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all about是什么意思 all about的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-05 20:53:37
  • 203

all about是什么意思 all about的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:/ɔl əˈbaʊt/


1. This book is all about the history of China. (这本书是关于中国历史的全部内容。)

2. Can you tell me all about your trip to Paris? (你能讲述一下你去巴黎的一切经历吗?)

3. The presentation was all about the benefits of exercise. (这个演讲是关于运动的好处的全部内容。)

1. 含义:'all about'通常用来表示“关于”、“所有关于”的意思。它可以用来引出一个主题或描述一个主题的方方面面。


- This book is all about the history of the American Revolution. (这本书讲述了美国的历史。)

- The article is all about the benefits of a healthy diet. (这篇文章讲述了健康饮食的好处。)

- The presentation is all about the latest technological advancements in the industry. (这个演示介绍了行业最新的技术进展。)

2. 缩写词:'A.A.'也可以是'all about'的缩写词,但它通常代表“酒精匿名(Acholic Anonymous)”,一种帮助戒酒者戒酒的组织。


- John has been attending A.A. meetings for the past six months. (约翰已经参加酒精匿名组织六个月了。)

- A.A. is a safe and supportive environment for recovering addicts. (酒精匿名是一个安全、支持性强的戒酒环境。)

3. 口语表达:'all about'还可以作为一种口语表达方式,表示某个事物是某人喜欢的或精通的领域。


- Mary is all about fashion. She's always up on the latest trends. (玛丽热衷于时尚,总是紧跟最新潮流。)

- Tom is all about sports. He knows everything there is to know about basketball. (汤姆全身都是运动细胞,他对篮球了如指掌。)

以上是'all about'的三种表达方式,是5个中英例句:

- She's writing a book all about her travels in Europe. (她正在写一本关于她在欧洲旅行的书。)

- This website is all about healthy living and nutrition. (这个网站是关于健康生活和营养的。)

- The party was all about celebrating our team's success. (聚会的主旨是庆祝我们团队的成功。)

- He's an expert in all things automotive; he knows all about cars. (他是汽车方面的专家,对汽车了如指掌。)

- The conference was all about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. (这次会议关于人工智能的最新进展。)

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