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blund是什么意思 blund的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-24 15:20:43
  • 265

blund是什么意思 blund的中文翻译、读音、例句

blund的中文翻译为“疏忽、大意”,读音为/ blʌnd /。


1. She blundered into the room, not realizing that it was a private meeting.(她疏忽地走进房间,没有意识到这是一个私人会议。)


2. The politician's blunder cost him the election.(家的大意导致他输掉了选举。)





例句:They're "B" players, and "B" players discourage the "A" players. (他们都是“二等” 致谢“二等”只会让“一等”的丧气)


例句:A B2B sale is to an organization. (B2B销售针对组织。)


1. The killers came from out of town, and they were here looking for Lund. (翻译:杀手并不是我们这个城镇的 他们过来寻找拉恩)

2. Most of them, or headed that way like B.B., or dead. (翻译:他们中的大多人,要么就是像B. B. 那样过活,要么就是死了)

3. These two boys saw the killers. They came into Henry's Diner looking for Lund. (翻译:这两个人看过杀手 他们到亨利的餐馆去找拉恩)

4. But I couldn't speak to Mr. B-b-b-blaylocke (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}没法再问布――布――布雷洛克了)

5. When the Leonora arrives on the scene, Lund and our rib driver start whistling to the whales. (翻译:来到现场时,朗德和我们的橡皮艇驾驶开始对那些鲸鱼吹口哨。)

6. Oh, the other reason someone would kill him is, uh... b-b-b-Brixham Lake. (翻译:另一个他被杀的原因是 那个什么 比克瑟姆湖公司)

7. One reason might be that the smallest cars are not driven as many miles on high-speed roadways, Mr. Lund said. (翻译:究其原因,可能是体型最小的车辆的高速公路行驶里程不如小型车,Lund先生如是说。)

8. - To see B.B. King! - Come on, man! (翻译:Thomas 我们该怎样找到Billy呀)

9. If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c. (翻译:设a = b,b = c,则a = c。)

10. B, for example, rotates the little yellow dot to the B on the starfish. And so on. (翻译:例如B,旋转小黄点, 它位于海星上的B处,诸如此类。)

11. You will not drive nails into me, not you ! B flat, B flat, B flat! (翻译:你不能给我钉钉子,决不能是你 降B调,降B调,降B调!)

12. - We're going to plan B. - What's plan B? - Run! (翻译:ــ ﺳﻨﻨﺘﻘﻞ اﻟﻰ اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺒﺪﻳﻠﺔــ وﻣﺎ ﻫﻲ اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺒﺪﻳﻠﺔ ؟)

13. B, for example, rotates the little yellow dot to the B on the starfish. And so on. (翻译:例如B,旋转小黄点, 它位于海星上的B处,诸如此类。)

14. If A equals B, then b equals a... (翻译:- 如果A等于B 那么B等于A - 对称性)

15. An electron in a molecule isn't on just atom A or atom B, but A+ B. (翻译:分子中的电子不是在原子A或B中,是在A和B中 )

1. 词性:blund可以是动词,名词或形容词,具体根据上下文而定。

2. 含义:blund的意思是犯错误或做出愚蠢的事情。blund也可以是一个缩写词,代表“bottom line up front”,意思是先讲重点。

3. 发音:blund的发音为/blʌnd/。

4. 用法:blund通常作为不及物动词使用,可以直接跟名词或代词作宾语。blund还可以作为名词或形容词使用。blund的缩写词“BLUF”通常出现在军事或商业场合。

5. 搭配:blund的常见搭配包括:

- blunder in (冲进来):他一开始就犯了个错误,直接冲进了会议室。

- blunder on (乱猜):她不知道答案,只能随便猜测。

- blunder into (不小心碰到):他突然冲进来,差点撞到我。

- blunder through (胡乱应付):我只是随口说了几句,胡乱应付了过去。

- blundering fool ():他总是做出愚蠢的事情,就像个一样。


1. I made a blunder by forgetting to bring my passport.(我犯了错误,忘了带护照。)

2. He made a blunder in his calculation, which led to a big loss.(他的计算出了差错,导致了巨大的损失。)

3. We cannot afford any blunders when dealing with such a sensitive issue.(在处理如此敏感的问题时,我们不能犯任何错误。)

4. The company's blundering management led to a huge loss of customers.(公司愚蠢的管理导致了大量客户的损失。)

5. The BLUF of this report is that we need to increase our investment in marketing.(这份报告的重点是,我们需要增加在市场营销方面的投资。)

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