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curvature是什么意思 curvature的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:25
  • 151

curvature是什么意思 curvature的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The curvature of the earth causes objects far away to appear lower in the sky.


2. The curvature of the spine can cause back pain and difficulty moving.





例句:Analysis of Splaying Amount of Joints of Segments of Large-diameter Large-curvature Reinforcement Concrete Pushing-pipe (大口径急曲线钢筋混凝土顶管管节接缝张开量分析)


例句:The compact submanifolds in quasi constant curvature Riemannian manifolds with Parallel Mean Curature Vector were studied. (研究拟常曲率黎曼流形中具有平行平均曲率向量的紧致子流形。)


例句:Shear connector seems to have a significant influence on curvature ductility and the load capacity. (剪切连接件的设置对构件受力后期延性和承载力的提高有着显著的效果。)


例句:It is this lens that is the key to the eye's adaptability, changing its curvature to adapt to near and far vision. (翻译:这晶状体在眼睛视物时起到了关键的调节作用, 它通过改变自身的曲率来调节近景及远景。)


curvature一般作为名词使用,如在differential curvature(分异化曲率, 分异曲率)、double curvature(双曲率)、earth curvature(地球曲率)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential curvature分异化曲率, 分异曲率
double curvature双曲率
earth curvature地球曲率
dorsal curvature背弯
enveloping curvature包络曲率
error of curvature[数] 曲率误差
expansion curvature膨胀曲率
expansive curvature膨胀曲率
extrinsic curvature外在曲率


1. Shear connector seems to have a significant influence on curvature ductility and the load capacity. (翻译:剪切连接件的设置对构件受力后期延性和承载力的提高有着显著的效果。)

2. It is this lens that is the key to the eye's adaptability, changing its curvature to adapt to near and far vision. (翻译:这晶状体在眼睛视物时起到了关键的调节作用, 它通过改变自身的曲率来调节近景及远景。)

3. You see any night-vision goggles or, uh, spotlights in that box? (翻译:不,那是scalar curvature)

4. After unloading and resiling, the curvature radius of CT decreases monotonously along with stretch increasing. As a result, stretch is helpful to reducing resilience. (翻译:在“拉弯”作用的情况下,卸载回弹后的曲率半径随着拉力的增大而单调减小,因此拉力的作用有助于减小回弹。)

5. Much later, Robert Maillart's bridges, which optimize structural form with a calculus curvature almost like a parabola. (翻译:再看马亚尔的桥, 其结构透过 曲率运算的最佳形式得以表现,就像抛物线一样。)

6. Night, I draw from a Labidocera angelic curvature of a sudden my blood boiling, and wind-off, hair flying in the wind. (翻译:黑夜里,我的唇角划起一个天使般的弧度,我的血液顿时沸腾了,风吹过,发丝在风中飞扬。)

7. But for strong non-quadratic form and the sharp change in curvature function, the quadratic model seems to unable to solve it. (翻译:然而,对于非二次性态强、曲率变化比较剧烈的函数,二次模型信赖域算法显得力不从心。)

8. In type A, rotary subluxation occurs during progression of the curvature. In type B, it seems to be the initial event. (翻译:型患者旋转性半脱位出现在曲率增加过程中,而B型似乎初期即发生旋转性半脱位。)

9. The gaussian curvature of no . 3 coal seam in qinshui basin is calculated. (翻译:计算了沁水盆地3号煤层的高斯曲率。)

10. In type a, rotary subluxation occurs during progression of the curvature. In type b, it seems to be the initial event. (翻译:型患者旋转性半脱位出现在曲率增加过程中,而B型似乎初期即发生旋转性半脱位。)

11. And here we suddenly begin to have a mapping between curvature that we can exploit numerically, a relative mapping between curvature and shape. (翻译:所以如此,我们突然就开始描绘这个 我们可以通过数学计算曲率, 找出曲率和形状的对应关系。)

12. When it is curved, the law of its curvature seems to be at the least of the first and at the most of the second order. (翻译:当它是曲线的时候,其弯曲的法则看起来至少是一阶至多是二阶。)

13. It is locally convex in the sense that it has no loops and the curvature never changes sign. (翻译:它的局部是凸的,因为它没有环路,且曲率永远不会改变符号。)

14. Much later, Robert Maillart's bridges, which optimize structural form with a calculus curvature almost like a parabola. (翻译:再看马亚尔的桥, 其结构透过 曲率运算的最佳形式得以表现,就像抛物线一样。)

15. You can clearly see the curvature of the Earth at that kind of altitude. (翻译:你能清晰的看到在这一高度时的地球的曲线。)

词的意思:'curvature' 是一个名词,指弯曲、曲率或曲度。它可以指物体表面的曲率,例如球体或弧形线,也可以指数学或物理学中的曲率。

词性:'curvature' 是一个名词。

常用场景:'curvature' 在数学、物理学、天文学、地质学、医学、工程学等领域中常被使用,例如描述曲线、曲面、地球表面的弯曲、人体器官的弯曲等。在日常生活中也有可能用到,例如形容某个球体或物体的弯曲程度。

词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有 'radius of curvature'(曲率半径)、'curvature of the spine'(脊柱弯曲)、'curvature of the earth'(地球弯曲)等。

相关短语:相关短语包括 'curved'(弯曲的)、'curvature tensor'(曲率张量)、'curvature of space-time'(时空的曲率)等。

发音拼写:'curvature' 的发音为 /kɜːvətjʊə(r)/。

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