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cheer是什么意思 cheer的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:14
  • 194

cheer是什么意思 cheer的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The crowd started to cheer as the home team scored the winning goal.(当主队打入致胜球时,观众开始欢呼喝彩。)

2. We need to cheer up our friend who is feeling down.(我们需要让情绪低落的朋友高兴起来。)

3. The students cheered wildly as the prinl announced a surprise holiday.(校长宣布有意外放假,学生们疯狂欢呼。)

4. Let's all cheer for the newlyweds as they begin their new life together.(让我们为新婚夫妇加油,祝他们开始新的生活。)




例句:She's doing the best she can, and we're a team now, so if you're gonna cheer, you have to cheer for the both of us, okay? (她已经做的很好了,我们现在是团队 所以你们欢呼的话,应该为我们俩欢呼, 好吗?)


例句:We do believe in harmony ln family and good cheer (我们相信幸福美满的家庭 还有开心快乐的日子)


例句:So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears a single star (让我们为邦尼蓝旗欢呼! 这颗蕴藏着的孤星)


例句:Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? (翻译:有什么办法能让你开心吗? Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?)


cheer一般作为名词、动词使用,如在cheer on(欢呼;喝采;高呼加油:;为某人打气,鼓励)、good cheer(n. 兴高采烈,勇气)、of good cheer((古)愉快的,乐观的)等常见短语中出现较多。

cheer on欢呼;喝采;高呼加油:;为某人打气,鼓励
good cheern. 兴高采烈,勇气
of good cheer(古)愉快的,乐观的
what cheer[网络] 沃特切尔;你感到怎样;你好吗
with good cheer欣然地
make good cheer欢笑,饮酒作乐
take good cheer(因某事而)感到振奋


1. So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears a single star (翻译:让我们为邦尼蓝旗欢呼! 这颗蕴藏着的孤星)

2. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? (翻译:有什么办法能让你开心吗? Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?)

3. What ought lto do to cheer her up? (翻译:我该做些什么来使她高兴呢? )

4. That's one way to cheer her up (翻译:你不知道! 我不气她 她哪来的人生乐趣啊)

5. Daddy, aren't you going to cheer mommy up? (翻译:爸爸,还不快点哄妈咪开心 我快会去的,乖)

6. The colonel was rewarded with a resounding cheer from the men. (翻译:上校被这些人们报以一阵响亮的欢呼。)

7. I don't even think they make wizards anymore. (翻译:and yours and yours. [All cheer])

8. Tad Freeman, Universal Cheer Association. (翻译:是的。Tad Freema, 全国大赛协会。)

9. Let's cheer for her. Corne on! (翻译:让我们为她加油。)

10. Rikako was trying to cheer herself up. (翻译:里伽子力图振作的决心之后 松了一口气的关系)

11. Thank you for coming to cheer me up, but-- l didn't come to cheer you up. (翻译:谢谢你来逗我开心,但 -- 我不是来逗你开心)

12. The audience stands to cheer on their team, the Vancouver Canucks. (翻译:观众们站起来为他们的球队温哥华可纳克队欢呼加油。)

13. Let's cheer for Ah Lup to go all the way! (翻译:请您跟我们一同为阿粒打气! )

14. Only the hardest pyramid known to cheer leading and mankind. (翻译:对于拉拉队和人们来说, 它是最难的金字塔)

15. - Our free cheer service is over as ofthis moment. (翻译:- 我们的免费拉拉队舞步服务此刻将要结束。- 结束 !)

1. 词性和定义:'cheer'是一个动词,意为给予喜悦、支持、鼓舞等。

2. 同义词和反义词:同义词包括encourage、inspire、boost,反义词则是discourage。

3. 句型应用:'cheer'可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,也可以跟上介词或副词,例如cheer someone up、cheer for、cheerfully等。

4. 常见短语:常用的短语有cheer on、cheerleading、three cheers、hip hip hooray等。

5. 用法提示:'cheer'在口语和书面语都很常见,尤其在体育比赛和表演中,常用于鼓励和支持。


1. I was feeling down, but my friend's kind words cheered me up.


2. Let's cheer for our team as they take the field!


3. The crowd cheered loudly as the band started to play.


4. The cheerleading squad practiced their routines every day for the big game.


5. Hip hip hooray! We finally finished our project!


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