

8. The age of the ogling, swim-suited jiggle festivals of the past is dead. (翻译:以往那些挤眉弄眼,穿着泳装乱颤颠 的选美节早已过时了)

9. The manga, or comic book Puru-Mero (Jiggle-Melons), picked up at a convenience store, is meant to titillate. (翻译:在一家便利店看到的漫画书《Puru-Mero》就极富和诱惑的意味。)

10. Mounds visualizes the entire dataset as large, gelatinous blobs which kind of jiggle. (翻译:“山丘”把整个数据库形象地表示为大果冻似的的小山, 有点摇晃。)

11. All right. I'm gonna go get a drink. This ginger needs her jiggle juice. (翻译:好了 我要去拿点儿喝的 来点儿麦啤补充活力)

12. The gadgets jiggle in time to the music. (翻译:那些小玩意儿随着音乐摇摆。)

13. When we jiggle the lock, when we test the claim, we're saying, OK, I respect you, I'm listening to what you're saying, I'm going to test it out with you. (翻译:当我们转动锁,当我们检视主张, 我们会说:好的,我尊重你, 我会听你想说的话, 我将会和你一起验证。)

14. This kind of "I broke things, so now I will jiggle things randomly until they unbreak" is not acceptable. (翻译:这种“我把事搞砸了,就随意地调整直到事情又工作”的方式是不可接受的。)

15. Sometimes,if you give them a little jiggle, you can get them to move. (翻译:有的时候 如果你轻轻动他一下 他们就能动了)



1. 词性:'jiggle'是一个动词,可以表示轻微的晃动或震动。

2. 同义词:wiggle, shake, shimmy, tremble, quiver。

3. 派生词:jiggly (形容词),jigglingly (副词)。

4. 用法场景:'jiggle'一般用于描述物体或身体的轻微晃动,常见于日常生活和文学作品中。


1. The table jiggles when you put anything on it. (当你在桌子上放东西时,桌子会轻微晃动。)

2. She couldn't stop jiggling her leg during the meeting. (在会议上她无法停止晃动腿。)

3. The jiggling of the car made me feel sick. (汽车的晃动让我感到恶心。)

4. He tried to keep his hand steady, but it kept jiggling. (他试图保持手的稳定,但它仍然在晃动。)

5. The jiggling jelly on the plate looked delicious. (盘子上晃动的果冻看起来很美味。)

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