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green campus是什么意思 green campus的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:31
  • 233

green campus是什么意思 green campus的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Green campus'是指绿色校园,包括为环保和可持续性发展而努力的校园设施、课程和行动。这是提倡可持续发展的一种运动,旨在通过学校的行动来推动环保理念,在校园内创建一个可持续发展的社区。


读音:[ɡriːn ˈkæmpəs]


1. Our school is committed to building a green campus by promoting recycling and reducing waste.


2. The students organized a tree-planting event to contribute to the green campus initiative.


green campus在中文中有"绿色园区、绿色低碳院区"的意思,还有网络的意思,单词读音音标为[greencampus],green campus在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到86个与green campus相关的例句。

Green campus的中文翻译


例句:culture,design,education,green (culture,design,education,green)


例句:adventure,aircraft,engineering,green,technology (adventure,aircraft,engineering,green,technology)


例句:LaMond Green, in a supermarket parking lot. (枪击了一个名叫LaMond Green的黑人少年 LaMond Green, in a supermarket parking lot.)


例句:## Behind this mask, his wings and suit of green ## (翻译:# Behind this mask his wings and suit of green #)


green campus一般作为名词使用,如在campus(校园 )、on campus(在校内)、on the campus(在校内)等常见短语中出现较多。

on campus在校内
on the campus在校内
the campus[网络] 校园;校园酒店;了解校园外部世界的重要性
inter campus[网络] 国际米兰足球学校;国际校园计划
off campus在校外;不住校
open campus开放式校园
satellite campus[网络] 卫星校园;卫星校区
uk campus[网络] 英国校园网


1. LaMond Green, in a supermarket parking lot. (翻译:枪击了一个名叫LaMond Green的黑人少年 LaMond Green, in a supermarket parking lot.)

2. ## Behind this mask, his wings and suit of green ## (翻译:# Behind this mask his wings and suit of green #)

3. Well, I live in Wilton Green, and you live in wherever you- (翻译:我住在Wilton Green 而你住在...)

4. art,business,design,green,history,product design (翻译:art,business,design,green,history,product design)

5. agriculture,climate change,green (翻译:agriculture,climate change,green)

6. architecture,creativity,design,green,technology (翻译:architecture,creativity,design,green,technology)

7. fish,green,mission blue,oceans,science (翻译:fish,green,mission blue,oceans,science)

8. culture,food,global issues,green (翻译:culture,food,global issues,green)

9. Let us look forward to green flowers all over our campus, to open all over the land of our motherland! (翻译:让我们期待绿色之花开遍我们的校园,开遍我们的祖国大地!)

10. architecture,green,partner talk (翻译:architecture,green,partner talk)

11. [ applause ] ♪I see trees of green, red (翻译:♪I see trees of green♪)

12. cars,design,engineering,green,transportation (翻译:cars,design,engineering,green,transportation)

13. The rest of the campus grew around it. (翻译:Built it in 1980. The rest of the campus grew around it.)

14. A How Green Was My Valley thing. (翻译:A How Green Was My Valley thing.)

15. business,global issues,green,plastic,technology (翻译:business,global issues,green,plastic,technology)

1. 词义:绿色校园指的是以生态环保为基础的校园建设理念。

2. 词性:绿色为形容词,校园为名词。

3. 词组搭配:绿色校园也可以表达为“环保校园”、“低碳校园”、“可持续发展校园”等。

4. 短语:green campus initiatives(绿色校园倡议)、green campus certification(绿色校园认证)、green campus technology(绿色校园技术)。

5. 发音拼写:/ɡriːn ˈkæmpəs/


1. 每个学生都应该为构建绿色校园尽一份力。

2. 我们的学校已经着手推行绿色校园计划。

3. 绿色校园项目已经获得了的大力支持。

4. 环保教育是建设绿色校园的一部分。

5. 知识、行动和意识是实现绿色校园目标的关键。


1. Every student should contribute to building a green campus.

2. Our school has already started the green campus initiative.

3. The green campus project has received strong government support.

4. Environmental education is a part of building a green campus.

5. Knowledge, action, and awareness are key to achieving green campus goals.

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