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funds是什么意思 funds的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-09 01:32:08
  • 169

funds是什么意思 funds的中文翻译、读音、例句

funds的中文翻译为“资金”(zī jīn)。



1. We need to raise more funds for the charity event.


2. The company has allocated more funds for research and development.


3. The government has set up a fund to support small businesses.





例句:An inward remittance is where a foreign bank sends funds to a domestic bank with an instruction for the bank to pay the funds to the payee. (汇进是指外国银行将资金汇到国内银行并指令该银行付款给收款人的汇款。)


例句:They have unlimited funds, a mandate to invent the future. (DARPA背靠金山 授权他们研究未来科技)


例句:The American defence industries are big contributors to the President. (好像国防工业是 The American defence industries are 美国总统政党的金库 big contributors to the President Party funds.)


例句:an increase in the rate caused an inflow of funds from abroad and a drop in the rate caused a flow of funds out of the country. (翻译:贴现率的上涨引起国外资金的流入,反之则会引起资金的外流。)


funds一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in funds([经] 有钱, 有资本)、no funds(存款不足\n[经] 存款不足)、the funds(公债,国债)等常见短语中出现较多。

in funds[经] 有钱, 有资本
no funds存款不足\n[经] 存款不足
the funds公债,国债
earmark funds to拨款给
earmarked funds预留款项;指定用途的款项
dormant funds未动用基金
divert funds[网络] 挪用
dividend funds[经] 股利基金
discretionary funds[经] 自主资金


1. The American defence industries are big contributors to the President. (翻译:好像国防工业是 The American defence industries are 美国总统政党的金库 big contributors to the President Party funds.)

2. an increase in the rate caused an inflow of funds from abroad and a drop in the rate caused a flow of funds out of the country. (翻译:贴现率的上涨引起国外资金的流入,反之则会引起资金的外流。)

3. The money will be invested in managed funds. (翻译:这笔钱将投资于管理基金。)

4. When my bank remits the funds. (翻译:当我的银行汇款的资金。)

5. The villagers donated funds for a new mosque too. (翻译:村民们也捐款建了一座新寺。)

6. He was accused of appropriating club funds. (翻译:他被控盗用俱乐部资金。)

7. Instructions to access these funds are as follows. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs20\2cHFFFFFF\b0}接下来是如何去启动这一系列的资金的方法 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\2cHFFFFFF\b0}Instructions to access these funds are as follows.)

8. They're cutting funds for education. (翻译:他们正在削减教育经费。)

9. The banker absconded with embezzled funds. (翻译:这个银行家涉嫌盗用资金。)

10. It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds. (翻译:Austion动用过一些款项 It became apparent that Austin had implemented certain funds.)

11. Andreesen, Elevation and like a bunch of other seed firms are piling onto this thing. (翻译:安德鲁森 上升和其他一堆 Andreesen, Elevation and like a bunch of 基金都虎视眈眈 other seed funds are piling onto this thing.)

12. I do have to switch some funds. (翻译:那时候我还要再去出纳那里,因为还有一笔慈善捐款)

13. The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing. (翻译:情报局对这些事都有报酬 The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing.)

14. Find purchase transeunt funds and bridge funds for purchasers, then to increase the rate of return through leverage effect. (翻译:为收购方寻求来自于自身之外的收购资金或过桥资金,通过杠杆效应加大一笔收购的盈利率。)

15. - Well, Strucker needed funds. (翻译:斯特拉克需要资金 Well, Strucker needed funds.)












1. We established a fund to provide financial support for students from low-income families. (我们设立了一个基金,为来自低收入家庭的学生提供财务支持。)

2. The hedge fund has made huge profits by investing in emerging markets. (对冲基金通过投资新兴市场赚取了巨额利润。)

3. The pension fund has invested heavily in the stock market. (养老基金在股市上大量投资。)

4. The government has allocated funds to improve rural education. (拨款改善农村教育。)

5. Our company has hired a fund manager to oversee our investments. (我们公司聘请了一位基金经理来监督我们的投资。)

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