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amid是什么意思 amid的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-11 07:46:47
  • 200

amid是什么意思 amid的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Amid the chaos of the city, he found a moment of peace in the park.(在城市的混乱中,他在公园里找到了一刻宁静。)

2. The company struggled to survive amid tough competition from .(在竞争激烈的对手中,该公司努力生存。)

3. She remained calm and focused amid the turmoil of the storm.(在风暴的动荡中,她保持冷静和专注。)




例句:Ms. Perez resigned amid rumors of an affair with a high-ranking officer. (Perez因为和一个传而辞职)


例句:A hiker climbs amid volcanic fumes in Russia's Kamchatka peninsula. (一名徒步旅行者在俄罗斯的堪察加半岛的火山烟雾里攀登。)


1. The changes of the seasons are less obtrusive on spots of this kind than amid woodland scenery . (翻译:在这种地方,四季景色的递邅不如林区那样突出。)

2. A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia. (翻译:神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。)

3. A shrimp the size of a staple swims amid dark brown globules of oil. (翻译:一只仅有订书钉大小的小虾在深褐色油滴的包围中游动。)

4. He came on stage amid clapping and cheering. (翻译:他在掌声和欢呼声中走上舞台。)

5. Toyota has already recalled millions of other vehicles amid accelerator and floormat problems. (翻译:丰田因油门和车垫问题已经召回数百万车子。)

6. They had lived amid dirt and foulness. (翻译:他们曾生活在尘垢与肮脏之中。)

7. Amid threats of a no-confidence vote, Mr Brancher went to court. (翻译:在一片不信任投票的威胁声中,布兰·凯尔通过法院宣布辞职。)

8. The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud. (翻译:该公司在一片欺诈的指责声中倒闭了。)

9. The young official added a genuine note of emotion amid the pompous funeral orations. (翻译:这位年轻的高级官员在冗长的葬礼演讲中加了一段充满感情的真诚话语。)

10. You couldn't have gone on living amid this trompe-l'œil architecture, amid these mirrors and columns, amid these doors always ajar, these oversized staircases, in this always-open bedroom. (翻译:你不再继续 生活在这些古老的建筑中 这些镜子和圆柱中)

11. The findings come amid growing concern over the future of the Antarctic. (翻译:这些发现正值人们对南极的未来日益担忧之际。)

12. Strategies on developing China's FTZ ports amid fierce economic competition in Northeastern Asia (翻译:在东北亚经济竞争中我国自由贸易区港发展对策)

13. Rylatech stock plunged amid rumors of spies in the company's ranks. (翻译:Rylatech股票 因为有关内部间谍的传言而暴跌)

14. Amid racism, paranoia, and fears of sabotage, people labelled Japanese Americans as potential traitors. (翻译:由于种族主义、怀疑 和对的恐惧, 日裔美国人被称为潜在的叛徒。)

15. Fearing such settlements amid a recession, a growing number of companies are fighting back. (翻译:经济衰退期间,由于担心EEOC的解决方法,越来越多的公司正发起反击。)


1. 词释:Amid是一个介词,表示在某种环境或中间,含有“在……之中”、“在……中间”的意思。

2. 用法:Amid通常用于修饰动词或名词,常和其他介词词组连用,如amidst、amidst、among等。常用于描述人们或物体在某种背景下的状态或关系。

3. 句法结构:Amid的常见句法结构为:amid + 名词或代词/动名词/形容词/动词-ing。

4. 同义词/反义词:同义词包括among、amongst、in the middle of等,反义词为outside、beyond等。

5. 用例:Amid通常用于描述某种状态或情境,如在战火中生存、在繁华的城市中寻找平静等。


1. Amid the chaos of the city, she found solace in the quiet park.(在城市的喧嚣中,她在安静的公园中找到了安慰。)

2. The company thrived amid a competitive market environment.(该公司在竞争激烈的市场环境中蓬勃发展。)

3. The guests chatted amiably amid the festive atmosphere.(在欢乐的气氛中,客人们愉快地聊天。)

4. The artist created a beautiful painting amid the chaos of his studio.(艺术家在他的工作室混乱的环境中创造了一幅美丽的画作。)

5. Amid the ongoing pandemic, people are urged to practice social distancing to slow the transmission of the virus.(在当前疫情的情况下,人们被敦促练习社交距离以减缓病毒传播。)

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