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astonishing是什么意思 astonishing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:31
  • 162

astonishing是什么意思 astonishing的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The sudden drop in temperature was astonishing, and we had to turn up the heat in order to stay warm. (温度的突然降低令人惊讶,我们不得不加热保暖)

2. The acrobat's feats were absolutely astonishing, and the audience couldn't believe what they were seeing. (杂技演员的技艺绝对令人惊艳,观众不敢相信他们所看到的)

3. The amount of work he was able to complete in such a short period of time was astonishing, and his boss was extremely impressed. (他在短时间内完成的工作量令人惊讶,他的老板非常受感动)




例句:I'm not a doctor or a researcher, so this, to me, was an astonishing thing. (我不是医生或研究人员,所以,这对我而言, 是一件很让人吃惊的事。)


例句:And such a star has an astonishing destiny. (密度如此惊人的恒星 And such a star has an astonishing destiny.)


例句:She ran 100m in an astonishing 10.9 seconds. (她以惊人的10.9秒速度跑完了100米。)


例句:Astonishing levels of sloth. (翻译:懒惰得令人吃惊 Astonishing levels of sloth.)


1. She ran 100m in an astonishing 10.9 seconds. (翻译:她以惊人的10.9秒速度跑完了100米。)

2. Astonishing levels of sloth. (翻译:懒惰得令人吃惊 Astonishing levels of sloth.)

://www.ted.com/talks/astonishing_performance_by_a_venezuelan_youth_orchestra_1.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/astonishing_performance_by_a_venezuelan_youth_orchestra_1.html)

4. It can be beautiful. It can reveal quite astonishing things. (翻译:科学很美丽,可以揭露一些令人吃惊的事物。)

5. Filled with astonishing natural events... ..extreme challenges... (翻译:其间有令人赞叹的自然事件... ...超越极限的挑战...)

6. It can be beautiful. It can reveal quite astonishing things. (翻译:科学很美丽,可以揭露一些令人吃惊的事物。)

7. And it's a story in which humans play an astonishing and creative role. (翻译:同时这也是有关人类 发挥惊人能力和创造性作用的故事。)

8. As you can see, the company's work is astonishing, but what's also astonishing is the fact that permission was granted. (翻译:正如你所见,剧团的作品令人震惊。但是更让人震惊的是 我们居然被允许这样做, )

9. I find your work astonishing and to be perfectly frank brilliant. (翻译:我认为你的成果非常惊人 说实话... 简直高明!)

10. It is astonishing numbing, to find that inside you there is a stranger. (翻译:当你发现... 你体内... 有个陌生人)

11. - Astonishing that she was neglected then or is fought over now? (翻译:- 吃惊的是先被冷落 然后现被争着要吗?)

12. It was astonishing. They were also producing mangroves in a plantation. (翻译:我被震惊了。他们同时也生产红树林 在一个人工林里。)

13. The amount is astonishing. (翻译:总数十分惊人 {\3cH202020}The amount is astonishing.)

14. Even the New York coastguard comes to investigate the astonishing sight. (翻译:即使纽约的海岸警卫队 也来观看这一非凡的映像)

15. There is a quality of craftsmanship and precision that is just astonishing and remarkable. (翻译:从星盘中显示的技艺和精准度 是令人为之动容的。)

1. 词性和词义:astonishing是一个形容词,意为“令人惊讶的”,通常用于描述令人难以置信的事物或情况。

2. 用法:astonishing通常用于描述某些令人惊讶的事物或情况,可以用来表达惊讶、震惊、惊奇等情感。

3. 同义词和反义词:类似的单词有:amazing, surprising, shocking;相反的单词有:expected, predictable, ordinary。

4. 派生词:astonishingly是astonishing的副词形式,意为“令人惊讶地”,可以用来进一步描述某些令人惊讶的事物或情况。

5. 常见短语:astonishingly beautiful(令人惊艳的美丽)、astonishingly good(令人惊良好)等。


1. His recovery was nothing short of astonishing.他的康复异常神奇。

2. The view from the top of the mountain was simply astonishing.从山顶俯瞰的景色令人惊叹。

3. The amount of money he spent on that car is astonishing.他花在那辆车上的钱数不可思议。

4. Her performance in the play was astonishingly good.她在戏剧中的表演出奇地好。

5. The sudden appearance of the UFO was astonishing to everyone.UFO的突然出现让所有人都感到惊讶。

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