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flops是什么意思 flops的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:13
  • 283

flops是什么意思 flops的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The fish flops around on the deck of the boat. (鱼在船甲板上翻滚。)

2. When the pancake starts to bubble, it's time to flip it over and cook the other side. (当薄饼开始冒泡时,就是翻转并煮熟另一面的时候了。)

3. The company's latest product was a flop and failed to sell well. (公司最新的产品反响不佳,销售不佳。)




例句:She had some trouble starting her career, starring in a few flops before giving up and moving back to commercials. (她的事业一开始便遇到了困难,彻底放弃之前她拍了几部烂片,又回到广告行业。)


flops一般作为名词使用,如在flip flops([网络] 拖鞋;人字拖;人字拖鞋)等常见短语中出现较多。

flip flops[网络] 拖鞋;人字拖;人字拖鞋


1. One of these polarity flip-flops, known to have occurred 4. 18 million years ago, left its mark in sediments in the CAC. (翻译:这种磁极颠倒在418万年前曾发生过一次,CAC地区的沉积物中就留下了这次颠倒发生过的痕迹。)

2. As you faint, the doctor said, as your neck goes limp and your head flops, your windpipe becomes blocked and you can't breath. (翻译:医生说,当你昏厥时,颈部松弛脑袋一偏,会阻塞气管让你无法呼吸。)

3. To make it even worse, she was wearing flip flops and had long, filthy toenails. (翻译:更坏的是,她穿着拖鞋,露出又长又脏的脚趾甲。)

4. And many of last year's new drinks, such as Coke Blak, a coffee-infused soft drink, and Gold Peak, an iced tea, were flops. (翻译:去年,许多新推出的饮品彻底失败。这些饮品包括了混合咖啡的Blak可乐和GoldPeak冰爽茶。)

5. God, please give us the strength to land our flip-flops and basket tosses. (翻译:上帝 请赐予我们力量 愿后空翻和篮型抛投都成功)

6. And many of last year's new drinks, such as Coke Blak, a coffee-infused soft drink, and Gold Peak, an iced tea, were flops. (翻译:去年,许多新推出的饮品彻底失败。这些饮品包括了混合咖啡的Blak可乐和Gold Peak冰爽茶。)

7. The gambit backfires when said product, an electronic dental "grill" called i Teeth, flops on the market. (翻译:这一精心策划的开局结果却事与愿违,当这一名为iTeeth的电子牙“烤架”产品面市时却无人问津。)

8. Do not wear flip-flops or sneakers , unless you are interviewing to be a lead singer for a rock band. (翻译:除非你是去面试摇滚乐队主唱,不然面试就别穿人字拖或运动鞋。)

9. Come on, everybody. Don't run too fast in your flip-flops. (翻译:大家快来,穿拖鞋别跑太快 我们直接跳进去)

10. Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops -- all '90s phenoms -- are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments. (翻译:粗斜纹棉布,圆领衬衣,拖鞋等等都是90后的特征,只有在非常随意的工作环境中才是可以接受的。)

11. I wonder if it's a good idea to cross the Pyrenees on flip-flops. (翻译:我不知道穿著夹脚拖 穿越庇里牛斯山是不是个好主意)

12. Have you seen my flip-flops? (翻译:看见我的人字拖了吗 Have you seen my flip -flops?)

13. To this day, he remains England's ultimate football icon, which obviously rules him out of captaining our team of footballing flops. (翻译:时至今日 他仍是英格兰的终极足球偶像 所以绝不是他带领我们江河日下)

14. The jet goes right into the medium AOA loaded roll and just flops right back around. (翻译:飞机于就是进入了中度攻角的过载滚转并向右后方向掉落。)

15. - Dad, Stephanie stole my flip-flops. - So deal with it, Gina. Go. (翻译:爸,史蒂芬妮偷了我的东西 那就还给她,吉娜,快去)






词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有flop sweat(体育赛场上因紧张出汗)、flop house(廉价旅馆)、box-office flop(电影票房)等。

相关短语:相关的短语包括flop around(无所事事)、flop down(瘫坐)、flop over(向下倾斜)等。

发音拼写:Flops 的发音是 /flɒps/,其中“f”读作 /f/,“l”读作 /l/,“o”读作 /ɒ/,“p”读作 /p/,“s”读作 /s/。

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