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downside是什么意思 downside的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-16 11:32:05
  • 225

downside是什么意思 downside的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The upside is clear – longer lifespan and reduced healthcare costs – but there is also a downside.


2. One downside of remote work is that employees may struggle with isolation and a lack of team collaboration.





例句:The downside, she said, was a "black plume" of smoke that would put soot and other particulates into the air. (最后,浮油会变成一股股的烟尘并以煤灰和其他微粒的形式进入大气之中。)


例句:But there is an equally important downside: inbreeding. (但是同样重要的,其不利面:近亲繁殖。)


例句:Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. (即便如此,国王和王后无疑也有缺点。)


downside一般作为名词使用,如在on the downside(下降中,衰落中,衰减中)、the downside([网络] 不利方面;缺点)、downside deviation(跌势差)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the downside下降中,衰落中,衰减中
the downside[网络] 不利方面;缺点
downside deviation跌势差
downside risk下跌风险,冒最大的风险
Downside School[网络] 唐赛得学校;英国唐赛得学校;唐塞得学校
downside trend跌势


1. Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside. (翻译:即便如此,国王和王后无疑也有缺点。)

2. Aggressive pyramiding of more and more units had a downside. (翻译:这种激进的金字塔加仓也有缺点。)

3. The downside to Fischer-Tropsch is that it's an energy-intensive and therefore expensive chemical process. (翻译:费希尔-特罗普希法的缺点在于,它是一种能源密集型、也因此昂贵的化学工艺。)

4. Downside is, you turned her into a bomb That only you can dismantle. (翻译:坏的一面是 你把她变成了一个只有你能解除的)

5. It's the downside correlation of their fortunes that will become more and more possible. (翻译:他们未来的命运,将越来越可能呈现负面的相关性。)

6. So, that's the upside. The circular mill is the downside. (翻译:所以,那正是积极的一面。而循环的绕圈则是它消极的一面。)

7. Us buying that apartment has absolutely no downside. (翻译:我们要把那个房子买下来 绝对不是什么坏事)

8. The only optimum design scheme was the combination form of full breadth weir and downside the shrinking weir. (翻译:通过分析比较,确定上部全幅堰与下部侧收缩堰相结合的方式是废水测流堰槽的最佳设计方案。)

9. And as science offers greater power and promise, the downside gets scarier too. (翻译:随着科学提供了 更大的能力和希望, 它的负面影响也会变得更加可怕。)

10. The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership. (翻译:这种方式的不足之处是缺乏明确的指挥。)

11. It's the downside correlation of their fortunes that will become more and more possible. (翻译:他们未来的命运,将越来越可能呈现负面的相关性。)

12. And even a tiny probability of catastrophe is unacceptable when the downside could be of global consequence. (翻译:而当后果可能是全球性的灾难时, 哪怕是非常小的概率也是无法被接受的。)

13. The mechanical tissue flakily situated in the downside of the main vein and the bigger lateral veins. (翻译:机械组织成片存在于主脉和较大侧脉靠下表皮侧。)

14. However, there is one major downside to living on a giant version of Earth. (翻译:有机会进化出更大的大脑 但是 生活在巨大版本的地球上 有一个严重的缺陷)

15. If you look at the downside of globalization, it really does seem to be sometimes overwhelming. (翻译:如果你看看全球化的负面影响, 有时候的确有点儿难以应付。)




1. 定义:'downside'是一个名词,表示某个事物或情况的不利方面或缺点。

2. 同义词:negatives, drawbacks, disadvantages, pitfalls, shortcomings

3. 用法:'downside'多用于句子的后部,表示对前面所述内容的否定、补充或总结。

4. 词性变化:'downside'是名词,其形容词形式为'downside',副词形式为'downside'

5. 语境:'downside'是一种比较口语化的用法,较多用于日常交流和非正式场合。


1. Despite its many advantages, there are also a few downsides to working from home. (尽管具有许多优点,但也有一些缺点。)

2. One of the downsides of being famous is that you lose your privacy. (成名的一个弊端就是失去隐私。)

3. The downside of using technology to communicate is that it can be isolating. (使用技术进行沟通的缺点是可能会让人感到孤立。)

4. The downside to fast food is that it can be unhealthy if eaten too often. (快餐的缺点是如果经常食用可能不健康。)

5. The downside of being a freelancer is that you don't have a stable income. (自由职业者的缺点是没有稳定的收入。)

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