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aimed是什么意思 aimed的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-08 06:30:18
  • 217

aimed是什么意思 aimed的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The hunter aimed his gun at the deer. 猎人用枪瞄准了鹿。

2. The company's new marketing strategy is aimed at increasing sales. 公司的新营销策略的目标是增加销售额。

3. The teacher aimed his lecture at the students who were struggling with the material. 老师把他的讲座针对那些在学习上有困难的学生。




例句:That's why he aimed for Fujinami-san during the deal. (所以他才会选在藤波先生 介绍商品的时候下手)


例句:That was a project which aimed to read one copy of the human genome. (那是一个项目 目的在于构建人类基因组遗传图谱)


aimed一般作为名词使用,如在precision aimed(目标精确度)、infrared aimed laser(红外瞄准激光器)等常见短语中出现较多。

precision aimed目标精确度
infrared aimed laser红外瞄准激光器


1. A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. (翻译:为了抑制通货膨胀实施了一系列的政策。)

2. I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes. (翻译:我一直把枪直直瞄准他的眼睛。)

3. Their brief is to undertake outreach work aimed at young African Americans. (翻译:他们的任务是承担主动帮助年轻美国黑人的工作。)

4. Heidegger aimed to deconstruct the foundation and lift obstacles to expose the significance of "here being" . (翻译:而海德格尔则要解构这种基础,为显现“此在”的意义扫清障碍。)

5. The reporters have a aimed their enses on you (翻译:怎么会呢? 记者们一直向着你拍的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The reporters have a aimed their enses on you)

6. But if you've aimed just right, it'll be pure reflex. (翻译:但是如果你己经瞄准了 那正好有了反作用力)

7. My doctrine has never aimed at the subjection of the understanding. (翻译:我的信条从来不主张屈从别人的判断。)

8. No more sarcastic remarks or physical attacks aimed at my boss. (翻译:不再怨天尤人,也不再和我的老板PK。No more sarcastic remarks or physical attacks aimed at my boss.)

9. The new penalties were aimed at dampening down consumer spending. (翻译:新的惩罚措施旨在抑制消费者支出。)

10. My criticism wasn't aimed at you. (翻译:我的批评不是针对你的。)

11. These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime. (翻译:这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。)

12. The HMP is aimed at allowing doctors to better diagnose and treat diseases. (翻译:HMP的目的是为医生能更好的诊断和治疗疾病。)

13. He says that indicting the journalists is just another move aimed at Washington. (翻译:尹德民说,起诉这两名记者就是针对华盛顿的另一个行动。)

14. Steve Jobs's black cube is aimed at the education market. (翻译:史蒂夫. 乔布斯推出的黑立方以教育市场为目标)

15. This study was aimed to investigate the aggregation of rehydrated-lyophilized platelets. (翻译:本研究旨在观察冻干血小板再水化后聚集反应性变化。)

1. 含义:


2. 用途:

(1) 作为动词的过去分词,用于形成被动语态或表示已经完成的动作。例如:

The new policy is aimed at reducing carbon emissions.(这项新政策旨在减少碳排放。)

The missile was aimed at the target.(被瞄准了目标。)

(2) 作为形容词,用于描述某个行动或计划的目的或目标。例如:

The program is aimed at promoting environmental awareness.(这个节目旨在提升环保意识。)

The campaign is aimed at encouraging people to recycle.(这次运动的目标是鼓励人们回收利用。)

(3) 作为副词,用于表示目的或者动作的方向。例如:

She aimed her camera at the beautiful sunset.(她的相机瞄准了美丽的日落。)

The company is aiming to expand its business overseas.(这家公司的目标是扩大海外业务。)

3. 经典用法:

(1) be aimed at:表示“以……为目标”,常用于描述某个行动或计划的目的或目标。例如:

The new initiative is aimed at improving public health.(这项新举措的目标是提高公众健康。)

(2) aim for:表示“旨在”,通常用于描述某个计划的主要目标、愿景或方向。例如:

The company aims for a global market share of 20% by 2025.(这家公司的目标是到2025年占据全球市场份额的20%。)

(3) take aim:表示“瞄准”,通常用于描述狙击手或者射手的动作。例如:

The sniper took aim and fired a single shot.(狙击手瞄准并发一枚。)

(4) aim high/low:表示“志向远大或者不高”。例如:

He always aims high and never settles for less.(他总是有远大的志向,从不甘于平庸。)

She just aims low and doesn't want to take any risks.(她只是目标不高,不想冒险。)


1. The new policy is aimed at reducing carbon emissions. (这项新政策旨在减少碳排放。)

2. She aimed her camera at the beautiful sunset. (她的相机瞄准了美丽的日落。)

3. The company aims for a global market share of 20% by 2025. (这家公司的目标是到2025年占据全球市场份额的20%。)

4. The sniper took aim and fired a single shot. (狙击手瞄准并发一枚。)

5. He always aims high and never settles for less. (他总是有远大的志向,从不甘于平庸。)

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