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lawsuit是什么意思 lawsuit的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-18 19:59:49
  • 307

lawsuit是什么意思 lawsuit的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He filed a lawsuit against the company for breach of contract. (他因合同违约向公司提起了诉讼。)

2. The lawsuit was settled out of court. (这起诉讼在庭外和解了。)

3. The actress won the lawsuit against the paparazzi who invaded her privacy. (这位女演员赢得了其隐私被侵犯的狗仔队的诉讼。)




例句:Komikado vs the Musical Producer Copyright Lawsuit (别给我说些有的没的 古美门VS音乐制作人 著作权诉讼)


例句:Yeah, because they never wanted to be on the wrong side of a corporate lawsuit. (没错 因为他们绝不想在一场公司诉讼中 站错了队)


例句:And once I'm through with this stupid lawsuit... (有一次我经过 这个愚蠢的官司... ...)


例句:This lawsuit has no merit. (翻译:根本就没有案子存在啊,法官大人 This lawsuit has no merit.)


lawsuit一般作为名词使用,如在discrimination lawsuit(歧视诉讼案)、electoral lawsuit(选举诉讼)、exparte lawsuit([法] 一造诉讼)等常见短语中出现较多。

discrimination lawsuit歧视诉讼案
electoral lawsuit选举诉讼
exparte lawsuit[法] 一造诉讼
file a lawsuit[网络] 起诉;提起诉讼;打官司
indiscriminate lawsuit滥诉
lawsuit psychology诉讼心理学
loser of lawsuit[法] 败诉人
preside at lawsuit[法] 听讼, 主持诉讼
settle a lawsuit[法] 断案, 结案


1. And once I'm through with this stupid lawsuit... (翻译:有一次我经过 这个愚蠢的官司... ...)

2. This lawsuit has no merit. (翻译:根本就没有案子存在啊,法官大人 This lawsuit has no merit.)

3. Of course, Mattiece spares no expense to win the lawsuit. (翻译:想阻止整个工程 马提斯不惜巨资洒钱只求必胜)

4. BYD is contesting the lawsuit. (翻译:比亚迪对诉讼进行了辩护。)

5. Some bias in their background, a job they didn't get, a lawsuit. (翻译:可以是对他们背景的偏见 他们没得到的工作 或者是官司)

6. He does not want a lawsuit, want us to depart. (翻译:不,他没有打算要告 他只是想让我们知难而退)

7. They threatened him with a lawsuit. (翻译:他们以诉讼来威胁他。)

8. I was under the impression that... I held the remote control in this lawsuit. (翻译:我还以为 I was under the impression that. 我在掌握着局面 I held the remote control in this lawsuit.)

9. If the fetus is aborted, the malpractice lawsuit against you will be reduced. (翻译:若打掉这胎儿 那针对你治疗不当 - 的官司就轻松多了 - 反对 法官大人)

10. In other words, it cannot be overlooked in the lawsuit of not using delivery of dossier and the lawsuit of both libelant and paraclete proof-providing. (翻译:也就是说,在任何不采用案卷移送制度和实行控辩双方向法庭举证的诉讼结构中,证据开示具有不容忽视的重要意义。)

11. Looks like Christopher just joined the lawsuit to extend the deadline. (翻译:看来Christopher加入了争取延长期限的诉讼)

12. Anybody repeats this to anybody is gonna face a lawsuit. (翻译:Anybody repeats this to anybody is gonna face a lawsuit.)

13. My law firm's in the middle of a complicated patent lawsuit. (翻译:-走 我们律师事务所进行的专利诉讼案太多 实在压力大)

14. Got it? Lawsuit! Got that? (翻译:你们该死的魔鬼兵团 了我爸爸的玩具店)

15. If I let Patty go, here comes the ageism lawsuit. (翻译:如果我让侯佩岑去, 就是我的年龄歧视官司。)




1. 定义与词源:lawsuit是指法律诉讼的意思,源自中古英语的lai ('law')和sut(e) ('suit', 即起诉或仲裁的诉讼),可以用来形容一个人或一方对另一个人或一方提出的诉讼。

例句:The company is facing a lawsuit for breach of contract. (这家公司因违反合同而面临诉讼。)

2. 类型:lawsuit可以根据诉讼的性质和目的分类,例如民事诉讼、刑事诉讼、知识产权诉讼、商业诉讼等。

例句:The defendant was acquitted of all charges in the criminal lawsuit. (被告在刑事诉讼中被免罪。)

3. 过程:lawsuit通常包括起诉、答辩、证人证言、调解、庭审等环节,需要按照法律程序进行。

例句:The lawsuit has been ongoing for over a year and there is still no resolution. (诉讼已经持续了一年多,但仍未解决。)

4. 结果:lawsuit的结果可能是和解、判决、赔偿等。

例句:The plaintiff was awarded a settlement in the lawsuit. (原告在诉讼中获得了和解。)

5. 影响:lawsuit对于个人、企业、社会等都可能产生重大影响,包括财务、声誉、法规等方面。

例句:The lawsuit has negatively impacted the company's reputation and stock price. (诉讼对公司的声誉和股价产生了负面影响。)


- The lawyer advised his client to settle the lawsuit out of court. (律师建议他的客户在法庭外解决诉讼。)

- The class action lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company has attracted national attention. (针对制药公司的集体诉讼引起了全国关注。)

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