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global citizen是什么意思 global citizen的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:33
  • 303

global citizen是什么意思 global citizen的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[ɡləʊbəl ˈsɪtɪzən]


1. As a global citizen, it is our responsibility to care about the ongoing issues of the world.


2. Being a global citizen means recognizing and respecting the cultural differences of others.


3. The concept of global citizenship promotes the idea of solidarity and cooperation among nations.


global citizen的中文解释是"世界公民",还经常被翻译为全球公民,单词读音音标为[globalcitizen],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到10个与global citizen相关的例句。

Global citizen的释义


例句:That's the essence of the case determinative. (西弗吉尼亚州的公民 Was a west Virginia citizen.)


例句:- My uncle is a law-abiding citizen. (我叔叔是遵纪守法的公民 My uncle is a law -abiding citizen.)


global citizen一般作为名词使用,如在citizen(公民 )、the citizen([电影]公民)、dual citizen([网络] 双重国籍居民)等常见短语中出现较多。

the citizen[电影]公民
dual citizen[网络] 双重国籍居民
fellow citizenn. 公民同胞
good citizen好公民
honorary citizen[网络] 荣誉市民;荣誉市民证书
individual citizen[网络] 公民个人
industrial citizen[网络] 工业公民
Joe Citizen[网络] 乔公民


1. culture,economics,global issues,investment (翻译:culture,economics,global issues,investment)

2. Internet,computers,education,global issues (翻译:Internet,computers,education,global issues)

3. Indian citizen and London resident, Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, is the chairman and CEO of the global steel company, ArcelorMittal. (翻译:他是印度公民也是伦敦居民,拉克希米米塔尔是全球钢铁公司阿瑟勒米塔尔的董事长和首席执行官。)

4. entertainment,food,global issues,sustainability (翻译:entertainment,food,global issues,sustainability)

5. culture,food,global issues,green (翻译:culture,food,global issues,green)

6. culture,global issues,men,women (翻译:culture,global issues,men,women)

7. U.S. citizen or foreign national? (翻译:美国公民还是外侨 U. S. Citizen or foreign national?)

8. entrepreneur,global issues,poverty,women (翻译:entrepreneur,global issues,poverty,women)

9. Take EyeView, a quintessentially modern start-up, which was a global citizen from its very first day. (翻译:以EyeView,一家典型的当代企业为例,从一出生,就是一个全球公民。)

10. culture,entertainment,global issues,media,music (翻译:culture,entertainment,global issues,media,music)

11. communication,global issues,politics (翻译:communication,global issues,politics)

12. culture,global issues,journalism,politics,technology (翻译:culture,global issues,journalism,politics,technology)

13. I would like to think of myself as a global soul, as a world citizen, a nomad and an itinerant storyteller. (翻译:我认为自己是一个全球人、世界公民, 一个流浪者以及流动巡回的说书人 )

14. culture,global issues,journalism,religion (翻译:culture,global issues,journalism,religion)

15. business,global issues,politics (翻译:business,global issues,politics)

作为一名英语老师,我认为“global citizen”这个单词或缩写词涵盖了以下四个方面:

1. 全球意识(global awareness):意味着一个人关注世界各地的事情,包括国际问题、文化差异、环境问题等等。这个词可以用来描述一个人的思想观念、社交行为和立场。


- It is important for us to cultivate global citizenship and promote cultural diversity. (我们需要培养全球公民意识,促进文化多样性。)

- As a global citizen,我相信环境可持续性和保护我们的星球的重要性。)

2. 现代教育(modern education):指现代教育趋势中追求培养学生全球意识和全球背景的目标。它涵盖了教育跨国界,尊重多样性,推崇跨文化交流和沟通。


- Many schools have started incorporating global citizenship education into their curriculum to prepare students for the 21st century. (许多学校已经开始将全球公民教育纳入课程,为学生做好21世纪的准备。)

- A good global citizen should be able to understand and communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. (一个好的全球公民应该能够理解并与来自不同文化和背景的人交流。)

3. 社会责任(corporate social responsibility):指企业应该承担起实现可持续发展、促进社会和谐、保护环境和资源的社会责任。这涉及到企业文化、管理模式、企业价值观和企业公民意识等多个方面。


- Many companies now realize that being a global citizen means actively contributing to social and environmental causes. (许多公司现在意识到,成为全球公民意味着积极参与社会和环境事业。)

- As a global citizen, our company is committed to sustainable development, responsible business practices,我们公司致力于可持续发展、负责任的商业实践和回馈社群。)

4. 个人价值观(personal values):指一个人的价值观应该不受国界限制,注重全球人类的幸福和福祉。这包括共享资源、支持社区、推动社会平等和等方面。


- Being a global citizen means recognizing our shared responsibility to protect the planet and improve the lives of people around the world. (成为一个全球公民意味着认识到我们共同的责任是保护地球和改善世界各地的生活。)

- As global citizens, we should stand up for human rights, fight against injustices, and promote equality and diversity. (作为全球公民,我们应该为站出来,反对不公正,促进平等和多样性。)


1. A global citizen is someone who sees themselves as a member of a global community, and is committed to a positive difference in the world. (全球公民是那些认为自己是全球社区的成员,并致力于在世界上产生积极的影响的人。)

2. Global citizenship education seeks to foster a sense of responsibility and empathy towards people and the environment across the world. (全球公民教育旨在培养人们对全球范围内的人和环境负责和同情的意识。)

3. Companies have a vital role to play in promoting global citizenship and sustainable development. (企业在促进全球公民意识和可持续发展方面扮演着重要角色。)

4. As individuals, we have the power to make a positive impact as global citizens through small everyday actions. (作为个人,我们可以通过一些小的日常行动作为全球公民产生积极的影响力。)

5. The concept of global citizenship transcends national borders and promotes a shared sense of humanity and responsibility towards the world. (全球公民的概念超越了国界,促进了对世界的共同人类责任感和责任感。)

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